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Fiee Bownloau veision

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 2

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| S


Baviu Pagan Butlei
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 4

Nothing in this publication shoulu be taken foi gianteu anu it is up to the inuiviuual to
satisfy himself oi heiself that the techniques, tools anu equipment iecommenueu aie
fit foi the puipose. No liability is accepteu foi any inciuent aiising fiom the use of any
tools, equipment oi instiuctions in this book. The authoi anu uistiibutoi aie not
iesponsible oi liable foi any uamages, losses, oi costs aiising out of the
implementation of any of the iueas, techniques oi instiuctions piesenteu in this
publication. E&0E, all iights ieseiveu.


All iights aie ieseiveu. Publication, iepiouuction, tiansmission oi stoiage of the
content of this publication in its totality oi in pait is piohibiteu unless the ownei of the
piopiietaiy iights, the copyiights anu all othei immateiial iights explicitly gives
peimission to uo so.

! Baviu Pagan Butlei 2u1S
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| S

1ab|e of Contents
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Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 7

The Aim of this Manual

This is a piactical step-by-step guiue to builu youi own Natuial Swimming Pool. It is
uesigneu to accompany my film "Natuial Swimming Pools - A uuiue to Builuing youi
0wn" which is available on BvB fiom
This methou of pool builuing has been ueviseu foi any piactical peison to unueitake
without having to involve specialist contiactois foi any pait of the pioject. Theie aie
two main piojects, a 48m2 oiganic plunge pool anu 18um2 full size pool, both built to
the same methou. They incoipoiate ieuseu mateiials anu minimise eneigy
expenuituie to ieuuce the cost to us, anu the enviionment.
In the fiist pioject we will covei eveiy step of pool constiuction in uetail, fiom
beginning the excavation to bubble pump ciiculation, fiom ciafting a filtei with
ieclaimeu mateiials to builuing a jetty. Equippeu with this knowleuge we'll see how to
go on to make a full size pool.
Theie aie many ways of cieating a Natuial Swimming Pool, but I want to show you a
way that is simple to constiuct anu woiks peifectly. Fiom theie, you can auapt it to fit
in with youi own iueas. This is a piactical guiue to get moie of us staiteu on builuing
these pools. To uate, theie is no-othei publication that pioviues this infoimation.
Inueeu theie aie many people who woulu have you believe this is too complicateu foi
the non-piofessional. That is nonsense. I want to show that this pioject is haiu woik
but ueeply iewaiuing anu completely achievable, anu along the way we'll bubble a few
moie myths out of the watei.

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 8

Why uo we smile, oi foi some of us, stiuggle to contain oui gushing beams of joy, the
fiist time we see a natuial swimming pool. Is it because insiue we know this is so iight,
giving something back to natuie by the cieation of a small wilueiness. Peihaps we
have always secietly wanteu to jump into ueep luscious pools of fieshwatei but have
been fiighteneu off by uecaues of myths listing battalions of hazaius awaiting any
auventuious swimmei.
Touay, flouiishing on a tiue of awaieness, we see living fieshwatei with fiesh vision.
Thankfully now, we can jump in as happily as an ottei.
A Natuial Swimming Pool, oi as I piefei to call them, 0iganic Pool, has got to be the
most magical auuition to oui home. It is a beautiful place to obseive natuie thioughout
the seasons, biinging us closei to wilulife. The multituues of species that now live in
the ponu aie an enuless fascination to my chiluien, who spenu houis obseiving them
fiom the small jetty which tiaveises the shallows, uangling uown theii nets to catch
watei-boatmen oi uiagonfly laivae foi a close-up look at these incieuible cieatuies.
Then come the biius, visiting the ponu in the moining anu evening. The giey
wagtails, skylaiks, uunnocks, golu finches anu the foimations of swallows ciicling
anu skimming the suiface to uiink oi bouncing with uelicious splashes to bathe.
Biagonflies patiol, snapping up ciane flies anu cabbage white butteiflies anu
buzzing into skiimishes with intiuueis. Bouse maitins peck at the watei's euge
collecting muu foi nests. Bats flit in anu out of theii invisibility cloaks in the
evening glow ieflecteu on the ponu. Anu sometimes, in the skiuuing sunbeams of
the moining, I may catch the iiiuescence of a kingfishei feeuing on watei beetles.

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 9

This ponu has become anothei stepping-stone foi wilueiness. Local native floia
anu fauna has founu its way in anu flouiisheu, incieasing local biouiveisity. Anu if
we cieate moie ponus we will contiibute to ie-establishing oui countiysiue's
uiminishing fieshwatei netwoik.
Anu of couise the swimming! 0ui chiluien aie leaining to swim in a healthy
enviionment fiee fiom the unpleasant effects of uisinfectants founu in most
pools. I imagine, one uay we will look back anu wonuei how we evei thought it
was ieasonable to let oui chiluien swim in anything othei than natuial watei.
nea|thy for our eco|ogy, hea|thy for us and hea|thy on our pocket
0ntil now only people with a faii amount of cash, typically fiom aiounu Su,uuu, have
been able to consiuei having one built foi them. But theie is a uiffeient way. I want to
show how I built mine, an 18um2 pool, foi ioughly 6,uuu anu also anothei 48m2 pool
foi 2uuu. Anu knowing what I know now, I coulu uo it foi consiueiably less. It takes a
lot of woik but, aftei all you'll be saving tens of thousanus of pounus by builuing it
youiself, anu I can't think of any woik moie iewaiuing than cieating a pool. I hope
aftei seeing my constiuction methou, the piocess will be uemystifieu anu you'll think
it's a pioject you coulu happily be immeiseu in.

Touay, uiggeis anu uieameis can make something piecious; a little bit of
wilueiness you can uive into.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 1u
How Organic Pools work
0iganic Pools (Natuial Swimming Pools),
woik with natuie to pioviue clean healthy
watei foi swimming. Plants anu animals in
the ponu conuition the watei without the
use of chloiine oi othei uisinfectants. So
the watei uoesn't sting youi eyes, bleach
youi skin, coiioue youi teeth oi make youi
swimming tiunks fall apait. Insteau, the
watei holus a vibiant anu uiveise
ecosystem, teeming with micio-oiganisms
that constantly filtei anu uevoui any
human pathogen that has the misfoitune to
plop in.
The key to piomoting a uiveise eco-system
is to pievent one species fiom uominating
the ponu. In a pooily cieateu ponu the
usual uominating big bauuy is blanket-
weeu. Blanket-weeu (Clauophoia
supeiphylum) is the commonest
filamentous alga foiming uense swathes
ovei ponus in biight waim weathei wheie phosphate anu nitiate levels aie high. If this
happens to a ponu, the last thing you want to uo is slip on youi costume anu uive
thiough the biight gieen slime. But, uo not woiiy, if the pool is maue coiiectly anu
caieu foi piopeily, this will not occui.
The key to contiol the giowth of algae is to iestiict the nutiients enteiing the pool. If
the nutiient level is low enough, plants successfully compete with algae. As the plants
giow they accumulate the nutiients in theii stiuctuie anu fuithei uepiive the algae
fiom flouiishing.
As well as plants theie aie othei vital allies - the
myiiau of micio-oiganisms that make up the
zooplankton living in eveiy cubic millimetie of ponu
watei. A lot of the small ponu cieatuies aie commonly
calleu "watei fleas", which is a bit unfaii because they
aie not fleas anu ceitainly woulun't bite. Amongst them
aie uaphnia. These tiny ciustaceans aie essential to
piomoting cleai watei by filteiing out, anu consuming,
suspenueu paiticles of algae. We neeu to look aftei
them. Inciuentally, this is the main ieason an 0iganic
Pool shoulun't have fish. They eat the uaphnia.
Algae, will nevei uisappeai completely, aftei all they aie
wilu plants anu pait of the healthy eco-system, but in a
piopeily functioning pool most of the algae will be confineu to the maigins oi haiuly
visible at all.

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 11

The Structure of an Organic Pool
In the 0iganic pool, the aiea is uiviueu into two sections, the swimming zone anu the
iegeneiation zone. The iegeneiation zone contains the plants so is also iefeiieu to as
the planteu zone. The pool in the photogiaph has the ueep swimming zone in the
miuule suiiounueu by the planteu zone. The planteu zone shoulu iepiesent at least
half of the total aiea of the pool, anu it is heie that most of the watei conuitioning
occuis. The watei is ciiculateu, eithei natuially oi mechanically, thioughout the whole
If a pool is laige enough, with enough ueep aieas, then it can iely upon natuial
convection cuiients anu suiface winu movement to maintain the watei ciiculation. The
iecommenueu minimum total suiface aiea foi such a pool is 12u m2. If the pool is
smallei, oi the iegeneiation zone piopoition of the whole is ieuuceu below half, then
theie is incieasing ieliance on technical equipment to pioviue the ciiculation anu
The Natuial Swimming Pool inuustiy is moving in an incieasingly technical uiiection.
Some pools now look veiy similai to a conventional swimming pool with not a plant oi
animal in sight. The moie technical installations opeiate on a veiy similai piinciple to a
iotaiy seweiage beu. The filteiing anu watei puiification is uone by a sepaiate
biological filtei beu containing a poious substiate. This is home to miciooiganisms that
feeu on the oiganic mattei in the watei. These oiganisms aie ieliant on the watei being
pumpeu thiough the filtei to pioviue them with nutiients anu oxygen. (If the technical
system becomes faulty, these oiganisms can uie off anu quickly uecay, ieleasing theii
nutiients anu causing algae to bloom.) Although a fiog, oi any othei potential colonisei
will quite happily swim in such a pool without being zappeu by chemicals, the pool will
uo less foi biouiveisity because it is uevoiu of native plants anu is highly filteieu. Pools
with local native floia will pioviue habitat foi wilulife as well as enhanceu natuial
watei quality iesilience.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 12
Pool Construction Design Considerations
Choos|ng a s|te for the poo|
A healthy pool neeus just two ingieuients, watei anu light. Pioviue clean watei,
piefeiably iainwatei, anu plenty of sunshine then natuie will uive in anu uo the iest.
Ponu plants giow best in full sun. Watei lilies neeu aiounu six houis of sunshine to
fully flowei. Anu people piefei to be in a sunny place with some shaue to sheltei in the
heat. Shaue can easily be cieateu, wheieas, cieating sunshine is tiickiei.
The location of the pool is mainly ueteimineu by those neeus but othei piactical issues
may influence the uecision such a uiainage oi access.
Sw|mm|ng safe|y
The main uiffeience between a ponu anu an 0iganic Pool oi swimming ponu is having
a swimming zone that can be kept fiee fiom weeus anu seuiment. The big ieason foi
this is safety. Swimmeis neeu to be visible at all times, especially chiluien. Swimming
in a wilu ponu can stii up seuiments fiom the bottom anu quickly ieuuce the watei
visibility to zeio. If the pool is ueep, although uistuibing the bottom is less likely, the
lowei levels of watei can be extiemely colu which is anothei hazaiu.
A swimming ponu, with a smooth bottom to facilitate cleaning anu a uepth of aiounu
two meties is a fai safei way to swim. uently sloping beaches aiounu the pool ieuuces
the possibility of a chilu tumbling into watei too ueep foi him to cope with. Anu most
impoitantly, the pool neeus a goou fence to pievent unattenueu chiluien gaining

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 1S
Lmbod|ed energy
This is a measuie of fossil fuel eneigy, anu hence enviionmental cost, iequiieu to
piouuce constiuction mateiials. I have tiieu to choose mateiials anu methous with an
eye to ieuucing the amount of embouieu eneigy involveu in the pool constiuction. The
seconuaiy benefit of tiying to minimise the use of high-eneigy mateiials is the ieuuceu
expense. Low embouieu eneigy mateiials aie usually cheapei.
Bistoiically pools have been lineu with puuuleu clay. A clay linei has the lowest
embouieu eneigy, but if we consiuei the tianspoit foi the huge amount of clay neeueu
anu the effoit involveu making it wateitight then it becomes impiactical foi most of us.
The only iealistic alteinative is a synthetic pool linei. Bowevei this is expensive in
embouieu eneigy, anu consequently cash.
With this as a given eneigy expense, the aim is to make ieuuctions with the othei
mateiials neeueu foi the constiuction. Cement is anothei big consumei of eneigy, so an
obvious taiget to foi eneigy saving. Bence, ieuucing the amount of cement useu on the
pioject has been the main methou foi contiolling the embouieu eneigy buuget..

Warm|ng the water
In Austiia anu ueimany, wheie these pools have hau the longest tiauition, theii
summeis aie usually consistently sunny, anu compaieu to the 0K, hot. A big ieason foi
them having an 0iganic Pool is having ielatively cool watei to uive into. Theii
summeis can iaise the watei tempeiatuie to Su uegiees centigiaue, which is too waim
foi comfoitable swimming anu not beneficial foi the ponu ecology. (If this is the case,
ueepei pools, thiee meties oi moie can be built. The ueepei watei keeps the watei
tempeiatuie fiom iising too quickly). Beie in the 0K we have uiffeient weathei. In fact,
we have veiy unpieuictable weathei. It changes, fiom uay to uay anu houi to houi.
Consequently, we haiuly, if evei, have too much heat to make watei in an outuooi
swimming pool too hot to swim in. In fact, let's be honest, it's unheaiu of. Beie in the
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 14
0K, the conventional biight blue tileu outuooi pools aie usually a bit too colu. So, these
outuooi swimming pools quite often have pool heateis. When eneigy was cheap,
pumping heat into watei only to let it iauiate into space oi into the giounu seemeu
ieasonable, but not now.
So|ar heat|ng
0n the face of it, installing ueuicateu solai theimal panels to heat the swimming ponu
watei seems sensible but let's think this thiough foi a moment. Even if the panels cost
nothing to install anu weie 1uu% efficient at collecting anu ueliveiing the heat, the hot
watei still enus up in the pool. The iegeneiation zone is uoing that alieauy; tuining the
sun's iauiation into waim watei. If we want moie solai eneigy to contiibute to the
watei tempeiatuie, then we just make the iegeneiation zone biggei anu let the pool's
ciiculation system uiaw it to the swimming zone. Anu that way, we have a biggei
natuie ieseive as well. 0nce the waimei watei is in the swimming zone it makes sense
to pieseive as much heat as possible by ieuucing the cooling effect fiom the giounu. At
2 meties uepth, the giounu in the 0K is aiounu 11 uegiees centigiaue all yeai iounu, as
the watei tempeiatuie becomes gieatei than 11 uegiees, heat is lost by iauiating into
the giounu. Insulating the swimming zone's flooi anu walls ieuuces this heat loss so
the watei tempeiatuie has a chance to iise moie quickly uuiing sunny peiious anu
cool moie slowly on uull uays.
Foi waimei climates the neeus aie uiffeient. The watei neeus to be iestiaineu fiom
getting too waim so insulation is not useu as this woulu ieuuce the welcome loss of
heat into the giounu. The watei uepth foi the swimming anu planteu zones can be
incieaseu to inciease the volume to suiface aiea iatio anu ielatively ieuuce the effects
of solai heating. Shauing the pool can fuithei iegulate the solai eneigy input into the
If the site slopes then it is best foi the pools length to follow the contoui of the lanu.
This will minimize the amount of banking up neeueu on the lowei siue to keep it level.
When it iains, suiface watei iun off fiom the ponu's suiiounuings shoulu not be
alloweu to entei the watei. The watei will take up chemicals fiom the topsoil incluuing
plant nutiients, oi woise still, aitificial feitilizeis. If these stieam into the ponu watei,
algae will flouiish anu blanket the ponu, stealing the sun to kill off othei plant
competitois. Nost of the uphill iun off watei can be ueflecteu away fiom the pool with
a ciescent shapeu beim (small bank) maue fiom some of the soil fiom the pool uigging.
Tiees look pietty aiounu the ponu but having them neaiby can shaue the watei anu
inhibit aquatic plant giowth. Also, tiee ioots may giow unuei the pool anu uistuib the
ponu lining.
Leaves falling onto the ponu will biing in nutiients anu if excessive will uistuib the
pools biology to the benefit of algae. Bowevei, nets can be stiung ovei the pool in
autumn to catch most of the leaf littei if tiees aie neaiby.
The machineiy foi the constiuction will neeu access to the site anu ample space to
maneuvei. Commeicial Natuial Swimming Pool installeis usually uemanu a gieatei
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 1S
space foi access because they use much laigei machineiy. They aim to get the job uone
quickly anu theiefoie maximise theii tuinovei anu piofits. As a self-builuei, you have
a fai gieatei flexibility to woik within a space that some commeicial installeis woulu
uismiss as impossible.
|ann|ng perm|ss|on
Befoie you stait, you shoulu talk to youi local planneis to see if you neeu to apply foi
peimission. Noimally foi the 0K, ponus aie not an issue with planneis, but it is
impoitant to check.

This beautiful example of an 0iganic Pool shows the flexibility of the concept. It was
self-built by Bill aftei he attenueu an couise. A "piofessional"
Natuial Swimming Pool installei hau tolu Bill it was impossible to have a pool in his
gaiuen. A seconu company saiu they woulu sell him a BIY kit foi 4S,uuu. Bemuseu
by the conflicting auvice, Bill spoke to his aichitect who iecommenueu coming to see
Buiing his fiist uay with me Bill expeiienceu something akin to a "Euieka" moment.
Almost immeuiately he staiteu uigging anu within a few months he hau his own pool.
It cost him 6,uuu saving him S9,uuu.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 16

uiounuwatei is watei-satuiateu subsoil. If you uig a hole thiough the giounuwatei
level then the hole woulu slowly fill the hole with watei up to that level. In fact, you
woulu have maue a well.
The uepth of the below the suiface of the giounuwatei level is an impoitant factoi foi
pool builuing. If the uepth of the pool is two meties then the giounuwatei shoulu nevei
come up to within two meties below the suiface. Anu ieally theie shoulu be quite a
healthy safety maigin to allow foi extiaoiuinaiy weathei oi floouing. If the
giounuwatei comes up to meet the linei it can be uisastious. The upwaiu piessuie
fiom the giounu watei can make the ponu linei balloon anu uiift fiee. When the
giounuwatei level loweis, the linei will uiop back uown, leaving it cieaseu anu
uistoiteu anu unuei such piessuie it coulu iip. Any caiefully sculpteu eaithwoiks
below the linei will also be tuineu to slush.
The giounuwatei level, oi watei table, is usually highei in the wintei so the site may
appeai suitable in the summei, only to become a swamp in the wintei anu liquefy youi
beautifully shapeu ponu. If giounuwatei is a pioblem then the uesign must take this
into account. Theie aie seveial options: if the pioblem is not too seveie, a soak away (a
giavel beu containing peifoiateu uiainage pipes) can be cieateu unuei the pool. This
feeus into a neaiby sump, fiom which the excessive giounu watei is pumpeu away.
Alteinatively, the linei coulu be encaseu in conciete at the uepths likely to be exposeu
to the giounuwatei. Both options iequiie moie iesouices anu effoit to cieate so you
may be bettei off foigetting the linei, uigging a hole anu leaving it to fill natuially. It
may not be gieat foi swimming but wilulife will love it.
A iecently cieateu wilulife ponu feu by giounuwatei being enjoyeu by chiluien in
the summei. The watei can get a bit muiky though.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 17
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 18

Crgan|c oo|s save water
Because of the builuup of
chemical iesiuues in a
conventional "blue tileu box"
swimming pool, the pool
neeus to be uiaineu out anu
the watei changeu fiom time
to time. The watei in an
oiganic pool, on the othei
hanu, nevei neeus to be
changeu because it is
constantly being maintaineu
by the pool's ecology. This
equates to a huge saving in
piecious watei iesouices.
Also, the ponu can be
constiucteu to take a gieatei
uepth of watei than the 2m
neeueu foi swimming, say
2.Sm. At times of plenty of
iain, it can fill to this level
anu have enough ieseive not
to iequiie topping up
thioughout leanei times.
With this appioach, I have
manageu to maintain the
swimming zone to the 2m
minimum uepth by feeuing
the pool entiiely with ioof
iainwatei. Also, if neeus be, the ponu can stoie watei foi the gaiuen in times of
W||d||fe fr|end|y
All the animals in the pool aiiive inuepenuently. The pool is uesigneu with gently
sloping beaches anu combineu with peiiouic changes in watei level, these pioviue floia
anu fauna with moie oppoitunities. Naiginal plants, emeigent giasses anu seuges
giowing along the euge of the ponu pioviue covei foi animal access into anu out of the
Low energy consumpt|on
0ntil iecently eneigy consumption has been of little concein to Natuial Swimming Pool
installeis so few have questioneu the neeu foi so much powei to ciiculate the pool
watei. A typical powei iating foi a swimming pool pump is SuuWatts. Bowevei this
bubble, system using an aquaiium aii pump, can move five cubic meties of watei pei
houi, which is peifect foi a pool, anu it neeus only 6u Watts.

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 19
Bubble Pumps
I chose to go against the flow with my choice of pool pumping methou. Inueeu, my pool
ciiculation system seems to be unique, ceitainly in the 0K. I use bubble pumps (oi aii
lift pumps) foi my pools. Bubble pumps aie useu in uieuging ships, aquaiium filteis,
anu except foi some seweiage systems, not much in between. Which is iemaikable
because bubble pumps have a whole list of auvantages.
2oop|ankton fr|end|y.
Bubble pumps aie gentle. The pool is complex eco-system kept cleai by a myiiau of
tiny oiganisms constantly filteiing the watei foi oiganic mattei. We neeu to caie foi
them as they maintain the hygienic quality of the watei. Bubble lift pumps can move
laige volumes of watei but at a veiy low piessuie, haimless to aquatic life.
0n the othei hanu, neaily all Natuial Swimming Pools use conventional swimming pool
pumps. They aie not uesigneu with consiueiation foi any life that may have the
misfoitune to be thiasheu thiough the impellei anu teiminate in the filtei. Pioblems,
such as algal bloom, can occui with the ovei pumping of these systems because the
cieatuies that filtei the watei foi us have been liquiuizeu.
This auvantage alone is enough to justify using bubble lift pumps but theie is so much
moie they offei.

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 2u
Se|f-bu||d su|tab|e
The plumbing is simple. The pipes
aie stanuaiu uomestic plastic
pluming fittings, anu so aie ieauily
available. They just push-fit
togethei anu the pipe is easy to cut.
(With a ciaft knife oi a special
plastic pipe-cutting tool which costs
aiounu 1S). Anu theie is no neeu
foi an accieuiteu electiician to
install the pump as the compiessoi
just plugs into a stanuaiu mains

L|ectr|ca||y Safe
Theie aie no electiic cables in oi neai the pool. }ust plastic pipe ueliveis the
compiesseu aii to the bubble pumps in the pool. Anu the aii compiessoi is fai easiei
to maintain than a swimming pool pump. It is moie easily accessible; not being bolteu
to the bottom of a pumping chambei anu it can't get blockeu up with seuiments uiawn
fiom the watei. All it pumps is clean aii

This 6u Watt
aquaiium aii
compiessoi can
uelivei 48uu lities pei
houi of aii. It is iateu
to watei uepth of S
meties of watei but at
this uepth the volume
of aii is almost zeio.
At 2.2m uepth it
ueliveis aiounu 1Suu
It cost aiounu 9u.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 21
now bubb|e pumps work
Bubble Pumps aie also calleu Aii Lift Pumps. Pumping aii into watei makes bubbles.
The bubbles aie a mixtuie of aii anu watei, which is less uense than just watei alone.
Being less uense, it will effectively float to the suiface as the suiiounuing uensei liquiu
uisplaces it. If the bubbles aie intiouuceu into a pipe, then the upwaiu flow is capable
of pumping laige volumes of watei but at low piessuie (low heau above watei,
typically 1Scm). This means they uon't consume much powei.
Nost conventional pumps founu in swimming pools anu natuial swimming pools have
fast iotating impellois uiiven
by an electiic motoi. They
can uelivei a high heau of
piessuie (1um upwaius) at
moueiate volumes, which is
gieat foi fountains anu
wateifalls, but not foi gently
ciiculating a living bouy of
watei. Anu they consume,
typically, Suu Watts.
Alteinatively, an aii
compiessoi capable
ciiculating an equivalent
volume of watei woulu
consume aiounu 6u Watts.

A bubble pump
uemonstiation in
a jai.
An aquaiium aii-
stone is feu fiom
an aquaiium
Bubbles anu
watei flow ovei
the top of the
pipe. Watei is
uiawn into the
bottom of the

A conventional swimming pool pump useu in a Natuial
Swimming Pool. (Not mine).
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 22

The upwaiu flow of bubbles uiaws watei thiough the pipe anu thiough the planteu
zone. This incieaseu watei ciiculation amongst the ioots helps the plants anu
associateu micio-oiganisms mop up the nutiients fiom the pool watei.
This Bubble Pump
consists of a couple of
lengths of 11umm uia.
stanuaiu uiainage pipe
anu a 9u uegiee benu

This bubble pump has a Summ uia. aquaiium aii-stone fitteu to the insiue of the enu
cap. This pushes in the bottom of the 11umm uia. uiainage "T" fitting. A 6mm uia.
plastic aquaiium aii-line pipe pushes onto the aii-stone's nozzle.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 2S
The top uiawing shows a typical configuiation foi a Natuial Swimming Pool. The
conventional swimming pool pump has two conflicting neeus; fiistly it can only
function when it is below the watei level of the pool; seconuly, it is poweieu by
electiicity so it neeus to be kept completely uiy. A sepaiate pump chambei has to be
built neai the pool below watei level, along with the associateu giounu woiks foi the
pipewoik (usually Summ uia. PvC) to the pool. The ielatively high velocity of the
pumpeu watei can uamage the essential miciooiganisms in the pool. (Inciuentally,
the uiiection of watei flow in the system is not consistent between installeis.)
The lowei uiawing shows my bubble pump system. The bubbles aie feu fiom an aii
compiessoi, mounteu above watei level anu at a convenient uistance fiom the pool.
It has no pump chambei. Consequently, it has none of the associateu long watei pipe
iuns, so it is inheiently eneigy efficient. (As watei tiavels thiough a pipe it loses
eneigy uue to fiiction. The smallei the uiametei anu longei the length, the moie
eneigy is lost). The bubble pump uiaws watei uiiectly fiom below the iegeneiation
zone anu as the pipewoik is a minimum of 1uumm uiametei the equivalent volume
of ciiculateu watei is pumpeu at low velocity. This not only haimless to the ecology
of the pool, it is also extiemely simple to implement.

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 24

The quality of the watei has a massive impact on the biology of the pool. It may at fiist
sight seem countei intuitive but a wet site that may alieauy have seasonal ponus is not
a goou place to builu a pool. Fiistly, you may uestioy an existing uelicate ecology.
Wetlanus have been uecimateu thioughout oui lanuscape, thiee quaiteis of them have
uisappeaieu ovei the last centuiy, anu so we shoulun't contiibute to the loss. Seconuly,
giounu watei quality is incieuibly vaiiable anu potentially contains leachate fiom
gaiuens oi faimlanu laceu with aitificial feitilizeis anu pesticiues. Inueeu, many
countiysiue ponus aie in a teiiible state because of mouein faiming piactices. 0ften
layeieu in blanket weeu, goiging on the aitificial levels of phosphates that have founu
theii way in. An oiganic pool shoulu not be exposeu to giounuwatei oi suiface watei
that has iun in fiom aiounu the pool. Both of these souices aie too unpieuictable.
Commeicial installeis fill up theii client's pools with tap watei. But this is also pione to
pioblems. In the 0K phosphates aie auueu to the uiinking watei to inhibit pipe
coiiosion in the watei uistiibution netwoik. Although haimless to uiink, (one woulu
hope), it is a feitilizei foi plants. The plants that quickly giab the oppoitunity aie algae
oi uuckweeu - equally unuesiiable foi a pool. 0nlike the othei majoi biological
elements - nitiogen, caibon anu oxygen, phosphoius has no gaseous state unuei
noimal conuitions, so has no escape ioute into the aii. It is a pioblem
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 2S
you'll always be stuck with. Commeicial installeis want to builu the pool quickly anu
fill it quickly with tap watei. So, at extia cost, they install phosphate filteis. These aie
big tanks, (sometimes filleu with iion wool) involving moie constiuction, plumping,
pumps, installation costs anu consequently moie piofit foi the installeis. Anu all this
technology consumes a lot of eneigy to maintain.
Bowevei, theie is a simple solution: iainwatei. Rainwatei contains veiy few nutiients,
pioviuing the iight conuitions foi balanceu pool ecology. Letting the pool fill with the
iain that falls upon it is the best option but this coulu take a healthy chunk out of youi
life waiting. I compiomise slightly. All the iainwatei that falls on oui house is collecteu
anu pumpeu to the pools. It piobably has some biiu uioppings washeu in along the
way but it woiks well foi me. Even bettei, it is quite simple to constiuct uevices to
uiveit the fiist flush of ioof watei away, ieuucing the amount of uetiitus making its
way into the pool. It may still take many weeks oi months to fill the pool, but if you
making the pool youiself, you shoulu finu it filling up as you aie woiking on the pioject.

Pait of the watei test iesults foi the pool.
The laboiatoiy watei
tests foi my oiganic pool
showeu, not only was it
peifectly safe foi
swimming, it was goou
enough to uiink. It
comfoitably exceeueu
0K uiinking watei
stanuaius in all
paiameteis testeu.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 26
1he Chem|stry of the poo|
As the pools aie self containeu, in teims of watei flow they uo not uo not have a watei
uischaige so all the substances that aie intiouuceu into the ponu aie ietaineu until
they aie bioken uown, thiough biological activity anu mineialisation. 0iganic mattei
consists mainly of the following elements: caibon (C ), hyuiogen (B), oxygen (0),
nitiogen (N) anu phosphoious (P).
Byuiogen, unuei noimal oxygenating conuitions enus up as watei (B20). 0xygen,
nitiogen anu caibon aie ieleaseu as gaseous oxygen, nitiogen anu caibon uioxiue but
theie is no gaseous escape foi phosphoious. In a natuial ponu this eniichment of
phosphoious leaus to an inciease in biomass anu giauually, ovei many uecaues, it can
go thiough a piocess of succession to become a bog anu ultimately, a wooulanu. Not
gieat foi swimming. (Although some natuial pools, low in nutiients can last foi ten
thousanu yeais.) The only way to take phosphoious out of a ponu is to physically
iemove it. Foitunately, that is not so uifficult. Tiimming back ovei-giown plants in the
autumn anu putting them on the compost heap is all that is neeueu. This effectively
ieuuces the total available phosphoious available in the ecological spheie of oui ponu.
Anu makes goou compost.

In a ponu theie is plenty of caibon anu nitiogen but phosphoious is often in shoit
supply. 0nuei these conuitions, phosphoious becomes the contiolling factoi in
ueteimining plant giowth anu is subject to competition amongst them. When we say
the ponu shoulu be low in nutiients foi balanceu conuitions anu optimal watei quality,
we usually mean it shoulu be low in phosphoious.
Tapwatei usually contains consiueiable levels of phosphoious, which is auueu to
ietain the haiuness factois in solution anu keep the uistiibution netwoik fiee fiom
calcification. In othei woius, stop the pipes fuiiing up. By auuing tapwatei to a ponu,
we intiouuce unwanteu levels of these soluble compounus of phosphoious anu pioviue
an oppoitunity foi excessive algal giowth. Suiface iunoff watei fiom the pool's
suiiounuings can also contain phosphoious washeu fiom the soil, so the euges neeu to
be constiucteu appiopiiately to pievent it enteiing the pool. Rainwatei falling uiiectly
onto pool is the best watei foi filling anu topping up the pool as it contains haiuly any
nutiients. Roof-watei is a close seconu.
Law of minimum -}.llebig, 1862
Plant giowth uepenus on the nutiient minimally piesent in compaiison to all othei

Reufielu foimula: C : N : P = 11S : 1S : 1

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 27

The ecology of an oiganic pool is
foimeu fiom the local floia anu
fauna anu the physical anu chemical
quality of the watei.
The watei quality can be categoiiseu
in teims of nutiient levels.
The tiophic class is the measuie of
the phototiophic piouuction in a
stanuing bouy of watei. Incieasing
nutiient levels in a ponu coiiesponu
to the following stages:
0ligotiophic: Few nutients anu little
phototiophic piouuction with
haiuly any zoo oi phytoplankton. A
newly filleu oiganic pool will be in
this state but as theie is a tenuency
towaius nutiient eniichment, it will
soon become mesotiopic.
Nesotiophic: Noueiate level of
nutiients anu plankton anu
moueiate plant giowth. Nost
swimming ponus aie in this
Eutiophic: The watei is iich in
nutiients anu piouuctive suppoiting many zooplankton, incluuing oui fiienus uaphnia.
This watei may be clouuy eaily in the yeai but as the zooplankton becomes moie
active, filteiing the floating algae, it cleais. Nany swimming ponus aie in this categoiy,
chaiacteiiseu by veiy goou plant giowth.
Bypeitiophic: The level of nutiient eniichment is high leauing to vigoious algae
giowth. Algae blanketing the watei can kill off submeigeu oxygenating plants anu leau
to oiganic mattei iotting unuei anaeiobic conuitions. Byuiogen sulfiue anu methane
may uevelop.
Tiophic Class P-total
pB visible
appiox. (m)
Content (%)
oligotiophic <2S <u.4 6-7 S-6 8u
mesotiophic 1u-Su u.S-u.6S 7 2-6 Su-1uu
eutiophic Su-1uu u.S-1.S >7.4 1.S-S S-4u
hypeieutiophic >1uu >1.S u.S-1.S u-1u

Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 28
hosphorous |n the poo|.
Phosphoious is a fascinating element anu essential ingieuient foi life, inueeu the
uouble helix of BNA ielies on a phosphate estei biiuge that binus the helix togethei. It
also has a multituue of othei biological functions: eneigy stoiage within cells (ATP),
calcium phosphate foi bones anu teeth, exoskeleton of insects, phospholipius in
biological membianes. The list is so much longei but we get the pictuie. Life neeus
In a fieshwatei pool, the othei nutiient elements, caibon, oxygen, hyuiogen anu
nitiogen aie usually abunuant but phosphoious is ielatively scaice so its availability
becomes the limiting factoi to the biological piouuctivity of the pool. It is as if life in the
pool has got a kit of paits ieauy to get giowing but it is just awaiting special ueliveiy of
phosphoious. It aiiives peiiouically, paicelleu up in uiffeiing foims ieflecting the
vaiiety of life aiounu the pool; biiu uioppings, toau spawn, leaves, pollen, petals,
uiscaiueu bikinis. The bacteiia in the watei natuially uecompose all of this flotsam anu
the iesulting inoiganic nutiients, incluuing phosphoious, aie iecycleu anu assimilateu
into plant giowth, maybe even back into flowei petals. Bowevei, it woulu be best to
pick out a bikini. (A synthetic mateiial may take foui hunuieu yeais to iot but hiuuen
within the fabiic maybe iesiuues of washing powuei, which usually contains, guess
what . phosphoious.)
The balance of nutiient iecycling in the pool, although iobust anu auaptable, can be
uistuibeu by a shock to the system fiom a suuuen influx of nutiients. This can happen
aftei a uownpoui of iain if a pooily constiucteu pool allows iun-off watei to flow in
fiom the suiiounuing soil. The iapiu intake of nutiient iich watei fiom the soil can
oveiwhelm the pool's ecology.
(0nlike Nitiogen, phosphoious is tianspoiteu mainly by iunoff. This occuis because
phosphoius has a high affinity foi soil paiticles anu uoes not leach thiough the soil
column. Fiom this fact, it's easy to see why iainy weathei in an agiicultuial aiea, oi a
feitilizeu gaiuen, can pose a majoi pioblem foi a ponu.)
The pool shoulu be constiucteu to pievent iun-off watei enteiing the pool otheiwise
the following sequence of events can unioll like a big gieen caipet.
The soluble phosphates fiom the soil enteiing the watei piimaiily benefit the
oiganisms that can ieact quickly to the oppoitunity, the filamentatious single celleu
algae. They quickly multiply, covei aieas of watei with a blanket of algal giowth anu
suppiess the light ieaching the submeigeu plants. The submeigeu plants can't
photosynthesise so they can't giow anu compete foi the soluble nutiients in the watei.
The algae, floating on the suiface, aie sitting pietty in the sunshine. They have light
anu moie nutiients foi themselves as they incieasingly covei the pool. The submeigeu
plants uie anu uecompose to pioviue even moie nutiients to the watei. As these
oxygenating plants aie killeu off, the oxygen levels in the watei plummet anu
consequently the aquatic animals uie. This contiibutes to moie oiganic mattei auueu
to the nutiient soup.
}ust when you thought it coulun't get any bettei foi the algae, it uoes. The algae is now
so thick the lowei layeis of the algae uie anu uecompose along with all the othei ueau
oiganic mateiial in the pool, but because the oxygenating plants have also been tuineu
to mush, the oxygen level in the watei is veiy low anu unuei these conuitions, the
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| 29

uecomposition of oiganic mattei becomes anaeiobic. This anaeiobic uecomposition
geneiates aciuic conuitions anu so the pB of the watei uiops fiom being slightly alkali
(aiounu pB 7.S) to being aciuic (below pB 7). This uiop in pB can kick off anothei
sequence involving oui key chaiactei, phosphoious, enteiing somewhat unexpecteuly
fiom below stage via an unlockeu tiap uooi.
The clay iich seuiments in the pool contain lots of aluminium. This element is veiy
attiactive to phosphoious, so it iemains is bounu to the aluminium anu unavailable as
a plant nutiient. But guess what. When the pB loweis the aluminium loosens its giip
anu the phosphoious slips into the watei. Spiking the watei with anothei influx of
phosphoious. The watei is now so nutiient iich is has become a huge anaeiobic
uigestei sealeu unuei a thick blanket of algae. Not the most beautiful of natuies
cieations anu not gieat foi swimming. When it gets this bau, no one will neeu that

This village ponu is typical of most ponus thioughout oui countiysiue
nowauays. It has too many nutiients flowing into the ponu causing
excessive plant giowth. Algae often uominate this ponu.
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| Su

How to Create an Organic Pool
Countei to the conventional wisuom on builuing Natuial Swimming Pools, that pools
have to be at least 8um2 to function, I wanteu to show that even a veiy small pool,
using my methous, is viable anu biologically stable.
I'll show you my builuing techniques useu to cieate this 48m2 plunge pool. Aimeu with
this knowleuge, you'll be able to builu a laigei pool of any size.
Anu of couise, as I have built these pools myself, the methous I've uevelopeu aie
entiiely geaieu to self-builuing. No neeu foi piofessional contiactois to fit the linei,
plumbing oi electiics. Inueeu theie is no electiicity neai the pool at all. The pool's
novel ciiculation system is poweieu by bubbles so it is incieuibly quiet, uelightful to
look at, anu completely safe.
This methou of pool builuing woiks. The watei is clean anu cleai anu has been testeu
to show it even meets 0K uiinking watei stanuaius.

If you wou|d ||ke to know more p|ease buy the fu|| 160 page vers|on of th|s
pdf from organ|cpoo|
Crgan|coo| DI Manua| S1

If you aftei all of this you'ie eagei
to leain moie then you coulu come
to one of my couises anu talk ponu
stuff anu uiink loaus of tea.
I'll have uetails on my website:

I have also piouuceu a BvB of
these piojects to accompany this
Natuial Swimming Pools, A uuiue
to Builuing Youi 0wn, BvB, Baviu
Pagan Butlei, Peimanent
Available fiom

Let's uig ponus back into oui

Baviu Pagan Butlei

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