English Beer Machine

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About 15 years ago me and my friends made a big, silly

multiplayer 40K scenario called The Beer Machine. It

was so much fun that afterwards, wed get together
once or twice a year and do another. !ow that I li"e in
#apan and my buddies are far, far away, its been 5
years since there has been a Beer Machine game. $he
legend must li"e% &ring on'''.

Beer Machine- A Brief Overview

$he Beer Machine is an ancient mysterious artifact. !o one (nows where it comes from or who made it. 15
years ago it was disco"ered by a band of Squat )remember the *+uats,- miners. $he Beer Machine has
ama.ing powers. It is a matter transmuter. Any material put into it can be transformed into any other material
stone into gold, for e/ample. *ince it was a bunch of *+uats who disco"ered it, they promptly began ma(ing
beer with it.
*oon the Imperium, 0r(s, 1ldar and e"eryone heard of it 2o.ens of armies ha"e been searching for and
fighting o"er it for years. 3or years the band of *+uat miners, led by the now legendary Konrad, ha"e been on
the run with their pri.e. 0nce again, he has crash4landed on an alien world. )A fairly common occurrence.-
5our mission is, as it has been for so many other commanders across the gala/y is''..

Players - 446 players

What to bring - 400 pt. Combat Patrol Roster.
)pg. 178 of the 40K ruleboo(.-
4All miniatures must be
95*I95:, and fully painted.
4 A copy of your armys ;ode/.
42ice, tape measure, ruleboo(,
4Any interesting terrain you ha"e.
9e may <ust use it%
;ontact the game master before the game to
reser"e a spot. Eric Brown
)0567- =847718
GET !er mi""# $%a
m! BEER!&

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