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Desire'e Van Orden

Mrs. Kinlea Hensel

English IV Honors
5 September 201
Topic Proposal: Impro!ing "i#e E$pe%tan%& #or '&sti% (ibrosis )atients
Statement of Purpose:
*he p+rpose o# %ond+%ting this resear%h pro,e%t is to gi!e me more -no.ledge
abo+t the s+b,e%t o# '&sti% (ibrosis so I %an better +nderstand the disease. I am %+rio+s
abo+t ho. do%tors are going abo+t %+ring this disease. I hope to #ind that there are serio+s
steps being ta-en to help e$pand the hori/on #or patients .ith this disease.
)ersonall& I ha!e t.o #amil& members .ith the disease. 0lso '&sti% .as the
ser!i%e pro,e%t #or HOS0 last &ear. In n+rsing .e learned abo+t '&sti% (ibrosis1 b+t it
.as !er& broad. I .o+ld li-e to learn as m+%h as I %an.
I need to learn more abo+t this topi% be%a+se it %an help me ma-e a di##eren%e in
the #+t+re. 0lso getting others ed+%ated %an s+pport #+nding #or a %+re. *he 2reat Strides
3al- helps pro!ide a .a& to in#orm and a%%ept donations #or the %+re o# this disease.
I plan on +sing notes #rom last &ear abo+t the disease and m& n+rsing boo-. I also
.ant to tr& and tal- to m& nie%e and nephe.'s do%tor as an inter!ie. abo+t abo+t the
disease. 0lso I plan on +sing the internet to se!eral 4+estions.
I .ill sear%h #or the e$plination o# .hat '&sti% (ibrosis is. 0lso I .ill sear%h #or
.a&s o# #+nding the resear%h #or a %+re. I .ill resear%h .hat steps are being ta-en b&
do%tors to help patients .ith this disease.
I anti%ipate ha!ing problems .ith disting+ishing .hat so+r%es are going to sta& on
topi% and .eeding o+t the +nne%essar& in#ormation. 0lso I ma& ha!e iss+es .ith getting
people to agree .ith being inter!ie.ed. I .ill get aro+nd these opsti%als b& ha!ing
patients and ma-ing s+re that I sear%h appropriate 4+estions. I .ill tal- to m& brother
abo+t his %hildren and their #ight .ith the disease i# I am +nable to spea- .ith their

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