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PunLlngLon 8each, CA - (714) 322-0389 - plLarodrlguez13[

PunLlngLon 8each, CA - (714) 322-0389 - plLarodrlguez13[

*+,-./01- A role where skllls ln communlcaLlon, relevanL work experlence, and educaLlon can be
uLlllzed Lo grow professlonally

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PunLlngLon 8each, CA @ SepLember 2013- resenL
! 1ook ownershlp on CM8 dlglLal fllghL from plannlng, opLlmlzlng,
reporLlng, and closlng campalgn wlLh Lhe hlghesL resulLs of all fllghLs
! repare and updaLe purchase orders, flowcharLs, reporLlng, and bllllng for 1oshlba
LaLlna Amerlca
! AsslsL planners wlLh LoLal markeL approach and LesL campalgns
! Work closely wlLh new buslness Affalrs for poLenLlal new buslness opporLunlLles
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PunLlngLon 8each, CA B !une 2013- SepLember 2013
! AsslsLed ln plannlng responslblllLles lncludlng proposal requesLs, analysls, and lnpuL
! CreaLed, analyzed, dellvered and opLlmlzed weekly onllne campalgns
! AsslsLed ln audlLlng performance of llve campalgns by provldlng posL reporLs and a bl-
weekly reporLs Lo cllenL
! CoordlnaLe and schedule medla Leam vendor and parLner meeLlngs
! Worked dlrecLly wlLh 1v, radlo sLaLlons, and onllne publlshers Lo coordlnaLe proposals
down Lo booklng and buylng
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1usLln, CA - lebruary 2013- May 2013
! ALLended and parLlclpaLed ln medla plannlng meeLlngs wlLh lnLernal and exLernal Leams
Lo develop Lhe besL plans LhaL meeL Lhe cllenLs' budgeL
! roduced budgeL reporLs and creaLed presenLaLlons for cllenLs wlLhln LlghL deadllnes
! ueveloped sLrong lnLerpersonal skllls wlLh medla buyer, creaLlve Leam, researchers and
oLher medla conLacLs/ vendors
! 8esearched and analyzed LargeL audlence, radlo, Lelevlslon vlewlng, and llfesLyles for
new buslness maLLers

-GH.D/0*5 +8EI(:#" #J D"7?, .#KK';%E87%#;? - Lmphasls ln AdverLlslng
Callfornla SLaLe unlverslLy lullerLon
CraduaLed 2013

6L0MM6 !N#""(?7(" !6%KK#;? !L8;78" !.#K6E#"( !3#%;74#:: !5%(:?#;

DNN0MD/0*56 !LhlnkLA Member
!CSul Au Club

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