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Permanent Address: Matilde Condominium # 8 Alto Irpavi

Mobile: (591)77!"95
#mail: $monterre%&%a'oo()om
*a Pa+ ,olivia


-tron. )apa)it% to understand problems o/ publi) poli)% anal%sis and propose re)ommendations to improve
Abilit% to desi.n evaluations /rom met'odolo.i)al0 statisti)al and e)onometri) perspe)tives(
1ast e2perien)e in statisti)s0 samplin.0 mi)ro3e)onometri)s0 mi)ro3simulation and so)ial net4or5 anal%sis(
-olid 5no4led.e o/ input3output anal%sis and )omputable .eneral e6uilibrium models(
Abilit% to pro)ess )omple2 databases0 4rite persuasive te)'ni)al reports usin. )lear
Capa)it% to 4or5 4it' interdis)iplinar% teams and under pressure(



Master7s 8e.ree in Publi) Poli)% and Mana.ement( 9arvard Institute /or International 8evelopment Maestr:as para el
8esarrollo( ,olivian Cat'oli) ;niversit%( *a Pa+0 ,olivia( !<<!
,a)'elor7s 8e.ree in #)onomi)s( ,olivian Cat'oli) ;niversit%( *a Pa+0 ,olivia( 199"

#valuation and Applied =esear)' Met'ods0 !<1"( Claremont >raduate ;niversit%( 1irtual Course( Claremont0 Cali/ornia(
-o)ial A))ountin. Matri2 Pro.ram( -tate ;niversit% o/ -an -imon( Co)'abamba0 ,olivia( 199?( -pe)ial distin)tion /or
applied resear)' paper @*a erradi)a)iAn de )ultivos de )o)a % su impa)to sobre los in.resos de los 'o.ares del Brea
Pro$e)t #valuation Pro.ram( Institute /or 8evelopment o/ #ntrepreneurs and Mana.ements( *a Pa+0 ,olivia( 199"



3 Inter-Amer!"n De#e$%&ment '"n() C%n*+$t"nt t% O,,!e %, E#"$+"t%n "n- O#er*./t 0OVE1) Dune !<1" Eebruar%
8uties: Assessment o/ pro$e)ts o/ environment0 roads0 4ater and se4era.e0 edu)ation0 tourism0 nutrition and adaptation to
)limate )'an.e) /inan)ed b% t'e Dapanese Frust Eund( Intervie4s to 5e% in/ormants( Grite te)'ni)al report (appl%in. H#C83
8AC )ore dimensions and additional dimensions)(

3 Ce* Intern"t%n"$) C%n*+$t"nt t% &r%!e** e#"$+"t%n %, J+"n" A2+r-+3 '%n+* 0&r%4e!t t% UDAPE5 ,n"n!e- 63 t/e
Inter-Amer!"n De#e$%&ment '"n(1) Dune !<1" Iovember !<1"(
8uties: Pro)ess evaluation( Met'odolo.i)al advisor /or multidis)iplinar% team o/ )onsultants( Appl% lo.i) model anal%sis (lo.i)
/rame )o'eren)e0 anal%sis o/ indi)ators and assumptions)( Grite te)'ni)al report(

3 CIES Intern"!%n"$) C%n*+$t"nt ,%r 6"*e$ne %, CRIAR Pr%4e!t 0&r%4e!t t% &r%m%te ".r!+$t+r"$ te!/n%$%.e*5 ,n"n!e-
63 t/e Inter-Amer!"n De#e$%&ment '"n(1) Mar)' !<1" Mar)' !<1?(
8uties: 8esi.n o/ 6uestionnaires to 'ouse'olds and lo)al aut'orities( Met'odolo.i)al desi.n /or evaluation purposes
(6uasie2perimental)( -amplin. desi.n( Clean data and pro)essin.( Appl% Propensit% -)ore Mat)'in. te)'ni6ue to assess
results on a.ri)ultural 'ouse'old in)ome0 )omparin. non bene/i)iaries 4it' ne4Jold bene/i)iaries( -o)ial Iet4or5 Anal%sis

applied to assess lin5s bet4een produ)tion and re.ional mar5ets( Grite te)'ni)al report o/ evaluation(
3 S7** A.en!3 ,%r De#e$%&ment "n- C%%&er"t%n) N"t%n"$ !%n*+$t"nt t% e8tern"$ e#"$+"t%n %, PROCAP &r%4e!t
0te!/n!"$ e-+!"t%n ,%r em&$%3ment "n- &r%-+!t%n &r%4e!t1) Ma% !<1" Dune !<1"(
8uties: Met'odolo.i)al desi.n o/ /ormative evaluation( Kualitative anal%sis o/ out)omes and impa)ts obtained b% t'e pro$e)t(
Assessment o/ t'e monitorin. and evaluation s%stem( Eield visits o/ produ)tive entrepreneurial pro$e)ts and te)'ni)al edu)ation
)enters in rural areas( Intervie4s o/ bene/i)iaries0 sta5e'olders and lo)al .overnment aut'orities( Co34rite evaluation report(

3 HI' Intern"t%n"$) C%n*+$t"nt t% t/e m--term e#"$+"t%n %, PAI &r%4e!t 0USAID &r%4e!t t% 6%-#er*t3 !%n*er#"t%n
"n- ,%re*t -e#e$%&ment1) Danuar% !<1! Iovember !<1!
8uties: 8es5 revie4( Anal%+e te)'ni)al do)uments( Met'odolo.i)al advisor% to t'e )onsultant team( -amplin. desi.n to
'ouse'old surve%( 8ata pro)essin.( Anal%+e data and )o34rite evaluation report(

3 Ce* Intern"t%n"$) C%n*+$t"nt t% -e*.n t/e Re.%n"$ S3*tem %, M%nt%rn. "n- E#"$+"t%n %, P$"n Intern"!%n"$)
Danuar% !<1! Iovember !<1!
8uties: Anal%+e te)'ni)al do)uments( Propose out)omes and impa)t indi)ators to evaluate t'e re.ional per/orman)e( 8esi.n
o/ 'ouse'old 6uestionnaire surve%( -ample desi.n (*KA- te)'ni6ue)( 8ata pro)essin.( Grite te)'ni)al report(

3 SNV 0C%%&er"t%n A.en!3 ,%r De#e$%&ment %, Net/er$"n-*1) C%n*+$t"nt '"*e$ne *+r#e3 %, 6"*! *"nt"t%n &r%4e!t*)
M"r!/ 9:;9 < J+ne 9:;9)
8uties: Propose out)omes and impa)t indi)ators( 8esi.n o/ 'ouse'old 6uestionnaire surve%( -ample desi.n (Clustered
sample)( 8ata pro)essin.( Grite te)'ni)al report(

3 SNV 0C%%&er"t%n A.en!3 ,%r De#e$%&ment %, Net/er$"n-*1) C%n*+$t"nt Im&"!t e#"$+"t%n t% ntern"t%n"$
remtt"n!e* *t+-3) M"3 9:;; < Se&tem6er 9:;9)
8uties: Anal%+e o//i)ial surve% data /rom international remittan)es0 sample desi.n o/ national 'ouse'old surve% to re)ipients o/
international remittan)es0 6uestionnaire desi.n0 data pro)essin.0 mi)roe)onometri) anal%sis o/ impa)ts (usin. a 6uasi3
e2perimental model)( Grite an evaluation report o/ international remittan)es(

3 W%r$- '"n() C%n*+$t"nt t% t/e e#"$+"t%n %, t/e C%+ntr3 A***t"n!e Str"te.3) A&r$ 9:;; < J+ne 9:;;)
8uties: =esults evaluation o/ "1 pro$e)ts /inan)ed b% t'e Gorld ,an5 in ,olivia sin)e !<<? (in/rastru)ture0 edu)ation0 'ealt'0
'%dro)arbons0 de)entrali+ation and rural development pro$e)ts)( Identi/i)ation o/ lessons learned to be used in t'e ne4 )ountr%
assistan)e strate.%(

3 SNV '%$#") C%n*+$t"nt t% t/e Im&"!t e#"$+"t%n %, NRECA r+r"$ e$e!tr,!"t%n &r%4e!t*) De!em6er 9:;: < Fe6r+"r3
8uties: Impa)t evaluation anal%sis( 8esi.n o/ t'e 6uestionnaire o/ surve%( 8ata entr% pro.rammin.( 8ata pro)essin. and
mi)roe)onometri) anal%sis( Grite de impa)t evaluation report to I=#CA(

3 SNV 0C%%&er"t%n A.en!3 ,%r De#e$%&ment %, Net/er$"n-*1) C%n*+$t"nt t% ntern"t%n"$ remtt"n!e* *t+-3) J+ne 9:;:
< Se&tem6er 9:;:)
8uties: Anal%+e o//i)ial surve% data /rom international remittan)es0 sample desi.n o/ national 'ouse'old surve% to re)ipients o/
international remittan)es0 6uestionnaire desi.n0 data pro)essin.0 mi)roe)onometri) anal%sis( Grite an anal%ti)al report o/
international remittan)es(

3 En.en-erHe"$t/=USAID) Sen%r !%n*+$t"nt) N%#em6er 9::> < M"r!/ 9::?)
8uties: Impa)t evaluation o/ 'ealt' pro$e)ts /inan)ed b% ;-AI8 and implemented b% #n.ender9ealt' (;(-( I>H) t'rou.' end3
line surve%( -ample desi.n0 6uestionnaire desi.n0 supervision o/ /ield operation0 data pro)essin.0 4rite an anal%ti)al report o/
impa)t evaluation(

3 Str"te.3 A-#*%r* ,%r G%#ernment Re,%rm 0SAX.r1) C%n*+$t"nt) N%#em6er 9::> < J"n+"r3 9::?)
8uties: Midterm evaluation o/ P=HPAI- (so)ial prote)tion pro.ram to emer.en)% emplo%ment .eneration)( Anal%sis o/
met'odolo.% used to muni)ipalities0 sample sele)tion o/ muni)ipalities to .at'er primar% data( 8ata pro)essin.(

3 An-e"n C%mm+nt3) C%n*+$t"nt ,%r /e"$t/ "n- e-+!"t%n) Se&tem6er 9::> < N%#em6er 9::>)
8uties: Propose out)ome and impa)t indi)ators related 4it' =esults ,ased on Monitorin. and #valuation (=,ML#) /rame4or5(
Anal%+e 'ouse'old surve% 6uestionnaires( Grite metadata o/ indi)ators(

3 En.en-erHe"$t/=USAID) Sen%r !%n*+$t"nt) Fe6r+"r3 9::> < A+.+*t 9::>)
8uties: Kuasi3e2perimental desi.n o/ evaluation o/ 'ealt' pro$e)ts /inan)ed b% ;-AI8 in -anta Cru+0 C'u6uisa)a and Fari$a(
Kuestionnaire desi.n0 sample desi.n and sample sele)tion o/ 'ealt' /a)ilities( Frainin. o/ intervie4ers0 data pro)essin. and
4rite a brie/ anal%ti)al report o/ impa)t anal%sis(

3 An-e"n C%mm+nt3) Sen%r C%n*+$t"nt ,%r METAGORA=PARIS9; Pr%4e!t) M"r!/ 9::@ < N%#em6er 9::@)
8uties: Propose a )on)eptual /rame4or5 to demo)rati) .overnan)e measurement( Kuestionnaire desi.n0 pilot test supervision0
data pro)essin.( Grite a met'odolo.i)al and anal%ti)al report0 in)ludin. basi) results usin. t'e ,olivian e2perien)e(

3 En.en-erHe"$t/) Sen%r Re*e"r!/er ,%r '"*e Lne S+r#e3) M"r!/ 9::@ < N%#em6er 9::@)
8uties: Kuasi3e2perimental desi.n o/ evaluation o/ 'ealt' pro$e)ts /inan)ed b% ;-AI8( Kuestionnaire desi.n0 sample desi.n
and sample sele)tion o/ 'ealt' /a)ilities( Frainin. o/ intervie4ers0 supervision o/ /ield operations0 data pro)essin.0 data )leanin.
and 4rite a brie/ anal%ti)al report o/ base line surve%(

3 Unt %, t/e An"$3** %, S%!"$ P%$!e* 0-#*%n %, t/e H+m"n De#e$%&ment Mn*tr31) C%n*+$t"nt %, Im&"!t E#"$+"t%n
t% t/e S%!"$ In#e*tment F+n-5 J+ne ;AAB < O!t%6er ;AAB)


- W%r$- '"n() C%n*+$t"nt t% Ur6"n De#e$%&ment St+-3 n '%$#") J"n+"r3 9:;C < J+ne 9:;D)
8uties: Assess t'e urban development and rural3urban mi.ration trends in ,olivia0 appl%in. so)ial net4or5s anal%sis and
mi)roe)onometri) models( 8istributional anal%sis in main )apital )ities( Povert% and ine6ualit% anal%sis( Compute indi)ators to
anal%+e e)onomi) spe)iali+ation in re.ions( Grite te)'ni)al report(

- W%r$- '"n() S/%rt term !%n*+$t"nt t% M+$t-men*%n"$ P%#ert3 An"$3**) O!t%6er 9::A < M"3 9:;:
8uties: Anal%+e )on)eptual approa)'es o/ 4ell bein. in ,olivia( #2amine ,olivian e2perien)e in multidimensional povert%( Grite
pro)eedin. reports about multidimensional povert%J4el/are measurement0 dis)ussin. )onstrains o/ met'odolo.ies and )omparin.
results o/ di//erent indi)ators(

- W%r$- '"n() S/%rt term !%n*+$t"nt n S%!"$ Pr%te!t%n) N%#em6er 9::B < A&r$ 9::A)
8uties: Anal%sis o/ povert%0 ine6ualit% and vulnerabilit% trends( #23ante evaluation and in)iden)e anal%sis o/ so)ial poli)ies in
,olivia( Anal%sis o/ so)ial prote)tion poli)ies and )onditional )as' trans/ers on povert% and ine6ualit% indi)ators( #stimate /is)al
)ost o/ di//erent desi.n o/ )as' trans/ers(


- E!%n%m! C%mm**%n ,%r L"tn-Amer!" "n- C"r66e"n 0ECLAC1) S%!"$ Pr%te!t%n C%n*+$t"nt) J+$3 9::A < De!em6er
8uties: Anal%sis o/ so)ial prote)tion poli)ies in ,olivia( Anal%sis o/ )overa.e0 /inan)ial )ost and e//e)ts o/ poli)ies on povert% and
ine6ualit% indi)ators( Appli)ation o/ mi)ro3simulation te)'ni6ues to anal%+e pro.ressivit% e//e)ts o/ )as' trans/ers( Grite a
ba)5.round paper /or t'e annual report o/ @-o)ial Panorama o/ *atin3Ameri)aC(


- W%r$- '"n() C%n*+$t"nt t% t/e &r%4e!t EMe"*+rn. *($$* "n- $"6%r m"r(et &er,%rm"n!e n +r6"n "re"* %, C%$%m6"F)
A&r$ 9:;9 < J+ne 9:;9)
8uties: Advi)e t'e sample desi.n o/ 'ouse'old surve% to measure )o.nitive and non3)o.nitive s5ills o/ t'e labor /or)e in main
)apital )ities o/ Colombia( -upervise t'e 6uestionnaire desi.n0 trainin. o/ intervie4ers and /ield operations( 8esi.n o/ pro)edures
to 6ualit% )ontrol o/ data .at'ered and data pro)essin.(

- W%r$- '"n() C%n*+$t"nt t% t/e &r%4e!t EMe"*+rn. *($$* "n- $"6%r m"r(et &er,%rm"n!e n +r6"n "re"* %, '%$#"F)
De!em6er 9:;: < J+$3 9:;9)
8uties: -ample desi.n o/ 'ouse'old surve% to measure )o.nitive and non3)o.nitive s5ills o/ t'e labor /or)e in main )apital )ities
o/ ,olivia( Advi)e and supervise t'e 6uestionnaire desi.n0 trainin. o/ intervie4ers and /ield operations( 8esi.n o/ pro)edures to
6ualit% )ontrol o/ data .at'ered and data pro)essin.(

- P"2 S%$-"n A*%!"-%*) C%n*+$t"nt t% t/e S3*tem %, In,%rm"t%n %, Tm6er Enter&r*e* 0&r%4e!t ,n"n!e- 63 SNV1)
O!t%6er 9:;: < m"3 9:;;)
8uties: Anal%sis o/ t'e timber )'ain value in ,olivian 4oodland area( -o)ial net4or5 anal%sis applied to timber )'ain value (plot
net4or5s)( -ample desi.n o/ Fimber #nterprises -urve%0 6uestionnaire desi.n0 data pro)essin. o/ Fimber #nterprise Capa)it%
Inde2( Anal%sis o/ timber pri)es in main urban mar5ets0 pro)essin. o/ pri)e simple and )omposed pri)e inde2(

- Unte- N"t%n* F+n- ,%r P%&+$"t%n 0UNFPA1) C%n*+$t"nt ,%r -e*.n "n- *+&er#*%n %, t/e EY%+t/ "n- A-%$e*!en!e
N"t%n"$ S+r#e3F) A+.+*t 9::? < J"n+"r3 9::A)
8uties: Con)eptual and sample desi.n o/ t'e surve%0 6uestionnaire desi.n0 sample sele)tion0 trainin. o/ intervie4ers0 supervision
o/ t'e pilot test and /ield operations( 8ata pro)essin. and mi)ro3e)onometri) anal%sis( Grite a national report and seventeen brie/
reports about @Mout' and Adoles)en)e -ituationC(

- N"t%n"$ In*tt+te %, St"t*t!*) C%n*+$t"nt %, n!%me "n- em&$%3ment n-!"t%r*) O!t%6er 9::> < Fe6r+"r3 9::?)
8uties: Anal%+e sample desi.n o/ 'ouse'old surve%s to 'armoni+e indi)ators o/ in)ome and emplo%ment( -u..est outlier
dete)tion and imputation met'ods( =evie4 o/ )on)eptual /rame4or5s to emplo%ment and in)ome measurement( 8ata pro)essin.
usin. 'armoni+ed databases(

- W%r$- '"n() C%n*+$t"nt ,%r t/e In#e*tment C$m"te S+r#e3 n L"tn Amer!") N%#em6er 9::@ < N%#em6er 9::B)
8uties: -upport to sample desi.n o/ t'e Investment Climate -urve% (IC-) in 15 )ountries (MN2i)o0 PanamB0 Colombia0
1ene+uela0 Peru0 ,olivia0 Ar.entina0 ; #)uador0 C'ile0 #l -alvador0 >uatemala0 9onduras0 Ii)
-upport to t'e master 6uestionnaire desi.n0 trainin. o/ intervie4ers in Peru0 1ene+uela0 >uatemala and -alvador( -upervision o/
/ield operation( -upport to 6ualit% )ontrol o/ data usin. -tataOs do3/iles pro.ram(

- N"t%n"$ In*tt+te %, St"t*t!* %, '%$#") J+ne ;AAD < Fe6r+"r3 9::@)

Iational 8ire)tor o/ Census and -urve%s0 Dune !<<? Eebruar% !<<5(

-enior Consultant o/ M#CH1I Pro.ram0 Danuar% !<<" Ma% !<<?(
9ead o/ t'e -o)ial and 8emo.rap'i) -tatisti)s 8epartment0 Danuar% !<<1 8e)ember !<<!(
>eneral Coordinator o/ M#CH1I Pro.ram0 Mar)' !<<< Danuar% !<<1(
9ead o/ 9ouse'old -urve%s 8epartment0 Dul% 1999 Eebruar% !<<<(
9ead o/ Iational #mplo%ment -urve% 8ivision0 Eebruar% 1998 Dune 1999(
Consultant o/ 9ouse'olds -urve%s0 Iovember 199 Danuar% 1998(
Anal%st o/ t'e Inte.rated 9ouse'old -urve%0 -eptember 1995 Ma% 199(
-pe)ialist o/ -o)ial A))ountin. Matri20 Dune 199? Au.ust 1995(

Main duties in several positions listed: Kuestionnaire desi.n o/ M#CH1I surve%s0 support t'e sample desi.n0 pilot test0 trainin. o/
intervie4ers0 supervise data entr%0 data )leanin.0 data pro)essin.( 8esi.n o/ s%stem o/ so)ial indi)ators0 supervise metadata
4ritten b% spe)ialists (demo.rap'i)s0 'ealt'0 edu)ation0 'ousin.)(

- AGRODATA - R+r"$ De#e$%&ment O,,!e) A***t"nt n St"t*t!*5 M"r!/ ;AAD - M"3 ;AAD)

Te"!/n. e8&eren!e

'%$#"n C"t/%$! Un#er*t3) Pro/essor o/ Mi)roe)onomi)s and Einan)e( !<1" !<1?
'%$#"n Pr#"te Un#er*t3) Pro/essor o/ -tatisti)s In/eren)e( !<1?
'%$#"n Pr#"te Un#er*t3) Pro/essor o/ -tatisti)al -amplin.( !<1"
Fr"n2 T"m"3% Un#er*t3) Pro/essor o/ Introdu)tion to #)onomi)s( 1995 1997

A!"-em! &+6$!"t%n* 0T/e**1

Costa Dimena % Davier Monterre%( !<<!( Anlisis del impacto de procesos de ingobernabilidad sobre la gestin municipal(
F'esis to obtain t'e master de.ree( Maestr:as para el 8esarrollo ,olivian Cat'oli) ;niversit%( *a Pa+ 3 ,olivia(
Monterre% Davier( 1995( Evaluacin de los Programas de Transferencia de Tecnologa Agropecuaria en un contexto de
Desarrollo Alternativo: El caso de Villa 1 de !eptiembre del "#apare$ F'esis to obtain t'e ba)'elor de.ree( ,olivian
Cat'oli) ;niversit%( *a Pa+ 3 ,olivia(



,ar$a >over0 Monterre% Davier and 1illarroel !<<9( #ssa%s in Ma)roe)onomi) Anal%sis o/ -mall Hpen #)onomies:
Appli)ation o/ elasti)ities and simple .eneral e6uilibrium modelin. in ,olivia( #dit: 18M 1erla. 8r( MPller( ;(-(A(

PNre+3Cueto Armando0 Androni5i Ias5a0 Monterre% Davier0 Alman+a *ope+ Ma.ali0 Fri)'opoulou Antonia and Qolsteren
Patri)5( !<<( %&onitoring food and nutrient availabilit' in a nationall' representative sample of (olivian #ouse#olds)(
,ritis' Dournal o/ Iutrition(

Monterre% Davier( !<<?( @El !ector *nformal +rbano en (olivia)( #n: #l se)tor in/ormal en Colombia % demBs pa:ses de la
Comunidad Andina( 8AI# 3 -e)retar:a >eneral de la Comunidad Andina(

Monterre% Davier( !<<"( %&arco conceptual para medicin del empleo e indicadores del mercado de traba,o)( C#PA*0 ,I8 3
Pro.rama M#CH1I( ,uenos Aires Ar.entina(



Costa Dimena % Davier Monterre%( !<<!( Anlisis del impacto de procesos de ingobernabilidad sobre la gestin municipal(
F'esis to obtain t'e master7s de.ree( Maestr:as para el 8esarrollo ,olivian Cat'oli) ;niversit%( *a Pa+ 3 ,olivia(

Monterre% Davier( 1995( Evaluacin de los Programas de Transferencia de Tecnologa Agropecuaria en un contexto de
Desarrollo Alternativo: El caso de Villa 1 de !eptiembre del "#apare$ F'esis to obtain t'e ba)'elor7s de.ree( ,olivian
Cat'oli) ;niversit%( *a Pa+ 3 ,olivia(


Monterre% Davier0 !<11( #valua)iAn de impa)to de pro%e)tos de ele)tri/i)a)iAn rural /inan)iados por el 8epartamento de
A.ri)ultura de los #stados ;nidos (;-8A)( -I1( *a Pa+ ,olivia(

Monterre% Davier0 !<11( AnBlisis de redes so)iales apli)ado al se)tor maderero de >uara%os0 Coon)ep)iAn0 -an
de 1elas)o % =iberalta( -I1( *a Pa+ ,olivia(

Monterre% Davier0 !<1<( #/e)tos de las remesas interna)ionales en el bienestar de los 'o.ares re)eptores e identi/i)a)iAn
de servi)ios demandados( -I1( *a Pa+ ,olivia(

Monterre% Davier0 !<1<( #2perien)ias de medi)iAn de pobre+a multidimensional en ,olivia( ,a)5.round paper( Gorld
,an5( *a Pa+ ,olivia(

Monterre% Davier0 !<1<( -uma KamaRa 3 -uma6 Qa4sa%: la )on)ep)iAn an)estral del @bien vivirC )omo alternativa al
pensamiento sobre el desarrollo( ,a)5.round paper( Gorld ,an5( *a Pa+ ,olivia(

Monterre% Davier0 !<<9( *as Pol:ti)as de Prote))iAn -o)ial % -upera)iAn de la Crisis en ,olivia( ComisiAn #)onAmi)a para
AmNri)a *atina( -antia.o C'ile(

Monterre% Davier0 !<<9( Importan)ia del se)tor de la )onstru))iAn en la estru)tura produ)tiva de ,olivia( =evista de la CBmara
,oliviana de Constru))iAn( ,olivia(

=in.old 8ena0 1elas)o Ale$andra and Monterre% Davier( !<<7( Fo4ard a -o)ial Prote)tion Iet4or5( 8ra/t ba)5.round paper(
F'e Gorld ,an5( Gas'in.ton0 8C(

Gal5er Ian0 Monterre% Davier0 Maldonado -tanislao and Mo5o'ama #mm%( (!<<7)( Povert%0 Ine6ualit% and 1ulnerabilit% in
,olivia( 8ra/t ba)5.round paper( F'e Gorld ,an5( Gas'in.ton0 8C(

8uran =osemar%0 >oldber. =a)'el % Monterre% Davier( !<<( #n)uesta de l:nea de base de ACK;I=# ,olivia !<<5: In/orme
tN)ni)o( ACK;I=# estudios de evalua)iAn e investi.a)iAn( ;-AI8 ACK;I=#( ,olivia(

Monterre% Davier( !<<5( >obernabilidad 8emo)rBti)a % =edu))iAn de Pobre+a: Apro2ima)iAn )on)eptual % resultados
emp:ri)os para ,olivia( -e)retar:a >eneral de la Comunidad Andina % M#FA>H=AJPA=I-!1(

,ar$a >over0 Monterre% Davier and 1illarroel !<<5( T#e Elasticit' of !ubstitution in Demand for -on.Tradable /oods in
(olivia( Inter 3 Ameri)an 8evelopment ,an5( =esear)' Iet4or5 Gor5in. Paper #=3?88(

,ar$a >over0 Monterre% Davier and 1illarroel !<<?( ,olivia: Impa)t o/ s'o)5s and poli)% on 'ouse'old 4el/are( >lobal

8evelopment Iet4or50 International Monetar% Eund and Gorld ,an5(


-tatisti) -o/t4are: -tata (advan)ed)0 -P-- (mid)0 #)onometri) 1ie4s (mid)0 #PI IIEH (mid)0 >ep'i (mid)
Commer)ial -o/t4are: Gord0 #2)el and Po4er Point (advan)ed)

#n.lis': =ead (mid)0 *istenin. (mid)0 4rite (basi))0 oral (basi))(

-eptember o/ !<1?(

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