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SepLember 2014
1o whomever lL may concern,
l have been Lhe Leacher wlLh Lhe responslblllLy of coordlnaLlng Lhe placemenL of Lucy 8oss
aL our school Lhls Lerm and for her plannlng sesslons ln Lerm 2.
l have found Lucy Lo be an excepLlonal sLudenL Leacher. She has puL ln hours beyond whaL
has been expecLed of her, belng aL school well before elghL o'clock each mornlng and
remalnlng aL school usually laLer Lhan 3.30pm each evenlng. Lucy has even meL wlLh Lhe
class Leacher, Mrs ChrlsLy eLLlL, Lo do plannlng, aL weekends.
Lucy ls always well organlsed, courLeous, professlonal and smarLly dressed. She ls pollLe and
llsLens and responds well Lo advlce glven. Lucy, as parL of her sLudles, has helped Lo produce
orLfollo currlculum sheeLs for numeracy, LlLeracy, PlsLory, Ceography and Sclence (all
naLlonal Currlculum llnked) for all year groups aL our school from re-rlmary Lo ?ear Slx.
1hls has Laken many hours of her personal Llme and has been produced Lo a very hlgh
Lucy ls a Lruly amazlng sLudenL. Per dedlcaLlon Lo her chosen professlon and deLermlnaLlon
Lo be Lhe besL she can posslbly be ls a pleasure Lo observe. Lucy has flLLed well lnLo our
school and ls well llked by all sLaff and parenLs, as well as Lhe sLudenLs. She ls an excellenL
Leam player and modesL ln her approach Lo esLabllshlng relaLlonshlps wlLhln Lhe school
l would recommend Lucy for any rlmary poslLlon.
klnd 8egards,

Carollne Payes, Class 1eacher and asLoral Care CoordlnaLor

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