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Grade World History
Ms. Sanchez
Students will be able to understand, reflect, and connect major events and themes of
World History from 1700-1990s to the world around us today.
Students will be able to write essays effectively driven by a thesis supported by
thoroughly analyzed and accurate evidence.
Class Expectations
Participate ask/answer questions, and share thoughts, emails will be answered if
received before 9pm
Open your mind different opinions and perspectives are welcome and respectful
debate is encouraged!
Work as a class community your behavior and effort affects everyone around you
Do your best with a positive attitude strive to improve your own work
Required Materials
1binder, college rule paper, pen / pencils / highlighters, markers, post-its. These supplies are
essential to our daily work. Respect yourself and bring them
Class Binder
This is our continuing project
It will be divided into the following sections: Historical Skills, Writing Skills, Target List,
and then divided by unit
I will keep my own binder along with you in order to help with organization. I will check
your notebook unannounced for a grade.
Graded Assignments: Monthly participation calendar, weekly quizzes, essays, multiple-
choice / short answer unit test, oral presentations, and creative projects
Homework Tracker: For each unit, you will receive a stamp for each completed homework
assignment and are allowed three late assignments. If you complete all assignments, youll
receive a bonus on the unit test.
Absence Policy dont be absent
You have only one day to turn in work late
o It will be credit if you fail to contact me the day of your absence
o It will be FULL credit if you email me the day of your absence
ONLY if you contact me, can we work out a plan for your missing work
Grade Break Down
A (90%-100%) = 3.4 4.0 B (80%-89%) = 2.7 3.39
C (70%-79%) = 2.0 2.69 F (0%-69%)= 0 1.99 (not proficient / NP)

Your and your parents signature represents the promise to do your best work and confirms
that you understand what is expected of you and have discussed the details of the class
together. Keep this in your binder

I have read, discussed, and understand the class requirements.

Student Signature ________________________________ Date ________

Parent Signature ________________________________ Date ________
World History unit Map / Pacing Plan
Semester One
Quarter 1 Quarter 2
Essential Questions

1.What is the nature/purpose of government?
2. What forces drive revolution and/or
government upheaval?

Essential Questions

1.What impact does economic and
technological advancement have on social
and global equality?
2.What are the benefits and cost of the

Standard Assessed

10.2.1 Students compare the major ideas of
philosophers and their effect on the democratic
revolutions in England, the United States,
France, and Latin America
Standard Assessed

10.3.1 Students analyze why England was
the first country to industrialize.

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