Lesson 7

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Natalie Meredith EDLA309 Janelle Young

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45 minutes
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English: Identify aspects of literary texts that convey details or information
about particular social, cultural and historical contexts (ACELT1608)
Geography: Present findings and ideas in a range of communication forms,
for example, written, oral, graphic, tabular, visual and maps; using
geographical terminology and digital technologies as appropriate
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This lesson will begin as a whole class activity.
Towards the second half of the lesson, students will be completing the activity
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Gather the whole class together in front of the teacher.
Revisit some of the categories that were focused on with whales in the
previous lesson (habitat, food, predator/ prey, physical features). Write these
on the board.
Tell students that today the focus is going to be on penguins.
Using the interactive activity in Study ladder (Animals of Antarctica), have
one student read out each section and answer the questions at the end as a
whole class. Write in the features of a penguin in the categories on the board
as the activity progresses.
Consult The Antarctica Book: Living in the Freezer if not enough information
is given in the activity.
Send students to their desks to open up their workbook.
Discuss what aspects are included in a factual report as explored in the
previous lesson. Write these on the board for students to write in their own
books. Empahasise that eventually they will not be using titles anymore.
Have students write another explanation on penguins this time.
Conduct a whole class discussion on the aspects of a penguin that were
explored, however only write dot points for the students to use as a model.
Tell students they need to form their own sentences.
Allow enough time for students to complete their reports.

Natalie Meredith EDLA309 Janelle Young

Students will be working in their assigned books to refer back to for future
Student engagement and interest in the lesson will be monitored in order to
make adjustments and improvements for future lessons.
Students with hearing impairments will be placed at the front of the classroom.
Students who appear disengaged will be more likely chosen to be included in
the interactive activity.
Students who are not contributing to class discussion may be called upon
Students with English as a second language and developmental delays may
require extra teacher scaffolding during the writing process.
Students who claim to finish their work early will be asked to revise their
spelling, grammar and sentence structure. They will also be asked to try and
make their sentences more interesting.

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