Equiculture Workshop Beenleigh

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Jane Myers MSc (Equine Science) and Stuart Myers,

authors of Managing Horses on Small Properties and

the Sustainable Horsekeeping series, will be joining
ogan !it" !ouncil to present a Sustainable
Horsekeeping Seminar on ## $ctober in %imboomba

&his workshop is being deli'ered to support the ogan (i'er andholder Engagement Project ) a ke"
initiati'e of ogan*s (i'ers and +etlands (eco'er" Plan (http,--www.logan.qld.go'.au-ri'erreco'er") and
supported b" the SE/ (egional andcare 0acilitator, an initiati'e of the 1ustralian 2o'ernment
3epartment of 1griculture.

Free Sustainable Horsekeeping Seminar

3on*t miss this opportunit" to learn more
horse health and welfare
the relationship between horses and
pasture, and how to use their natural
and domesticated beha'iour as part
of a sustainable pasture management
how to save time and money on your
horse property while improving your
local environment.

Date: 11 ctober !"1#
$ime: %am to &pm
'enue: Dorrington House(
%ohanna St, %imboomba
)ost: Free but spaces are
limited so *S'+ early,
*S'+: &#1! -"-% or

Morning and afternoon tea will be
pro'ided but participants will need
to pro'ide their own lunch.

0or more information about
Equiculture, see,

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