SK TD Weekly Overview WK 5 8 Septemeber

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Weekly Overview SK Date: 8.09.

Special Notes:
- Swimming this Monday.
-Helper of the Week- We will continue with the theme being your cultural background (we will be highlighting similarities and differences linking it to our UO!.
Some suggestions could be your national flag" a picture of a cultural dress or a food that may symbolise the country in which you ha#e come from. Howe#er if you
child has already talked about this topic then they can pick something from their Me $o% to talk about. &hanks for your support on this.
- 'ust a reminder that the (Me $o%) items needed to be handed in to your home group teacher by last Monday. f you ha#en*t done this" could you kindly get these
to us +S+,. -ou can email the photos and we can print them off if this helps.
-.riday will be our .irst /otus +ssembly. -0123 will be hosting the assembly at 4506am. -ou are welcome to come and watch.
Learner profle focu 2isk-taker and 1aring
!"! attitu#e 1onfidence and 1ooperation
!eronal$ Social$ %ealt& '
7e#eloping independence at the beginning and end of each day 8 finding their names and hanging them up" putting
water bottle and diary folders in the correct place
.ocus on taking turns when participating in class discussions 9 when playing with their friends
/earning how to listen and put their hand up before talking when someone is talking.
Lan*ua*e Speaking and Listening: the children will be gi#en the opportunity to talk about the items in the :Me $o%* that makes
him;her special.
Phonics: learning the letter :.f*. (for flags!
Reading/ Books: (f the World is a <illage)" :Whoe#er -ou +re* and some books that the children would bring in to school.
Pre-writing skills5 =ame tracing (bubble letters; dotty letters!" letter f (rainbow writing! and drawing ob>ects that begin
with the letter f.
Songs:!"o#$R%w&'(dw )Letter *+, song-
+at& Number: 1ontinue with number recognition" 0 to 0 correspondence for numbers 0-06 and the concept of more and less.
1hildren will be e%ploring different patterns around them. We will incorporate this acti#ity with our UO as we look at the
flags of different countries.
https5;;;watch?#@pOAbB$&OOU (Sesame Street5 What*s =e%t!
https5;;;watch?#@hisCA,/DWbM (,attern Song!!".B&&(S(/$-0 )Pattern Practise Song-
,.O.-. /rt ' 0raft &his week we will look at the items in each child*s :Me $o%* to enhance their understanding of similarities and differences.
,lease look at the following links that we will be using through the week that are related to our UO5
https5;;;watch?#@U/tH$=A,EF- (7ifferent but the same!
http5;;;fgfmc+-u+>4 (Coe demonstrates same and different!
0o)puter Starfall 8 in the :/earning to read* section 3n>oy playing with the letter n game. Upto ten-
-ou can watch youtube #ideos to support learning.
!.(. Ms Michelle ($eetles class!&uesday and &hursday
Ms 'ulie (7ragonflies class! &uesday and &hursday 1 don,t +orget to send in sports shoes
Swi))in* Ms Michelle - Monday 06566-06.GH 8 helpers please meet at pool 06566am
Ms 'ulie 8 Monday 06.GH-00.F68 helpers please meet at pool 06.GHam
1L0 $eetles- Monday and &hursday;7ragonflies 8 Monday and .riday
+uic &uesday and &hursday
Li2rary Ms Michelle-Wednesday;Ms 'ulie - Monday (don*t forget the library bag!
,lease be aware that some classes may change due to students* interest and focus.
f you ha#e any Iuestions" please drop us a note in the diary or come in any time to #isit us in the classroom.
Dind regards 8 &he SD team

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