PILCOP Special Education Bootcamp

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Back to School

Special Education Boot Camp

Joi n presenters from:
Templ e Uni versity McAndrews Law Offi ces The Arc of Philadel phi a
PA Educati on for All Coali ti on Del aware Vall ey Fri ends School
PA Dysl exia and Literacy Coaliti on

Attend workshops on:
Earl y Intervention Dysl exi a Di sci pli ne
Incl usi on Charter School s
REGISTER: www.pilcop.org/sped-seminars-1415

TICKETS: Attorneys $200 General Public $100 Webinar $50
Pay What You Can tickets are also available.

QUESTIONS: Contact Claudette at cbenton@pil cop.org or 267.546.1317
Join us for
Act 48
and CLE

Saturday, September 20, 2014
8:30 A.M. 3:00 P.M.
United Way Buildi ng
1709 Benjami n Frankl in Parkway, Phil adel phia, 19103

See the full schedule of workshops on reverse.
Back to School Special Ed Boot Camp Schedule:
Saturday, September 20, 2014
8:30-9:00 Registration and Introduction

9:00-10:30 Early Intervention: Understanding the System Basics
Instructors: Cathy Rocca-Meier, Family Education Coordinator, Institute on
Disabilities at Temple University; June Bey, Master Trainer, Parents First.

9:00-10:30 Dyslexia? Dysgraphia? Auditory Processing?: A Parents Guide to
Identifying Language-Based Learning Disabilities and Research-Based
Instructors: Bill Keeney, Ph.D; Helen Mannion, M.Ed.; Mary Ellen Trent,
Delaware Valley Friends School

10:45-12:15 Discipline: Rights and Protections for Students with Disabilities
Instructors: Heidi Konkler-Goldsmith, Jessica Nguyen, McAndrews Law

10:45-12:15 Charter Schools: Busting Myths and Getting Support; Rules, Regulations
and Resources for Supporting Students in Charter Schools
Instructors: Cathy Rocca-Meier, Family Education Coordinator, Institute on
Disabilities at Temple University; June Bey, Parent Consultant (PEAC)

1:00-2:30 Dyslexia: Awareness and PA Legislation Update
Instructors: Diane Reott, Daphne Uliana, Dr. Monica McHale-Small, Nancy

1:00-2:30 Inclusion: A Benefit to All Students
Instructor: John Valantassis, Lisa Wallace-Larkin, The Arc of Philadelphia

2:30-3:00 Closing Remarks and Networking

For more information and to register visit:

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