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The 2012 Enigma, New Music And The Speed Of Light

Jacques Groenen

Kristal Spiral Music And The Year 2012
This article is an updated and expanded version of The 2012 Enigma And The New Music
Revolution Soon Internet Marketing will also get a completely new face as a result of the
content of this article. Warning: after reading this article your life will never be the same.
Trends play an important role in holding the present world together. One of the most
important trends that is starting now is the coming year 2012 and especially the date
December 21, 2012. Only a few people know whats really happening. Let me lift a corner of
the veil that is hiding 2012. There is a battle going on, not only on Planet Earth as we see in
the daily news but in the whole Milky Way. This battle is connected with the Mayan Hunab
Ku and the end of the Mayan Calendar. The Hunab Ku is the Black Hole center of the Milky
Way close to the star Sagittarius A.
Certain groups on Earth and beyond it, want to attune Earth totally to this black hole on
December 21 2012 using a powerful Merkaba technology connected with the Golden Mean
Spiral and Fibonacci spiral and numbers. The idea is ton December 21 2012 o create a
merkaba spin of 55/34 (both Fibonacci numbers) resulting in a pole shift on Earth (go to
YouTube and search for Drunvalo Melchizedek to learn more about these ideas). Many
spiritual people on the planet are involved with creating this 55/34 merkaba-spin without
really knowing what they are doing. A pole shift can be very destructive for humanity and
Earth as you can imagine and from a black hole no escape is possible. To understand the
remaining part of the article its important to understand the center of a Golden Mean spiral is
ending in a black hole, the Hunab Ku is based on such a spiral.
Especially for those people who are followers of the end date for the Mayan Calendar of
October 28, 2011 from Carl Johan Calleman. Also for these people the message of this article
is totally valid. In his book The Purposeful Universe Calleman extensively discusses the
relationship between Fibonacci numbers (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 - 34- 55 89 -144
233 - etc.), and the Tree of Life, which is what the Mayan calendar is based on. I can add
that October 28, 2011 is close to the date September 30, 2011 (see further) and that after
October 28, 2011 the Mayan Calendar will have ended for Carl Johan Calleman, this will
create new space and time also for him for a new space-time calendar: the Krystal Spiral
From Krystal Spiral to Kristal Spiral Music
Luckily there is another spiral called the Krystal Spiral, connected with another reality, and,
this spiral results in Kristal Spiral Music, more about this later in this article. Tuning with the
Krystal Spiral (together with the Merkaba Spiral) results in a quick rising of awareness and
consciousness and real freedom. People who have seen the movie The Matrix can imagine
that there can be different matrices or energy-grids to build on. In the same way a painter
needs a canvas to paint on, or a composer needs the background of silence to create music,
life and matter need energy grids or matrices to exist. Different grids are connected with
different spirals and in this very year 2011 between February and early August 2011 was a
cross-over of spirals, connected with different realities. Crossing-over means a choice process
and everybody on the planet, including you and me, has to make a choice between the
different future realities. The different grids are connected with different realities. This choice
is between Golden Mean Spiral + Fibonacci Spiral on one side and the Kristal Spiral plus
Merkaba Spiral on the other side. The process of choice making is called The Battle of the
Spirals and is one of the reasons there is so much confusion on this planet right now.

The Battle Of The Spirals
This choice between the different spirals as said is crucial for every person on Earth and has
already been made before August 6 2011, in most cases on the level of the Higher Self and
without consciously knowing (yet). I will explain this with the help of a drawing. The cross-
over in space-time of Krystal Spiral and Golden Mean Spiral and the energy-grids these
spirals are connected with from February to August can be seen in a simplified way in the
drawing below. The crossover was at axis 7 of the Kristal Spiral in the pictures indicated by
the color blue and the Golden Mean or Metatronic Spiral, drawn in red.
In the drawing can also be seen that both spirals are separating and disconnect. This process
of separation was taking place from the beginning of August August till September 30 2011
and on the moment of writing this article (October 1) the process is finished completely. The
drawing also makes clear that from now on the Krystal Spiral has become the ruling spiral
and will be in charge of developments. In connection with this can be added it was no
accident September 23 the world news was dominated by the discovery neutrons can travel
faster than the speed of light (more about taking this light barrier at the end of the article).

The difference that makes a difference (picture above)
The Krystal Spiral on which Kristal Spiral Tuning and Kristal Music is based emerges by a
rotating Kathara Grid (Ka=Light, Tha = Sound and Ra = Unity or Oneness) The drawing
below shows a Kathara Grid.

Kathara Grid (picture above)
The Kathara Grid has a center, the Central Seed Atom, indicated in the picture by the white
hexagon. The Krystal Spiral rotates around and expands from this center. We can also see
that the proportion between height and width is exactly 2:1
From Kathara Grid To Golden Rectangle To Fibonacci Rectangle
We can create a golden rectangle (with the color green), leading to the golden mean spiral, by
taking one of the diagonals (in this case we take diagonal 3-7) and rotating it from Kathara
Center 7 counter clockwise to the line 3-6-9. In the following figure we see how this line
extends just beyond Kathara Center 9.

From Kathara To Golden Rectangle To Fibonacci Rectangle (picture former page))
The vertikal line from the bottom of the Kathara Grid to this point is 1.618 times the width of
the Kathara Grid and this number has got the name Phi. In the drawing we can see how
during this process a reduction is taking place from 12 to 10 centers, the centers 12 and 11 are
cut away and disappear out of view and from our consciousness and experiences. From this
moment we have lost the connection with our Source or Home. We are
fallen, imprisoned and enchained in Platos Cave (see a link at the end of the article after
the Notes).
We can draw a diagonal from the right corner below to the point above center 9 and a line
from point 6 to the point above center 10. Where these lines cross (the small GM in the
drawing) is the center of the golden mean spiral and as we see this center is an off-center
point in the Kathara Grid. In the next reduction-step we can use this point as a starting point
for a further fall, into the disgrace of the Fibonacci Rectangle (in yellow). (Filius Bonacci, the
son of Bonacci lived about 1170-1250).
We can develop the geometry of the Fibonacci rectangle in the same manner as we did with
the golden mean rectangle and in this way we find another intersection point indicated as
Fib just above Kathara Center 5 and this point becomes another off-centered centerpoint,
this time of the Fibonacci Spiral.
From Balance To Distortion
When we use golden mean and Fibonacci spirals to create Cabala Trees of Life, not having
the proportion 2:1 and not having 12 centers, we see immediately how these trees are
completely distorted and afflicted. The ultimate balance of the original Kathara Grid has
disappeared completely. We can see this l unbalance and heavy distortion even better by
looking at the overlays of a horizontal (matter) and vertical (parallel, anti-matter) Kathara
Grid, followed by an overlay of 2 Cabala Trees.

Alignment of Matter and Anti-matter Kathara Grids (picture above)

When we do the same with 2 Cabala Trees we get even more distortion.

Misalignment of 2 Cabala trees (picture above)
In other words: original perfection and harmony has fallen into imperfection and disharmony
and original natural harmonic interaction has become impossible because of the fallen grid
structures of golden mean and Fibonacci.
The result? Look around: war, deaqth and destruction, confusion, crisis after crisis, vampirism
on a huge scale with the name world-economy, pollution of environment, disasters, sadism,
masochism, criminality, hate and envy, it goes on and on and on. until finally
everything collapses into the off-centered center point of a Metatronic golden mean black hole
near Sagittarius A. We are back at the intended alignment with the Mayan Hunab Ku black
hole December 21, 2012.
Breaking The Spell Of Confusion: Kristal Spiral Music
The Age-old Error Of The Pythagorean Comma
All present music has to deal with a musical distortion that is already with us thousands of
years and has got the name Pythagoras Comma (Pythagoras lived c 570 c 495 BC). The
Pythagorean Comma can be described as follows: after cycling 12 times through musical
fifths we should arrive back at the first note 7 octaves higher. However, the outcome is
higher and the difference is the comma. Over the centuries musicians have dealt with the
problem in different ways. In the West we got tuning like meantone temperament, well
temperament, equal temperament.
In our present tuning the comma is distributed over all notes in an equal way. All notes except
the octave become false but because of conditioning from the cradle to the grave we even
dont hear this anymore. In the East, for example Indian musicians dont like this kind of
tricks and falsification, they prefer to play the right notes and to do this they need different
musical tunings. They have distributed these different tunings over day and night, resulting in
all kinds of ragas. Interesting is the number of 7 octaves mentioned earlier, a piano keyboard
has 7 octaves ( in fact a little bit more 88 keys, 88 is a lucky number, elections in Spain on
11/20 2011, exactly 35 years after the death of dictator Franco gives the number 88). The
number of 7 octaves is about the reach of human ears.
How stupid can we become? How do you solve the problem of connecting 9 dots in a square
with 4 lines without taking your pen our pencil from the paper? Of course you find the perfect
solution by going beyond the framework as presented. (There is an interesting connection
between the solution for this 9 dots problem and the Kristal Spiral, the person who is first to
find this connection will receive a free CD with KS Music). With music its a bit more
complicated because one has to be experienced in Fractal the repetitition of a pattern on
several levels thinking, to arrive at the right solution.
I will now uncover the ultimate secret of secrets for everybody. Krystal Spiral Musical Tuning
results from the matrix of Krystal Spiral 1,2,4,8,16,32,64.. plus the root of 2 products of
these numbers. Its easy to draw a Krystal Spiral by taking a square of 1 by 1 and next take
the diagonal (root 2) and draw a diamond shape with it around the square, next we get a
square of 22, and so further according the earlier given series of numbers. When we connect
the crossing points starting from the center of the square the result is 2 x4 counter rotating
Krystal Spirals. This counter rotating is the base of a Merkaba-spin, explanation and practice
is not included in this article.
The Markaba-spin is connected with the other part of our matrix for musical tuning, the
Merkaba Spiral 1,3,9,27,82, 243,. By combining Krystal and Merkaba Spiral in the shape
of a matrix of numbers we get all frequencies of Krystal Musical Tuning. Frequencies higher
than our hearing capacity we lower so many octaves that they come within reach of our
ears. The end result is 212 notes in an octave without Pythagoras Comma (see also
For our connoisseurs, Krystal Musical Tuning is in existence since February 22, 2007 and it
took a year before the new music in part 1 could be produced on a piano. May 29, 2010 was
the premiere of the complete tuning on the Healing Garden festival in Zeewolde, The
Netherlands. Soon 2 new CDs will be arrive on the market (please keep in touch for this with
The Coming End Of Fibonacci Music & Musical Instruments
Technology is frozen thinking was a genial observation of sociologist Max Weber (1864
1920). This is also the case with music technology. Present musical instruments (piano,
violin, guitar, etc.) are often build according Fibonacci numbers, musical compositions and
our recording technology, speakers, etc. are also based on Fibonacci and Golden Mean. As
we have seen earlier the Golden Mean and Fibonacci systems are fallen and distorted systems
and because there is not only musical resonance but also form resonance the implication is
immediately we need new musical instruments and technologies the be able to create real and
pure Krystal Spiral Music. I invite everybody to join us in making the new music perfect.
During 3 years the piano tuned in part 1 of the new musical tuning was at the home of
musician and piano tuner Michael Strategier in Heiloo, north-west of Amsterdam and part 2
on my piano in Nuenen in the south whch did not make it easy to create the real kristal music.
With the help of the electronic V-piano of Roland and Erard pianos from the 19th century in
the emantime we have succeeded to create Kristal Spiral Music. I prefer to use the term
Kristal in stead of Krystal because it reminds us we still are at the beginning of our new
Krystal Spiral Music adventure.
Ka Ra Ya Sa Ta Ha La are 7 notes of Krystal Music, together these notes form Kryst + Hala =
Krysthala or Krystallah = Kryst + Allah, another story of confusion in the field of re-legion
starts here.
In the modern world all kinds of frequency producing technologies exist without proper
tuning. A random mix of all kinds of frequencies we call noise and noise is another word
for confusion or chaos. No wonder chaos is rising very quickly on Earth. High time for real
innovation, creativity and inspiration to ctreate a new harmonic order.
Beyond The Speed Of Light
As said earlier in this article since September 23 the world is confronted with faster than light
neutrons unexplainable by our present scientific paradigm. Our worldview has been shaken to
the very core and as I made clear its all the result of the crossing of the spirals. We are
liberating ourselves from Platos Cave, a result of our geometrical fall and loosing our
connection with our real High Selves and our separation of Source. We are going Home!
Light is an electromagnetic phenomenon and all these waves travel at a speed determined by
the electrical and magnetic properties of space or whatever medium they are trevelling
through. This is referred to as the speed of light and the symbol for the speed of light is C.
The relationship between electricity (elasticity), magnetism (inertia) and speed of light we can
define as
C2 (C to the power of 2) = 1/. (1)
We call this equation the Merkaba Formula
In the equation epsilon () represents the electrical nature of space and mu () represents
magnetic inertia. These two values define the speed of light.
We usually experience space in terms of separation and separation can have both space and
time elements as we experience for example as we travel to Toronto by plane., so:
Separation S2 = D2 - C2 x T2 (all powers of 2)
(where D=Distance and T = Time)
From the perspective of Source there is no separation at all, so S=0
For separated people and prisoners of Platos of course S is not zero.
We now get the Source Formula or equation 0 = D2 C2 x T2 (2)
or D2 = C2 X T2 or C = D(istance) / T(ime)
From the perspective of Source the speed of light measures the flow of space through time
Combining both equations (1) and (2) gives the Cosmic Music & Dance Formula:
1 / . = C2 = D2 / T2
We see that electrical and magnetic properties influence the structure of space and time. They
determine the speed of light, which in turn determines the rate of formation of space.
Changing the magnetics or electrics can distort time, create time loops, worm holes etc and by
changing the electrical/magnetic balance we can travel beyond the speed of light. The Speed
of Light we thought to be a constant turns out to be variable.
Let me give an example, using the Merkaba Formula 1 / . = C2
Imagine epsilon is mu (=), so we get 1/2= C2 our well known speed of light.
Now, imagine epsilon = 3 mu or in reverse mu =1/3 epsilon
Substituting mu with 1/3 we get: 1/3 . = 1/3 2
and the result is 1/2 = 3C2 this is 3 times the speed of light!
This is only the beginning, as we know from our musical tuning formula we have a lot more
Merkaba numbers available for our cosmic faster-than-light music and dances. In the formula
for calculating the frequencies of Krystal Musical Tuning the high frequencies create
immediately a dance of light. As we remember KaThaRa means Light and Sound are One.
Indeed, we are starting to dance Shivas Dance!
The enchained speed of light we know is our speed of light in the closed system of Platos
Cave connected with Fibonacci and golden mean. Isnt this meany?
Unchained and liberating 3C2 belongs to the open system of Krystal and Merkaba Spirals.
Ouf! How fast can we go?
This is clear very quickly when we remember the numbers of the Merkaba Spiral,
1,3,9,27,81,243,.... and the existence of Merkaba Technologies. We shouldn't forget our
universe exists of matter and anti-matter and that we have to bring together both ( cf. the
earlier drawing of horizontal plus vertikal Katahra Grids) to be able to move through the
fasther-than-the-speed-of-light portal. This requires precision tuning and our present
confused, divided, polluted and distorted society is a very bad matrix for this kind of fine
Yet, the Stairway to Heaven or Jacob's Ladder is within reach of everybody. Ascension is the
logical result of well-tuning with Source by means of inner ascension technologies. Jesus The
Kryst has preceded us in Krysthala Consciousness and Technologies.
Travelling with variable speed of light is the normal pattern. A fixed speed of light as science
is still thinking is an exception only existing in our fallen part of the Omni-verse our Milky
Way and other connected fallen parts elsewhere where golden mean and/or Fibonacci spirals
and rect-angles are creating too much magnetism and a restricted speed of light to keep us
Changing magnetism and/or electricity also can create time disturbances, time loops,
wormholes, etc.. By changing the equilibrium between Door het electricity and magnetism
with inner Merkaba technology its easy to travel beyond our known speed of light. To
accomplkish this we need a quantum jump in consciousness and mutual tuning , otherwise we
never will get the requisite Unity-consciousness necessary for the high speeds of
consciousness. Lets start Tuning The Future!
This short and fast journey to the frontiers of our consciousness makes clear we are at the
beginning of a very exciting time of big and fast changes in world society. Changes we have
never seen or experienced on or beyond our planet. Are you ready to deliver your part?
PS: You can get a PDF with this article by sending an email to: with
subject Krystal Spiral PDF
PSS: Do you want to know more, speed up your personal growth, remove obstacles or enrich
your self in the field of spiritual science please registrate yourself for a lecture or workshop
and send an email to with subject KS Lecture or KS Workhop You
can also send an email to Michael Strategier
1. Everybody can start creating the future right now by visiting
Dancing In The Purple Rain of the Healing Garden Festival May 29, 2010:
The New Music Revolution Gateway Into A New Life: of via
2. The drawings in this article come from Spirals of Creation by Noel Tobin, copyright
A&A Deane 1999-2011
3. Information of the following websites has been used.
I thank you all!
October 1, 2011

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