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Nirmala K. Mondal F.

No 201, Sri Sainirmitha,

Chakkilam Ayesha mansion,
PUNE: 27171184 1-4-881, Rd.No 8, Gandhi Nagar,
98501 52402(KS.Rao) Ne !akaram, "ydera#ad - $00 082
% &'&4140&((, &8))2 40&((, &'4()(88&&,
Skill and !om"#$#n%i#
A,,om-lished trainer and de.elo-ment e/e,0ti.e moti.ated #y ,hallenge and
rearded thro0gh seamless skills de.elo-ment that syn,hroni1es management
.isions ith em-loyee needs. 2esigning inno.ati.e -rograms that ill #oost
,0stomer satis3a,tion and em-loyee moti.ation.
An e+e,ti.e trainer ith the notion, 45he skill to do ,omes 3rom 6alk the 5alk.4 Areas
o3 e/-ertise in,l0de Coa,hing, 5eam !0ilding, 7anagement and S0-er.ision
5raining, Comm0ni,ation and 7entoring.
!ar##r &'$ra%$
Create, 2esign and de.elo- ,ontent 3or training mod0les 3rom time to time to
address s-e,i8, re90irements #ased on training needs o3 ork3or,e.
5rain the -eo-le on #eha.ioral Skills, 7oti.ation, :eadershi-, ;nter-ersonal skills.
(rainin) n##d &#m#n$, *or#%a$, Plannin), +#,#lo"in),
-m"l#m#n$in) and &dmini$#rin) .#arnin) / +#,#lo"m#n$ -ni$ia$i,#.
0a R#"oni'l# 1or $2# 32ol# )am4$ o1 $rainin) #,#n$ lik# 5ro4"
-nd4%$ion Pro)ram $o N#3 En$ran$, (#%2ni%al $rainin) and So1$ kill
(rainin) %o6ordina$ion / admini$ra$ion
Fa,ilitate orksho-s on need #ase and 3ollo 0- trainings
7anagement o3 -eriodi, training re-orts
Consistently a,hie.e or e/,eed 90ality and training targets.
;denti3y #oth internal and e/ternal training reso0r,es and manage .endors 3or
any a,ti.ities o0tso0r,ed
07RK PR7*-.E
Since September NIS Sparta as Training Efciency Consultant
July 2005 to August 2007 ING Vysya life insurance as Training anager
A! for Alternate Channels.
8an4rar9 200:6 84n# 2005 6 A7< SAN7AR a R#)ional (rainin) Mana)#r ;
A< 2 = '
8an4ar9 2000; +#%#m'#r 2002 6 7>s A<;5C? :imited as Consultant-Training
" AS
Ma9 19946 +#%#m'#r 19996 7>s. Reed ;n3ormation Ser.i,es :td - a 0nit o3
Reed @lse.ier <:C, AB > 7>s. 5homas ;nternational <0#lishing Co., A di.ision o3
5;<C? ASA., as anager# Corporate Accounts
$n Job Tas% S%ills
Res-onsi#le 3or training a,ti.ities C ,ond0,ting ind0,tion sessions and im-arting
-rod0,t, so3t skills training, -eriodi, sales and 7oti.ational trainings to F?S o3
Alternate Channels o3 A<.
;denti3ying training needs #y ay o3 reg0lar meets ith the ?-erations teams.
<re-aration and ,ir,0lation o3 7onthly 5raining Calendar.
;m-lement and maintain the e+e,ti.e training mod0les
5ra,king and analy1ing e+e,ti.eness o3 -rograms deli.ered and meas0re
-er3orman,e on the
Do# a3ter training.
6as res-onsi#le 3or training 3or 11 #ran,hes and 3or im-lementation o3 training
7;S on training 3eed#a,k. @ns0re a,,0rate, timely eE,ient analysis o3
eekly>monthly re-orts.
A#ility to 0se inno.ati.e methods o3 training.
Assisting and monitoring 8eld sales ,alls ith ad.isors.
Cond0,ted market s0r.eys, 7arket st0dies = in.estment st0dies 3or Go.ernment
and -ri.ate ,lients.
2esk = Field resear,h 3or .ario0s -roDe,t re-ort -re-arations.
2esigning and e+e,ti.ely -resenting the -resentations to ,lientele.
Coordination and ,ond0,ting .ario0s training -rograms .i1., @2<s and skill
de.elo-ment trainings.
<arti,i-ated and ,ond0,ted .ario0s seminars and training le,t0res.
Aarded as F$(TSTAN)IN* +$NE T,AINE,G 3or the year 1&&& and 2000
3or Hone 12 o3 ;ndian I0nior Cham#er.
S0,,ess30lly ,om-leted $000 ho0rs o3 training ith aro0nd 8'' training man
S0,,ess30lly de.elo-ed = ,ond0,ted .ario0s training -rograms 3or .ario0s
de-artments and ,or-orates.
Re,ei.ed A,,laims 3rom Chie3 7inister o3 A< 3or the 5o0rism ;n.estment st0dy
Certi8ed 5rainer = Fa,ilitator JC5FK 3rom Carlton Ani.ersity.
<0rs0ing FASS?C;A5@S";<G e/am o3 ;ns0ran,e ;nstit0te o3 ;ndia.
A7F; 90ali8ed mem#er.
Com-leted <G 2i-loma in *7RE-5N (R&+E M&N&5EMEN( / M&RKE(-N5 in
<ost Grad0ate in <US-NESS &+M-N-S(R&(-7N 0-(= *-N&N!E s-e,iali1ation
3rom ?smania Ani.ersity in 1&&4.
Grad0ate in !7MMER!E 3rom ?smania Ani.ersity in 1&&2.
L Filled ith -assion and the a#ility to ,onne,t ith a0dien,e. LA#ility to make
sessions -arti,i-ati.e and intera,ti.e. L5eam #0ilding e/-erien,e. L A#ility to
ins-ire, train, and de.elo- -eo-le L Good time management LNeeds assessment. L
Bnoledge o3 sales te,hni90es. L Ada-ti.e to organi1ational ,hanges.LStrong
#a,kgro0nd in Cor-orate, gro0- and ,on,e-t sales. LCan ,reate ,o0rteo0s, 3riendly,
-ro3essional ork en.ironment. L A#ility to e.al0ate and de,ide on a
-lan o3 a,tion.
!E,S$NA. !,$-I.E
AG@ % '( years
:ANGAAG@S BN?6N % 5el0g0 , "indi = @nglish , !engali
@M5RA AC5;N;5;@S % Ser.ed as +$NE C&AI,!E,S$N Training
.IASI$N and 3or >7NE ?-- o1 -N+-&N
!=&M<ER, a glo#al .ol0ntary so,ial
For Oo0ng -eo-le.

2ate% Nirmala K Mondal
<la,e% "ydera#ad
!#r$i@#d $rain#r and 1a%ili$a$or 1rom %arl$on Uni,#ri$9
Ser.ed as +$NE C&AI,!E,S$N# Corporate relations#.aision 3or (rainin) 3or
the year 2000-2001 3or ;ndian I0nior Cham#er a glo#al .ol0ntary so,ial organi1ation
3or yo0ng -eo-le. Cond0,ted training -rograms 3or em-loyees o3 model gro0-, Shi.a
shakti gro0-, Sa-ta.andana gro0-, st0dents o3 ;C6A; and 7!A. Cond0,ted .ario0s
sales and noti.ational trainings 3or 2SAPs o3 retail #anking. ?rgani1e leadershi-
,am-s 3or s,hool and ,ollege st0dents.
2esigned a training mod0le o3 ) ho0rs 4&$0 T$ *ET 0&AT E'E, 1$( 0ANT4.
Cond0,ted training -rograms>mod0les 3or mem#ers and non mem#ers on .ario0s
to-i,s .i1.,
;m-a,t ?3 S0,,ess
Art o3 inQ0en,ing
"o 5o Get 6hat Oo0 6ant
@+e,ti.e <0#li, S-eaking
<oer -0#li, s-eaking
<ositi.e 7ental Attit0de
@+e,ti.e Comm0ni,ation Skills
Goal Setting
5eam #0ilding
"0man relations
Sales skills 3or .ario0s sales e/e,
!orn to 6in
Sel3 -ers-e,ti.e et,.
?n Do# ,ontin0o0s -rod0,t training and im#i#ing -ositi.e moti.ation to the
Con8dent to hold the attention o3 the -arti,i-ants #y making sessions li.ely,
interesting and intera,ti.e.
Good -resentations skills ith ,lear deli.ery o3 in3ormation.
Amena#le to 3eed#a,ks.
In3i4i3ual le4el: Self awareness, EQ measurement, attitudinal
chane, stress counselin, measurin learnin moti!es
*roup le4el: Ice-"rea#in, $eam "uildin, decision ma#in
techni%ues, Situational leadershi& de!elo&ment.
5o s0,,ess30lly 0se my e/-ertise hi,h is the res0lt o3 (2ir$##n B#ar e/-erien,e in
5raining, ,on,e-t marketing, !0siness 2e.elo-ment, 7arket Ad.isory Ser.i,es to
30rther groth o3 the ?rgani1ation.
T,AININ* $5JECTI'E2 To be a pro6essional coac7 an3 become an
in3ispensable organi8er in entrepreneurial training 9it7 e:ecti4e an3
penetrable training mo3ules;
7y masterPs degree in !0siness administration = <G di-loma in 7arketing along ith
a ork e/-erien,e o3 5el.e years ga.e a #roader -ros-e,ti.e and analyti,al
,ee3 In6ormation Ser4ices .t3< T7omas International !ublis7ing Co
Reed is a di.ision o3 R@@2 @:S@N;@R, AB a glo#al m0ltinational in3ormati,s ,om-any.
5he ,om-any ,om-iles orldide trade in3ormation 3or .ario0s media .i1., -rint and
on internet. 8oin#d in $2# %om"an9 a a%%o4n$ #C#%4$i,# "romo$#d a an
ai$an$ $#rri$or9 mana)#r and $2#n a Mana)#r6%or"ora$# a%%o4n$.
Started ith 3rontline marketing and handled the sales ,an.ass -lan and sales
o-erations in ,ities o3 A<.
As Mana)#r 6 !or"ora$# &%%o4n$, so0r,ed, .alidated and a,,0m0lated
in3ormation 3or international data#ases. <romoted and marketed the ,on,e-t among
.ario0s ,or-orates, 8nali1ed ,ontra,ts s0,,ess30lly. Re,r0ited and #0ilt a team o3
sales e/e, ho ere allo,ated the areas and targets. As the team leader
o-erated the sales and marketing a,ti.ities in entire Andhra <radesh. Co ordination
ith team mem#ers and ith the ,lientele.
A!ITC$ .imite3
6orked as !on4l$an$ in (rainin) and Mark#$in) ad,ior9 #r,i%# $#am. Ne
#0siness generation 3rom e/isting and ne ,lients #y 0nderstanding the ,lientPs
re90irements and designing 90ality -ro-osals. So0r,ing the #0siness 3rom .ario0s
de-artments 3or organi1ing trainings and ,ond0,ting the training. ;n.ol.ed in =
,ond0,ted .ario0s market st0dies. Coordinated 3or organi1ing .ario0s seminars,
orksho-s and training -rograms. Getting s-onsorshi-s.
A! SANA, .i6e Insurance Company .imite3
As R#)ional (rainin) Mana)#r6 &P2 / : ; am res-onsi#le 3or ele.en #ran,hes.
<re-aration o3 training s,hed0les>,alendars. Constant on Do# training on moti.ation,
sales skills, -rod0,t knoledge and -resentation te,hni90es. <rod0,t re3reshment
trainings 3or e/isting ad.isors. Res-onsi#le to ens0re that the ad.isors a,90ire
minim0m #asi, skills re90ired. Cond0,ting s-e,ial le.el training -rograms .i1.,
<R;S7S ;; and !?RN 5? 6;N. S,hed0le, ,oordinate, and allot re3resher trainings to
trainers in the team. Cond0,ting 45rain the 5rainer4 Sessions.
IN* '1S1A .i6e Insurance Company .imite3
As 5raining manager 3or A<, ; am res-onsi#le 3or all ind0,tion and re3resher sessions
3or entire state. <ro.iding and de.elo-ing training in-0ts to s0--ort ,om-anyPs
@ns0re all 3rontline sales -ersons ind0,ted in terms o3 Bnoledge on ind0stry,
,om-any, -rod0,ts and Sales A--roa,h Skills and <ro,ess. @ns0re #ran,h sta+ o3
#anking #0siness -artners o3 ;N: Alternate Channels are trained on #asi,
knoledge o3 ind0stry, ;N: and -rod0,ts.,
S,hed0le training and Arrange 3a,ilities 3or deli.ery
Follo-thro0gh o3 ,lassroom training #y handholding the sales teams on-8eld, 3or
a,,limati1ation ith the a,t0al sales en.ironment, #y means o3 ,all o#ser.ations,
3eed#a,k, ,all demonstrations.
NIS Sparta
As 5@C res-onsi#le 3or Con,ern .alidation st0dies, im-arting 30n,tional and skill
eE,ien,y> management trainings.
; manage my a,ti.ities ith -oise and ,on8den,e and ith ami,a#le team
relationshi-s. ?ther areas o3 e/-os0re in,l0de, taking ,are o3 man-oer
re90irement, S,reening and sele,tion. ?rgani1ed Seminars, training -rograms, <ress
meets, ,on3eren,es, ,on.entions.

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