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At a historic summit on the 3rd

September 2014, senior leaders
with learning disabilities from
Care Minister NormanLamb,
NHS England Chief
Executive Simon Stevens,
CQC Chief Social Care
Inspector Andrea Sutcliffe,
ACEVO Chief Executive
Sir Stephen Bubb
And other key figures.
Our voice, our
choice, our freedom
People with learning
disabilities setting the agenda
Press release
4th September 2014
The aim was to agree a way
forward to ensure people with
learning disabilities can live
independently with support in
the community and stay out of
CHANGE, a human rights
organisation co-led and run by
people with learning disabilities,
delivered to the heart of
government the ideas and
proposals of a hundred people
with learning disabilities from
across the UK.
The proposals from people with
learning disabilities, discussed
on the 3rd September seek an
end to all hospital and other
types of institutional provision for
people with learning disabilities,
with money to be reinvested in
building community support.
They seek a central role for
people with learning disabilities,
as equal partners in bringing this
change about.
Shaun Webster from CHANGE
who spoke at the meeting said:
People with learning disabilities
know what can make a real
difference in helping people to
live successfully in the
We have met with the Minister
and senior officials to offer our
ideas and our expertise. We
hope that it will mark the
beginning of a successful and
equal partnership.
The Summit meeting focused on
how more people with learning
disabilities can be employed
across the health and social
care system to deliver real
Commitments were made to
these ends by NHS England, NHS
Confederation, the Care Quality
Commission and the Local
Government Association.

The meeting also discussed the
role of people with learning
disabilities as agents of change
in their local areas, with ACEVO
Chief Executive Sir Stephen
Bubb committing to consider
how proposals for local
monitoring committees might
be implemented.
Care Minister Norman Lamb
This event has reinforced my
determination to make sure
people with learning disabilities
and their families are listened
to and supported to lead
independent and fulfilled lives.
I look forward to working with
senior leaders with learning
disabilities from CHANGE and
all those in the health and care
system to make this happen.

Over 3000 adults with learning
disabilities are presently
in-patients in hospital style
settings despite targets set in
2012 to significantly reduce this
At least a further 35000 adults
with learning disabilities are
presently residing in
local-authority commissioned
residential care.
The proposals agreed by
people with learning disabilities
at an event in Leeds in June,
and steps required for their
implementation, are contained
in the report Summit Meeting
3rd September 2014 available at:
Notes to editors
CHANGE is a leading national
human rights organisation led
by disabled people.
For the last twenty years
CHANGE have employed
people with learning disabilities
to work for the human rights of
all people with learning
This easy read Press Release was produced by CHANGE

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