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Any Trersure in my Building ?

If the sub-lord of the 4th cusp is deposited in a constellation,
lord of which is the significator of the houses 2 ar ll or 6 one
will surely bave the treasurc.
Furthcr the lord of the constlla-
tion should have any connection with Saturn in direct motion.
According to traditional
astrology if lord of 2 were to bc in the
8th house, one can come by treasure or if lords of Z, 4,9 and
conjoin, one have treasure. But in Horary attrology it is thc
sub-lord of
4th house whrch will givc
a corrcct picture,
the quest',ion
relates to Treasuro.
Win I get
Admission in the Coltege ?
Thc 4th houso indicates the educational institution and since
bis desirc ls to
adinission, the I lth shows realisation of one'f
ambition. Therefore, sub-lord of the 4th
is to be deposited in the
constellation, the lord of which is rhc significaror of 4 and ll.
WiII my love Afralrs Materialisc ?
If the sub-lord of the 5ih cusp is deposited in thc constella-
tion of a
who is the iignificator of rhe houses 7 and I t
then materialisation of the love afrairs is promised.
But if the
eub'lord of the 5th cusp happens to be in a constellation, the lord
of which is the significator of rhe houses 6 or 12 then it will
ncvcr matcrialise. If it isin tho cobstellati6n of the significator
of 6, tbe other party
falls out. But if the sub-lord of ihe 5rh is
in thc constellation of the planet
signifying the l2th house theo
thc consultant bimself will drop the idca.
Invrlid Child-rin it pick
op Healrh ?
If the consultant is the parent
of the child take 5rh cuep
indicatiug the child. If the sub-lord of the 5th cusp is deposited in
s colstellation, the lord of wbich is the significator of the houses
3 and 5, the child will pick'up.
But if the subJord of the 5rh
cusp is situated in a con: tellation the lord of which,
is the
significator of thc l0tb house, wbo is also connected with Saturn
in any maDner, shows that the child cannot
bealth at
'lt will be ever sickly.'

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