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RISE Kohyang Middle School

Grade Algebra

Instructor: Ms. Orellana
Office Hours: By Appointment
Course Description
Welcome to eighth grade math! I am excited to guide and assist you through your LAST math journey at RKMS. We will have three
general focus areas, as identified by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), during this school year and are as follow: (1)
formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear
equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to
describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and
congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem. It may sound a bit daunting and overwhelming, however,
my goal is to facilitate learning through hands-on activities, group collaborations, performance tasks, and continuous mastery

Course Goals
Our goal is for every scholar to demonstrate mastery of at least 80% of the CCSS via quizzes, exams, and assessments. We also want
to ensure that all scholars are prepared for their high school math courses by developing an intrinsic motivation for learning. This
motivation should be evident through perseverance (completion of assignments, always trying your personal best), ability to
advocate for yourself (asking questions, contributing to class discussion, attending tutoring and RtI when needed, communicate
needs), refinement of study habits (completion of SI assignments, performance on quizzes/tests/benchmarks/midterms/finals), and
ability to critically analyze the ideas presented during class.

Course Grading Scale
The grading system adopted by our school is a 4-point, standards-based grading scale. All assessments, projects, and assignments
will correlate with the eighth grade math CCSS and will reflect your level of mastery using the following scale:

I have an excellent understanding of the material! I can explain why I chose the procedure used and explain ALL of
the steps taken to solve each problem.



I have a good understanding of the material and can complete each problem using the correct procedure. I am
ready to challenge myself to explain each step taken to solve each problem.



I know the basic information to start solving the problems given. I need extra practice to help me reach the next


I have little understanding of the material being taught. I need one on one help with the standard being taught.



I was absent the day this assignment was given and need to schedule a time to take it.

The following table delineates our 8
grade yearlong instructional plan.

Unit 1

Integers and

Students know and apply integer rules.
Students apply and justify reasoning for applying Order of Operations.

Grade Review

Unit 2

Rational and
Irrational Numbers

Students know there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by
rational numbers.

8.NS.1, 8.NS.2

Unit 3

Properties of
Students can work with radicals and integer exponents.
8.EE.1, 8.EE.2

Unit 4

Scientific Notation

Students apply exponent properties to solve operations involving scientific notation.

8.EE.3, 8.EE.4

Unit 5
Equations Students analyze and apply properties of real numbers to determine the solution(s)
to equations and simplify expressions.
Unit 6

Students use functions to model relationships between quantities.

8.F.1, 8.F.2, 8.F.3
Embed: 8.SP.3

Unit 7 Graphing Linear

Students understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and
linear equations.

8.EE.5, 8.EE.6, 8.F.4, 8.F.5
Embed 8.SP.2, 8.SP.3)

Unit 8 Systems of Linear
Students analyze and solve linear equations and pairs of simultaneous linear
Unit 9 Transformations

Students understand congruence and similarity using physical models,
transparencies, or geometry software.
8.G.1, 8.G.2, 8.G.3, 8.G.4
Unit 10 Pythagorean
Students understand, apply, and justify reasoning when using the Pythagorean
8.G.5, 8.G.6, 8.G.7, 8.G.8

Unit 11 Volume

Students solve real-world and mathematical problems involving volume of cylinders,
cones and spheres.
Unit 12 Statistics and
Students will investigate patterns of association in bivariate data. 8.SP.1, 8.SP.4

Expectations are devised to safeguard each students educational growth. In order to best serve and meet every students needs,
we, the eighth grade class, must maximize and respect our instructional time. With that said, this is what I expect from each student:
P..Prepared Students should arrive to class on time with ALL necessary materials (sharpened pencils, pens, highlighters,
etc.). All IWOC should be 100% complete every day. Students who do not complete IWOC will receive a demerit.

R..Respect Students should treat each other, their teachers, their classroom, classroom time, and their school with the
highest level of respect. Take a couple of seconds to THINK before acting:
Is it True?
Is it Helpful?
Is it Inspiring?
Is it Necessary?
Is it Kind?
There are times when we make undesirable choices and if that is the case then take the time to acknowledge
your mistake, offer a sincere apology, and articulate an action plan.
Ex: I am sorry for _____________. I will make sure I dont make the same mistake by doing ____________.

E.. Engaged Students will remain focused for the duration of the class, will track speakers (hold comments and questions
until the speaker has finished talking), and will participate by raising their hands (participation includes: engaging in on-task
conversations during group/pair work, asking questions, providing their best response when called upon, and providing
insightful connections and comments that are relevant to the discussion).

P..Professional Students will always be in proper RISE uniform with shirts tucked in. Students will interact with each other
and school staff in a professional manner.

Daily Procedures
1. Silently line up in alphabetical order outside of our classroom, face forward, and wait for teacher.
2. Enter the classroom silently after teacher gives the ok signal (thumbs up).
3. Walk directly to your seat.
4. Prepare for class by taking out your supplies and IWOC (refer to board for supply list). Place your backpack underneath your
seat. 2 minutes
5. Write down IWOC in your planner then begin working on the DO NOW. 5 minutes
6. Observe all class rules.
7. Wait for teacher to signal clean up time.
8. Clean Up (Put away your personal items and IWOC, clean up your work station, place trash in trash cans).
9. Teacher will signal students to line up.
10. Teacher will walk students out.
Use of bathroom during instructional time
Students are encouraged to use the restroom and/or visit the water fountain during the allotted bathroom breaks,
before and after school, and during lunch. I understand that sometimes we have unexpected emergencies; therefore,
each student can have ONE bathroom pass PER MONTH. You will receive a demerit for using this pass, per school
Bathroom Pass Instructions:
a) Signal for bathroom (only if you know you have a bathroom pass) and wait for teacher to signal ok.
b) Use the bathroom log to sign out (date and time).
c) Take the appropriate pass with you (Boy Pass/Girl Pass).
d) Sign in using the bathroom log (time).
e) Return to your work station silently and begin working.
Class Agreements
A. Rules
1. We will demonstrate PREP
2. We will use hand signals
3. We will always try our personal best
B. Consequences
Offense: Warning and 1 Demerit
Offense: Rethink: Teacher-Student Conference during lunch or after school and 1 demerit
Offense: Email/phone call home and Teacher-Student-Student Conduct Manager Conference and 1 demerit
Offense: Student-led conference with Student Conduct Manager, Teacher, Parents and Principal
*Three demerits earned collectively during one school day will constitute an after school detention.
C. Rewards
a) If you receive 6 or more math merits during a week (Friday to Thursday then you will earn one student buck and a
positive phone call/email home.
b) If you do not receive any demerits during a week (Friday to Thursday) then you will receive one student buck.
c) If you complete ALL of your IWOCs to the best of your ability (attempt EVERY problem) then you will receive one
student buck at the end of the week (Monday to Friday)
*Student bucks are used to purchase privileges or items from the student store.

IWOC Expectations:
IWOC (Independent Work Outside of Class) has two purposes:
A) Students should use IWOC as a self-assessment piece. If you are having a difficult time completing the assignment then it
probably means you are not understanding the concept. Anything that was not understood should be discussed with the
teacher during the allotted homework discussion time and/or tutoring.
B) IWOC is also an opportunity for practice before the final standards-based assessment. This is your study guide and your
opportunity to study and prepare to demonstrate mastery on the upcoming assessment piece.
IWOC will be assigned every day (Monday through Friday). It is to be completed independently, by the student, and to the best of
the students ability. Students are expected to SHOW WORK for EVERY problem. If you come across a problem that you do not
understand DO NOT skip it. Attempt the problem (go as far as you can) and leave the work for me to review. If your IWOC has one
blank problem then it will be considered incomplete and you will receive a demerit. Please note that 5% of your grade is based on
your IWOC completion. Be aware that opting not to complete your IWOC WILL affect your grade. Please make sure to write an
appropriate heading on your IWOC PRIOR to walking into class. IWOC will be collected daily.
Assignment heading is to be displayed on the top, right hand side of your paper and should include the following:
Student Number

Making up Assignments
1. Missed assignments due to absence
All assignments due to an absence are to be completed and submitted for grading at the beginning of class two days after
the absence.
Example: If I was absent on Monday, I have Tuesday and Wednesday to work on my assignments. I will submit my work to
Ms. Orellana on Thursday at the beginning of my period.
2. Missed/Incomplete assignments by choice
If you choose not to attempt or complete an assignment then you will receive a demerit because you opted not to be
prepared for class. The assignment is to be completed for IWOC and submitted at the beginning of class the next day. You
will earn a demerit for EVERY day the assignment is missing. Also, please write the word LATE underneath your student
Example: If you dont do Monday nights IWOC then youll have to complete it on Tuesday night IN ADDITION to completing
Tuesday nights IWOC.
If your assignment is not completed within the allotted time frame, I will assume you are having difficulty with your
assignment. You will be assigned a thirty-minute study hall session that is to be completed after school. The study hall
session will allow me to help/tutor you on the missed/incomplete assignment. You will also have to complete a reflection
sheet explaining why the homework was not completed and will include an action plan in case this situation arises again.
The reflection sheet will require a parent signature.
3. Making up assignments to earn a higher grade
If you completed an assignment and would like an opportunity to improve your score, then come to my room after school
and we will find an alternate assignment. Please make sure you are ready to attempt the assignment again before
approaching me (make sure you have studied by reviewing your notes, watched a tutorial, attended tutoring, or attempted
more problems online). Keep in mind: Do not wait until days before an OTCU report to make up assignments; make up and
resubmit assignments shortly after receiving them.

Academic Honesty
Cheating- deliberately copying a peers assignment, completing a peers assignment, using unapproved materials during
assessments, verbally sharing answers, providing answers using signals, and plagiarism- is absolutely NOT tolerated. Students are
encouraged to ask questions before, during, and/or after school. Cheating is detrimental to the learning of the student who is
cheating and the student who is supporting the cheating. Students who are found cheating (both the person copying and the person
providing the answers) will automatically receive a 0 on the assignment, will be assigned automatic detention, parents will be
contacted, and will lose 10 PREP score points.

Students are responsible for keeping all materials in a safe and accessible place. Students should replace materials, as necessary, in a
TIMELY manner.
A) Two 5-subject spiral
D) 2-pocket portfolio

G) College ruled
J) Old, clean sock or
wash cloth (for
M) Highlighter
B) Protractor, Compass,
and 12 inch ruler
E) Post-its H) 3 Dry erase
K) 2 glue sticks N) 3 pencils

C) 3 Different colored
pens (not black or
F) Pack of Graph
I) Small Whiteboard L) Scissors O) Colored Pencils
I have read and understood what is expected of me in math class during the 2014-2015 school year.
Student Name:__________________________ Student Signature:____________________ Period:________
Parent Name:___________________________ Parent Signature:_____________________ Date:__________
Please include parent contact information to facilitate communication. Thank you.
Phone Number(s):___________________________________________ Best day(s) and time(s) to contact:__________________________________

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