HYSYS Advanced Modeling: ADV 1 - Compressor and Pump Curves

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HYSYS Advanced Modeling

Note: All HYSYS files (*.hsc, *.fpk, *.wwb) are located in the Cases Director.
ADV 1 - Compressor and Pump Curves
Focus: Define and Attach curves to pumps and compressors.
Creation Date - Octoer !"# !$$%
&evision ! - Octoer !$# !$$% 'Changed (ump Curve Coefficients)
&evision * + Feruar, !%# !$$$ 'Added Additional Coefficient D to pump
curve.) Created AD- !.!.pdf# moved AD- !.pdf to archive.
&evision / + March !0# !$$$ 'Changed (ump Curve again# 1pdated
module to (rocess -ie2s and 3erms. Created AD- !.*# moved AD- !.!
to archive.)
Starter File: 4at-5as.fp6# Comp-Shortcut.hsc
Solution Files: AD- !-Comp7!.hsc AD- !-Comp7*.hsc AD- !-(ump.hsc
ADV 2 - Reactions in HYSYS
Focus: Simulate a S,nthesis 5as (lant# 2ith Set and Ad8ust Operations.
Creation Date: Octoer !"# !$$%
&evision ! + Dec. !!# !$$% - Created AD- *.!.pdf 'minor corrections)
&evision * + March !0# !$$$ - Created AD- *.*.pdf 'update to (rocess
vie2s# other minor corrections.) moved AD- *.!.pdf to archive.
Starter File: 4one
Solution File: AD- *.hsc
ADV 3 - Depressurizing
Focus: 9:amine the Depressuri;ing 1tilit, in HYSYS.
Creation Date: Octoer !"# !$$%
&evision ! + Mach !0# !$$$ + 1pdate to (rocess. Created AD- /.!.pdf
Starter File: 4one
Solution File: AD- /.hsc
ADV 4 - !e Spreads!eet
Focus: 1se the Spreadsheet to Calculate the Orifice Area for a (S-.
Creation Date: Octoer !"# !$$%
&evision ! + March !0# !$$$ + 1pdate to (rocess# some other minor
corrections. Created AD- ".!.pdf
Starter File: AD- /.hsc< (S-.==>
Solution File: AD- ".hsc
ADV " - Heat #$c!anger Rating
Focus: Determine if a Heat 9:changer 2ill meet (rocess Specifications.
Creation Date: Octoer !"# !$$%
&evision ! + March !%# !$$$ + 1pdate to (rocess# changed numerics of
the e:ercise# and created AD- ?.!.pdf
Starter File: 5as-5as.hsc
Solution File: AD- ?.hsc
ADV % - Co&umn Sizing
Focus: 1se the Shortcut Distillation Operation# and 3ra, Si;ing 1tilit,.
Creation Date: Octoer !"# !$$%
&evision ! + Decemer $# !$$%
Corrected DCS error 7 !%
Created ne2 AD- @.!.pdf# moved AD- @.pdf to archive
&evision * + March !%# !$$$ + 1pdate to (rocess# some other minor
changes. Created AD- @.*.pdf
Starter File: 4one
Solution File: AD- @.hsc
ADV ' - Custom Co&umns
Focus: &eplace the &eoiler 2ith a Heat 9:changer.
Creation Date: Octoer !"# !$$%
&evision ! + March !%# !$$$ + 1pdate to (rocess# Added pump to (FD.
Created AD- 0.!.pdf
Starter File: AD- @.hsc
Solution File: AD- 0.hsc
ADV ( - rou)&es!ooting
Focus: Open several HYSYS cases 2ith intentional errors and solve them.
Creation Date: Octoer !?# !$$%
&evision ! + March !%# !$$$ + 1pdated cases to (rocess and added
3rouleshooting 3ips section to notes. Created AD- %.!.pdf
Starter Files: Case !.hsc# Case *.hsc# Case /.hsc# Case ".hsc
Solution Files: Case ! Solution.hsc# Case * Solution.hsc#
Case / Solution.hsc# Case " Solution.hsc
4otes for 3rouleshooting Module.doc
ADV * + Advanced Rec,c&e -perations
Focus: 9:plores advanced topics concerning the &ec,cle operation.
3opics covered include: Acceleration# Simultaneous solution# (roper
placement# and others.
Creation Date: Feruar, !%# !$$$
Starter Files: AD- Flo2sheet.hsc
Solution Files: 4one
ADV 1. + /sing Ca&c 0eve&s
Focus: 3eaches clients ho2 the HYSYS stead, state solvers 2or6 and
ho2 to enefit from using calc levels in their simulations.
Creation Date: Feruar, !%# !$$$
Starter Files: AD- Flo2sheet.hsc
Solution Files: 4one

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