Policy and Procedure Manual

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1. Managing Student Behaviour - (Disciplinary) Policy

2. Managing Student Behaviour - Student Guidelines

3. Equality and Diversity Policy

4. Admissions Policy

5. Be Safe, Be Heard Policy

6. Anti-Bullying Policy

7. Expectations of Student Behaviour

8. Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Managing Student Behaviour - (Disciplinary) Policy

Procedures for Managing Student Behaviour:
Formal Warnings
As well as setting the tone and being clear about expectations,
teachers and College staff can and should challenge behaviour
that is not acceptable in or outside the classroom. This might be
low level misbehavior that is nonetheless disruptive to teaching
and affects the students own learning or that of others in the
class. Staff can use the 3 steps method detailed
Minor misconduct may include


Where behaviour has been challenged and no change occurs,
then the teacher can issue a Formal Warning. These can be
verbal, ie do not have to be in writing. It must be made clear to
the student that this is a formal warning.

Review Meetings
If a student has a learning difficulty or disability please
A review meeting can be held when

ous misconduct
behaviour or course progress
Concern about Progress on Course
Examples of issues where there would be a concern about
progress on course include, but are not restricted to:
to submit coursework or assessments
tandard of coursework or assessments

required for

Formal Hearing
A formal Hearing will be called when there have been no
improvements from the Action Plans or there is major
misconduct by a student.
Major misconduct includes but is not restricted to:
offensive language or behaviour (including bullying)
especially if of a racist, homophobic or sexist nature or if due to
including cyber-bullying, offensive messages or images or
breach of computer network security
members of the public related to the Colleges business


the College and/or other services, i.e. setting off fire alarms or
making hoax calls
claims in order to fraudulently
receive an EMA or
Learner Support Fund payment

pervert the examination or assessment
Malicious allegations against a member of staff or students

Actions which seriously affect the reputation of the College
and bring it into disrepute
Time Out Suspension
Any student alleged as responsible for an incident of major
misconduct can be immediately be given a time out
suspension by a relevant College Head.
Suspension is a neutral act; its does not imply either guilt or
innocence and is a temporary situation used to stabilise a
situation while protecting the interests of all involved.

Managing Student Behaviour - Student Guidelines

In accordance with the Managing Student Behaviour
policy, these guidelines have been drawn up for students
and explain the various stages of the disciplinary process
simply and clearly.
Student Guide To The Behaviour Management Process
The college's Managing Student Behaviour procedures are
designed to help make sure that the college is a safe and
pleasant place to work and study in for everybody.
The formal procedures are used to help deal with
unsatisfactory conduct or behaviour.
Unsatisfactory conduct or behaviour normally means:
Behaviour which is not in keeping with the letter or the spirit of
the college's
-Expectations of Student Behaviour. In other words, conduct
which could disturb, upset or offend other people, or which is
preventing you from making the most of your opportunities at
the college.
-Actions which break the college or course Rules and
Levels of misconduct
Unsatisfactory conduct and behaviour is divided into levels of
misconduct. These

Equality and Diversity Policy

All members of our community have the right to access
education and training and to achieve success so that they can
reach their full potential and contribute towards serving their
community. This approach is a business case model that
recognises that the inclusion of all potential students will bring
us business as well as social returns.
The college has students from a wide variety of
backgrounds who have the right to work and study free
from discrimination or any other actions that may limit
their potential to participate and succeed. In addition all
our students and staff should have their contributions
valued and recognised.

Policy Statement
The Policy of the College is to provide equality of
opportunity for all existing and potential students and
We aim to ensure that no existing or potential student or
employee receives less favourable treatment than other
students or employees on the grounds of race, disability,
gender, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age or other
factors such as ethnic or national origin, socio-economic
background or marital status.
We aim to create an environment for work and study
where students and staff feel safe, respected and listened
to regardless of their backgrounds or personal attributes
and where individual differences are recognised and
celebrated. In addition we are committed to taking
positive action to identify and eliminate inequality and
promote inclusiveness in all aspects of College life.
We will ensure the College meets its legal obligations
under the Single Equality Act to eliminate unlawful
discrimination and harassment and to also actively
promote equality in relation to race, disability, gender,
faith, sexual orientation and age. To meet our overall legal
obligations under the general duties we will:
oyees, service users, trade unions and other
stakeholders, and involve disabled people.

for taking action.
e best outcomes in race,
disability and gender equality.

Admissions Policy
College will ensure that applicants receive information and
advice from the Guidance & Admissions team and/or the
Course Tutors in order to help them decide on the course
of study best suited to their needs.
The College will work with other agencies such as
Connexions, schools, universities,employers and specialist
support services to develop appropriate information
sharing and referral processes and to ensure the
information and advice provided to potential learners is
The College will offer applicants the opportunity to view
the College and its facilities prior to the commencement of
a course by holding open days, taster events or by
arranged visits.

Initial Assessment

All applicants (except internal progression applicants) will
be asked to complete an initial assessment of their literacy
and numeracy during the course interview process. The
information from this assessment will be used to indicate
potential learner support needs. Reasonable adjustments
to the initial assessment process may be made for disabled

Be Safe, Be Heard Policy
The objectives are:
For students and staff to feel confident that they can study
and work in an environment where they feel safe,
respected and listened to regardless of their backgrounds
or personal attributes
to recognise and challenge inappropriate behaviour and
werful voice to
express opinions and expect actions
with incidents are in place, understood, operate effectively
and are consistently applied.
specific equal opportunities issues e.g. racism, sexism,
homophobia and bullying and for staff to be able to
confidently teach and apply them
historical Difficulties

Single Equality Scheme

we believe strongly in the importance and values of
equality and diversity as expressed in our strategic aims
and our core values.
We are committed to promoting equality of
opportunity for both staff and students, to
understanding and celebrating our diverse
community and recognising the value of each
individuals contributions.
We are fully committed to equality of treatment for
all students, potential students, our staff and other
service users, regardless of disability, race, gender
(including gender reassignment), age, sexual
orientation, religion or belief and will not tolerate any
form of discrimination.

Anti-Bullying Policy
It is the responsibility of all students and staff to create and
support a learning environment free from harassment,
threat or intimidation. This policy outlines behaviour that
would be considered inappropriate or unacceptable and
details the procedures that should be followed when an
allegation or suspicion of bullying or harassment is made.

Bullying often includes the following:

Power - misuse or abuse of power
Persistence - repetitive behaviour, not just an outburst
Peers - group behaviour is often different from individual
Purpose - to maintain the dominance, bullies bully as its a
successful behaviour
Perception - some people will find it harder/easier to cope
with certain types of behaviour and there are varying
degrees of what people consider to be bullying.

We expect that all students will treat each other and the
college staff with courtesy and respect and this is laid out
in Expectations of Behaviour. The college also recognises
its responsibility to ensure that all students are clear
about expectations of behaviour and the consequences for
not meeting these standards.
The college also has the responsibility to take
positive steps to create and maintain an atmosphere and
environment where students can feel safe, welcome and
where they have a voice

Expectations of Student Behaviour

We have high expectations of how our students will behave
in college. This is so that everyone has the opportunity to
learn, to do the best they can and to feel safe and supported.
The college's expectations of student behaviour are set out
here in detail.

Responsibilities and Rights

We expect high standards of behaviour from all our
students. These expectations of your behaviour will be
clearly set out for you when you join the College and are
there so that everyone has the opportunity to learn, to do
the best they can and to feel safe and supported.
We will not tolerate bullying, harassment or any other
behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable about being
in college or prevents you from studying to your best
level. The expectations apply to all students and not just in
classrooms but in all areas of the College.
Any member of College staff can challenge your behaviour
and ask you to identify yourself by showing them your
College ID card.
If you are not able to meet these
expectations then we will use our Managing Student
Behaviour process to give you warnings and the chance to

Respect for Learning:

Arrive before the lesson starts ready to start on time

-operate and communicate with your teachers and
other students

water into class
not clash with or have a
negative affect on your studies

Respect each other:


teacher and other students and allow
others to take part

classroom) that makes
you feel uncomfortable or stops you learning.


asked by a member of College staff
college work
- believe
in yourself
Meet our standards, expectations and follow the agreed

opportunities the college has to offer
pportunities that are offered


classes will be well prepared, start on time and all
students will have the opportunity to learn
progress and be set challenging targets to improve
espect and in a way
that recognises and values your differences and
affects your learning will be challenged and dealt with
achieve your best
you tell us
experiences and learn new skills.

Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Levels of attendance have a direct impact on the success of our
students. Learners are more likely to complete and achieve their
qualification if they attend classes regularly. The college
therefore has high expectations of attendance and punctuality.
Our attendance and punctuality policy reflects this.
The focus is on presence rather than absence. Students should
be in class ready for the start of their lessons; late is late.
regular review and reporting of attendance will be part of the
student monitoring process. The measure of attendance will be
either from sickness or other reasons, there will be high
expectations and consistent processes to monitor, follow up and
report on attendance.
college staff within 24 hours. Students will be expected to
explain in person the reason for their absence and the
authorisation of absences will be limited to specific situations.

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