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Year 4 Autumn Term Home/School Link Letter

Friday .
September 2014
Dear parents and carers,
Welcome back! We hope you all had a loely summer holiday! Good to see so many of you at
the Meet the teacher meeting ast ..
!ur cass topic is "Human Detecties.# !$er the term% 4& 'i be in$estigating the human
digesti$e system 'ith an emphasis on teeth and their care. (in)ed to this is the *esign
+echnoogy% 'hich this term is coo)ery.
Home!ork !ill be set on Thursdays to be returned the "ollo!in# $onday, uness it is an
e,tended piece of 'or) connected to the cass topic. Maths home'or) 'i be gi$en 'ee)y and
Famiy -aues tas)s 'i be issued monthy. .eading is $ery much a priority 'ith a
recommendation of a minimum o" %& minutes a day, at least "ie days a !eek. +he reading
record boo)s 'i be chec) once a 'ee) by a member of staff% to ensure that reguar reading is
continuing throughout the year.
'ni"orm( 4& are a oo)ing $ery smart. /opefuy a items of cothing are ceary abeed
'ith the chids name0 this minimises mi, ups 'hen changing for 1.2 and s'imming.
)* +it( 1upis 'i need a 'hite t3shirt and bac) shorts for indoor% pus trainers and an optiona
bac) s'eatshirt and 4ogging bottoms for outdoor. For their o'n safety% your chid needs to be
abe to remo$e their earrings for 12 and s'imming essons or aternati$ey not 'ear them that
day. 1.2 is time tabed for Monday pm% but 'e 'oud encourage a chidren to leae their kit in
school until hal" term in case 'e need to reschedue sessions due to the 'eather or specia
e$ents in the ha.
S!immin#( S'imming 'i begin on ..
September and continuing unti the haf term. 1ease
ensure your chid is e5uipped 'ith a s'imming hat.
School !ebsite( +he 6ear 4 area 'i soon be up and running for this current academic year.
1ease chec) it reguary to see ne' photos and 'eb in)s.
7e $ery much consider ourse$es in partnership 'ith you in educating your chid and so 'oud
a'ays encourage you to make contact !ith us i" a problem deelops at home or at school.
+he best time to catch me in person is at the end of the day% but you may find it more
con$enient to emai me at schoo b4ones8ashfiedpar).hereford.sch.u)
7e oo) for'ard to 'or)ing 'ith both you and your chid o$er the ne,t academic year.
7ith best regards from the 6ear 4 +eaching +eam.
1hase 9
(eader:6ear 4
;ass teaching
;ass teaching
;ass teaching

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