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Hoy 1

Tiffany Hoy
Intermediate Writing 2010
September 10, 2014
The source I am going to use is titled, Bring Back All Girls written by Belinda
Luscombe and Rana Foroohar. I appreciate their strategy of using a lot of their own sources to
get a bunch of facts for their research. I also liked the organizing of their article. It wasnt all
over the place when I read it.
I like how they started off because from their first sentence that I read, it got my attention
and I wanted to read more. It didnt bore me with facts, it interested me to learn more because
they started off telling a story of what happened in Northern Nigeria. They started off with a
story of a class of girls getting kidnapped, then explained the modern slave trade and how it is
happening all over the world. They also stated how sex trafficking works, who they are targeting
and how to try to stop it.
I would like to try to have an eye catching story in my paper because that makes it more
interesting to read. It also makes sense to have a story, then explain the facts you have afterwards
because then you can reference back to the story. It would be very useful to have all the
information in my paper, like trying to explain how sex/human trafficking works to somebody
that has never heard of it before.

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