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The Tell-Tale heart Edgar Allen Poe

Rachel Prather

Who-The murderer (narrator)
What-The murder, guilty conscience.
When-In the climax at the murder, and continues throughout until the
end of the story. At midnight.
Where- In the old man’s chamber
Why-Because he as a troubled man with many heavy things on his
heart so writing a murder story would not be that unusual for him.
Report- Poetry/ Shorty Story, Horror, guilty conscience can result to
going into your own madness and the guilt can make you confess
because it is to heavy for you to handle.
Analyze-Dark tone, Watch wrapped in cotton, symbolized a beating
heart or the murderers conscience. The old mans eyes, he described
them as being a vultures eyes light blue with a disgusting film over
them. Lantern, was used to see that one eye he turned it all the way
on and yet all he could see was that one eye.
Point of view-1st person the narrator is telling the story, of how he
murdered this man.

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