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Viva Voice Questions

1.What is Periodic Waveform.
2.Explain Time domain and frequency Domain Concept of Waveform.
3. What is harmonics.
4. What is Fundamental Frequency

1. Define AM and draw its spectrum?
2. Give the significance of modulation index?
3. What are the different degrees of modulation?
4. What are the limitations of square law modulator?
5. Compare linear and nonlinear modulators?
6. Explain how AM wave is detected?
7. Define detection process?
1.Whats the mean of superhetrodyne process?
2.What is TRF Reciever.
3.What is Gang Tuning.
4. Explain Image Frequency.
5. Explain Low beat & High beat Injection.

1. Define frequency modulation?
2. Define modulation index and frequency deviation of FM?
3. What are the advantages of FM?
4. What is narrow band FM?
5. Compare narrow band FM and wide band FM?
6. Differentiate FM and AM?
7. Draw the circuit of varactor diode modulator?
8. What is the bandwidth of FM system?
9. How does ratio detector differ from fosters eely discriminator?

1. What is transmission Line.
2. Explain Basic parameters of transmission Line.
3.What do you mean by inpur impedance.
4. What is Attenuation.
5. Give difference between attenuation and distortion.

Exp-6,7 & 10
1. What is sampling, define NYQUIST criterion.
2.What is aliasing? Why does it happen?
3.What are PAM, PPM, and PWM?
4. Draw waveforms for the above.
5.what is Instantaneous Sampling
6. What is Falt Top Sampling.
7. What Is Aliasing.
8.How to recover information signal from Sampled Signal.
9.Explain Demodulation of PAM Signal.
10. Explain Demodulation of PWM Signal.
11.Explain Demodulation of PPM Signal.
12.What is Duty Cycle.
13.Whats the Effect of Duty cycle on demodulation of PAM Signal.
Q.1 What is a multiplexer?
2.What is the function of an enable input on a multiplexer chip?
3. What is frequency division multiplexing.
4 Give various applications of frequency division multiplexing.
5. Explain Difference between FDM & TDM.
Q.1 What is a multiplexer?
2.What is the function of an enable input on a multiplexer chip?
3. What is Time division multiplexing.
4 Give various applications of TIME division multiplexing.
5. Explain Difference between FDM & TDM.
6. What is DSBSC Signal.

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