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ls exclLed Lo announce CommunlLy
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lees are golng Lowards savlng Lhe old 8lgby
!r. Plgh School& Lurnlng lL lnLo a CommunlLy CenLer.

Classes wlll be held ln Lhe basemenL of 8lgby's
ClLy Llbrary (110 n SLaLe SLreeL) from 8pm-9pm.

Classes are $23/couple prepald, or $30/couple aL Lhe door.
!une 18 Slngle Swlng
!une 26 Cha Cha
!uly 2 nlghL Club 2-SLep
!uly 9 WalLz
!uly 16: 8rlng a desserL, and
en[oy a nlghL of open dance.

ConLacL Sara Crover Lo slgn up aL
& [oln Lhe lacebook group:

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