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1. Name :
2. Age :
3. Marital Status :
4. Monthly income :
5. Education Level :
. !or"ing Level :
#. !or"ing E$%erience :
a. &elo' 5 years ( ) *. to 1+ years ( )
c. 11 to 25 years ( ) d. a*ove 25 years ( )
,. -our .%inion a*out 'or"ing condition
a. /ery good ( ) *. 0ood ( )
c. Average ( ) d. 1oor ( )
e. Need 2m%rovement( )
3. 4o' is your relationshi% 'ith su%ervisor5
a. 6ordial ( ) *. Moderate ( )
c. Not cordial ( )
1+. -our level o7 satis7action on target related incentives
a. Satis7actory ( ) *. Neutral ( )
c. Not satis7actory ( )
11. -our .%inion a*out %romotional o%%ortunities
a. /ery good ( ) *. 0ood ( )
c. Average ( ) d. 1oor ( )
12. Are there any grievance handling system5
a. -es ( ) *. No ( )
i7 yes grievance are solved.
a. 2mmediately ( ) *. Not immediately ( )
13. 4o' are your co 8 'or"ers 5
a. 0ood ( ) *. 6ordial ( )
c. 6o 8 o%erative ( ) d. Not9 co9o%erative ( )
14. Are you satis7ied 'ith 'or"ing hours5
a. -es ( ) *. No ( )
15. Are you satis7ied 'ith accident com%ensation %aid5
a. -es ( ) *. No ( )
1. Are there any 'el7are measures availa*le5
a. -es ( ) *. No ( )
27 yes are you satis7ied 'ith it5
a. Satis7ied ( ) *. Not satis7ied ( )
1#. !hat do you 7eel a*out %ay %ac"age5
a. 0ood ( ) *. Satis7actory ( )
c. Ade:uate ( ) d. Not Ade:uate ( )
1,. Are you satis7ied 'ith :uality o7 7ood served in canteens5
a. -es ( ) *. No ( )
13. Are your vie's as"ed in decision ma"ing 5
a. -es ( ) *. No ( )
27 yes to 'hat e$tent you o%inion is considered
a. ;re:uently ( ) *. .7ten ( )
c. Sometimes ( ) d. Not at all ( )
2+. Are there any em%loyees suggestion scheme availa*le5
a. Satis7ied ( ) *. Not Satis7ied ( )
21. Are you satis7ied 'ith 7acilities availa*le at rest rooms5
a. Satis7ied ( ) *. Not Satis7ied ( )
22. -our level o7 satis7action on %romotional %olicy o7 you com%any
a. 4ighly satis7actory ( ) *. Satis7ied ( )
c. Moderate ( ) d. <issatis7ied ( )
e. 4ighly <issatis7ied ( )
23. Mention your level o7 satis7action in =o*5
a. 4ighly satis7actory ( ) *. Satis7ied ( )
c. Moderate ( ) d. <issatis7ied ( )
e. 4ighly <issatis7ied ( )
24. 0eneral suggestion i7 any>

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