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1. What is Skill Training?

A skill training is
A training is
For example, .

2. Who can buy or sell stocks?
taong eligible para mag-engage dun
3. When will be the good time to start?
Kapag intellectually, professionally, financially, physically and socially ready na.
4. How much is the minimum initial money to start?
initial money depends on the tuition fee kapag further education. Training fee kapag skills
training or seminars
5. Where?
Sa institutions na nagooffer nun
6. How?
ung logistics ng further educ/skills training
7. When will be the good time to collect/ harvest?
hindi guaranteed agad. Pero one thing is for sure, higher degree is tantamount to higher position
and higher pay. Wlang specified time to harvest. It Depends
8. Who did?
Try to interview si sir oliver mariano kung ang focus sa field nten (ECE), pero kung gusto nten
unique, pwedeng celebrity na nagpursue ng graduate studies or politician, ung secretary general ng
Alternative- look for articles regarding to our topic na featured ung mga tao. Syempre may
interview dun. Then kunin ung mga relevant sa topic nya

9. Why?
Mas mataas ang pinag-aralan mas mataas ang posisyon, one can be promoted

10. Possible Rate of Return?
Rate of return is average kasi gumagastos ka pero nababawi nman sa sweldo. Compared sa
stocks and businesses. Sa stocks kasi high ung rate kung puro in favor sa corporation. Tapos pwedeng

11. Conclusion


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