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Gmail - State Block Grant for DEA

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Raymond Crawf ord ',S i. .I J -. . . , ;
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State Block Grant f or DEA
5 messages

!lk \2
Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 4:48 PM
Have any funds been released yet for any phases of the Dallas Executive Airport runway reconstruction?
Is that project to begin in December?
And will when it go out for bid?
Thank s very much
Raymond Crawford
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Wed, Sep 3,2014 at 1:36 PM
We are estimating it should bid in about a month. Until the project bids- we will not k now when it will begin. After bid
opening there is 60 days to award the contract. After the contract is awarded, when the contractor actually begins work ,
would be discuss at a later meeting - we would not have that date set yet until we have an awarded contractor. It is too
early in the process.
From: Raymond Crawford [, j 3 .
Sent: Monday, September 01,20144:49 PM
To: Allison _ _
Subject: State Block Grant for DEA
[Quoted text hidden]
Don't mess with Texas means don't litter.
_ Dont
!III1HillX mes g W I ' tb
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Raymond Crawford~ j _ I
To: Allison
Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 2:07 PM
So the money is not released until after it goes to bid and then awarded. Correct?
Thank s
Sent from my iPad
[Quoted text hidden]
AIlison _ Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 2:08 PM
lof2 9/10/20144:54 PM
Gmail - State Block Grant for DEA
TO~_ ""
From: Raymond Crawfo
Sent: Wednesday, September 03,20142:07 PM
To: Allison Martin
Subject: Re: State Block Grant for DEA
[Quoted text hidden]
[Quoted text hidden]
Raymond Crawf ord Thu, Sep 4, 2014at 8:21AM
[Quoted text hidden]
"iJ :'
2of2 9110/20144:54 PM

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