Atmosphere Layers Good One

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Layers of earths atmosphere p.

How was the atmosphere formed?
Atmosphere has changed (evolved) over time.

Earths early atmosphere was outgassed from
the interior through release of gases and volcanic
eruptions. This is sometimes referred to as
geologic activity.

Gasses were held near the surface by gravity.

Many factors, such as solar radiation and
photosynthesis , help the atmosphere to develop
into what we enjoy today.
Layer closest to the earth
People live here
Weather happens here
Temperature decreases (gets colder)
as you go up
Starts at top of
troposphere to
about 50 km
Second layer
Where jets fly
Ozone layer is found here
Temperature increases (gets warmer)
as you go higher
50-80 km above the earths surface
Coldest layer of the atmosphere
Temperature decreases as you go up
Meteors burn at this layer

Thermosphere broken into 2 parts
Temperature increases as you
go up, hottest layer
*Radio waves are reflected
back to earth
*Auroras occur here

Top of the thermospehre
Satellites orbit here

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