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How to edit a default data file:

1, start the STB, and search the channels you want to make default, using
standard scan type
2, open AliEditor
,chose the serial port to connect with STB and please check the
connection is ok
!, click option "#rocess$ , chose %pload&STB#'(
), input the file name and chose the directory to place this file, eg:
-, re,oot the STB
., wait until upload is finished
/, edit the data whate0er you want+ #ress the right key of the mouse at
where you want to edit, you can see how to edit the data+
1, if you ha0e finished edit then sa0e this file as 222+df2, *ake sure the
file e2tension is +df2
13, close AliEditor,4ou ha0e finised the default data file
Then you can use the *erge Tool to merge this file into the ,inary file
used in STB+ &please see readme+doc of the merge tool(

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