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Head trips: Rhythm vacation
Special to National Post Nov 19, 2011 8:00 AM ET | Last Updated: Nov 18, 2011 3:28 PM ET
By Rebecca Field Jager
)*m no dan"in* ma"%ine+ so t%e t%o,-%t o' parti"ipatin- in A'ri"an dan"e "lasses . or any dan"e "lass 'or t%at matter . -ave me
pa,se as ) %eaded to an"%o La P,erta+ a 'itness resort and spa nestled amid (+000 a"res o' mo,ntains and meadows /,st so,t% o'
t%e 012134e5i"o !order1 2till+ t%ere*s no !etter time to try somet%in- new t%an w%en on va"ation+ ) reminded mysel' . 'ail,res+ li6e
!ottles o' li7,ids at t%e airport+ are a t%reat to se",rity one m,st leave !e%ind1 4,"% to my ama8ement t%en+ ) dis"overed ) "o,ld
!rin- t%e memory o' t%e dan"e "lass %ome wit% me1 4oments in+ ) was twistin- and t,rnin-+ pantin- and !,rnin-+ 6eepin- ,p and
t%rowin- down wit% a room ',ll o' stran-ers+ in an a"tivity aimed at "onne"tin- wit% one*s inner sel' t%ro,-% !odily e5pression1
9$%ere*s a sayin- in A'ri"a t%at i' yo, "an wal6+ yo, "an dan"e+: e5plains Connie &ennett+ t%e instr,"tor+ pointin- o,t t%at %ere in
Nort% Ameri"a+ dan"in- is seen more as a s6ill or talent t%an somet%in- yo,*re simply !orn to do1 9)n A'ri"a+ everyone dan"es; i' yo,
are not dan"in-+ yo,r spirit is si"61:
)nstead o' pre"ision<!ased a"tions and te"%ni7,es+ t%e movements o' A'ri"an dan"e are 'ree<'lowin-+ easy to vis,ali8e and e5e",te1
9=e*re di--in- in t%e dirt+ di--in- in t%e dirt+: Connie "alls o,t as we all s%,''le sideways s"oopin- o,r %ands down and t%en p,llin-
in o,r arms1 &ased on everyday li'e+ and A'ri"a !ein- an a-ri",lt,ral ",lt,re+ "%oppin-+ plantin- and %arvestin-<type movements
ma6e ,p most ro,tines1 9=e*re "ele!ratin-+: Connie s7,eals and we all raise o,r arms to t%e %eavens and s%a6e o,r %ips /,!ilantly1
Dan"e+ !e it A'ri"an+ Latin+ %ip %op+ &roadway+ /a88+ striptease or a variety o' ot%er styles+ is ta,-%t at t%e an"% to improve p%ysi"al
and spirit,al wellness1 )t*s meant to !e as -ood 'or yo,r %eart as it is 'or yo,r so,l1 4ovement to m,si" is nat,ral+ Connie insists1 2,re
it !,rns o'' "alories+ !,t it also ,nleas%es yo,r "reativity+ yo,r inner /oy1
4ind yo,+ dan"e isn*t t%e only way to tap into %appiness at t%e an"%1 $%e moment ) entered my >"asita+* a spa"io,s+ r,sti"ally
appointed "otta-e e7,ipped wit% all t%e amenities ?e5"ept $# and )nternet !e"a,se yo,*re %ere to "onne"t wit% yo,rsel'+ not t%e rest
o' t%e world@+ ) 'elt warm and at %ome1 2,ns%ine po,red in t%ro,-% e5pansive windows t%at+ dependin- on t%e room+ provided
!a"6drops o' -ardens or sta--erin- views o' 4o,nt A,"%,maa1
Handout African dance at Rancho la Puerta
Head trips: Rhythm vacation | Travel | Life | National Post
1 of 2 2/29/2012 3:42 PM
2012 National Post, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited.
$%e 'oodB ) %ave a meat toot%+ so it pained me to "onsider days wit%o,t !ee'1 &,t t%e "%e's+ ,sin- pre"epts o' t%e slow<'ood
movement+ impress wit% 'arm<'res% in-redients and -enero,s portions o' sea'ood served ,p !,''et<style 'or !rea6'ast and l,n"%1
Cormal sit<down dinners are all %eld in t%e -rand 2panis% Colonial dinin- room1
4any o' t%e "%e'*s se"rets "an !e learned d,rin- %ands<on "oo6in- "lasses at La Co"ina D,e Canta+ t%e an"%*s "oo6in- s"%ool1
$%ere+ ) spent an a'ternoon sli"in- and di"in- wit% 'ellow -,ests; we were divided into small -ro,ps+ ea"% "%ar-ed wit% one dis% on
t%e men,1 A'terwards+ we sat down to 'east on o,r "omm,nal 'are; it was an easy way to meet ot%ers and ma6e a 'ew 'riends1
Not s,rprisin-ly+ t%e dan"e "lass ',els "amaraderie+ too; it*s pretty %ard to pran"e aro,nd in yo,r !are 'eet to t%e !eat o' A'ri"an
m,si" wit%o,t "ra"6in- a smile or two at ot%ers in t%e room1 =%en my EF<min,te session ends+ ) am at on"e wo,nd ,p and worn
Alt%o,-% t%e wee6ly s"%ed,le is pa"6ed wit% optional 'itness+ meditation+ and art and wellness a"tivities tempered wit% an e5tensive
list o' spa treatments+ a'ter t%e "lass ) "%oose to wander t%e pat%ways o' t%e property ta6in- in t%e apri"ot and almond trees+ palms+
oa6s+ e,"alypt,s and C%inese elms1 ) "ome ,pon a s%ady restin- pla"e1 $%an6',lly+ t%is is not a %i-%<press,re r,n<yo,rsel'<ra--ed
%ealt% resort . t%e an"% !ills its %ammo"6s as important pie"es o' 'itness e7,ipment+ too1
G e!e""a Cield Ja-er was a -,est o' an"%o La P,erta1
Gettin- t%ere Cly into 2an Die-o airport; !,ses pi"6 ,p -,ests o' t%e an"%1
an"%o La P,erta &oo6in- 'or spa treatments "an !e made in advan"e online; many "lasses "an !e pre<!oo6ed or are o''ered on a
drop<in !asis1 )nternet availa!le in "ertain lo"ations+ in"l,din- !,siness "entre1 ates ?'ood and a""ommodation pl,s some a"tivities@
start at a!o,t H(+I00 per wee6 dependin- on season and style o' a""ommodation1 2ee ran"%olap,erta1"om 'or more in'o1
Posted in: Travel Tags: Dance, Mexico, Rancho La Puerta, Rebecca Field Jager, Travel, Weekend Post, Wellness, Wellness Travel
2oldK Corest Lill 'ind
2oldK Ci'ty<ei-%t s%owin-s+ 'o,r o''ers
2oldK 4ilton pop,lar wit% %ome !,yers
Cor 2aleK MM 2"ott
&ein- t%e tar-et o' a neo<at%eist 'atwa
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Head trips: Rhythm vacation | Travel | Life | National Post
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