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Old physical flow of soya

Farmers after harvesting soya in tractor Closest Mandi (30-50kms away for open
Commission agents buys at a price in Mandi
Farmers with soya in tractor CA shop in mandi
Cash payment not guaranteed, often credit period in practice
CA ITC processing facility

New physical flow of soya

Farmer reaches Web kiosks at eChoupals.Decides about the price and his decision to
sell on the basis of mandi scenario and ITC price offer.
Farmer after rate selection at ITC website ITC hubs (5-30kms for pre decided price
from website)
Soya delivered and cash received including fixed freight
Information flow for the needs of farmers

Mandi sale
Information about existing price in the mandi and level of crowd was available
through word of mouth only.
Farmers after harvesting soya in
Closest Mandi (30-50kms away for
open bid)
Commission agents buys at a price
in Mandi
Farmers with soya in tractor
CA shop in mandi

Cash payment not guaranteed,
often credit period in practice
ITC processing facility
No convenient access to weather related details, especially district specific and day
to day weather details.
No efficient flow of information about best practices and ideal conditions

eChoupal Sale
Information about world demand, world production, mandi trading volume and
mandi price lists readily available.
Localized weather reports and trends for district pockets of 70-80 sq kms on day to
day basis.
Information about best farming practices readily available

Soya delivered and cash received
including fixed freight
ITC hubs (5-30kms for pre decided
price from website)
Farmer after rate selection at ITC
Farmer reaches Web kiosks at
eChoupals.Decides about the price
and his decision to sell on the
basis of mandi scenario and ITC
price offer.

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