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Humanitarian Service In Guatemala Can Change The World 1

Antigua, Guatemala and Cedar City, United States

On March 9
Theresa Aguilar traveled from Cedar City, Utah to Antigua, Guatemala.
In Antigua she participated in Maximo Nivels volunteer program. She was able to
work at Casa Maria; a nursing home in San Felipe, Guatemala. At this nursing home
Theresa worked with elderly residents cleaning wounds, assisted with physical
therapy and other daily needs. Theresa is very passionate when it comes to working
with the elderly. She hopes her work in Guatemala will inspire other students like
herself to get involved in community service.

While in Guatemala Theresa met an elderly lady named Amanda. Amanda had a
laceration about the size of a fifty-cent piece under her left eye. When Theresa
notified her medical field manager she was informed that Amanda needed medical
attention. She was also given disclosure that Amanda was unable to pay for a
medical attention, so she wouldnt receive it. After hearing that Theresa was
completely appalled; something like this would never happen in the United States.
She went on to pay for a doctor to come see Amanda, take a culture sample of her
laceration, test for bacteria, prescribe a prescription and return to the nursing home
to treat the wound.

Theresa is a junior at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. SUU requires
students to complete what is called an EDGE (Education Designed to Give
Experience) project; going to Guatemala was her project. She is currently Business
Management major and a French minor. She is very enthusiastic when it comes to
volunteering. When she is finished with school she hopes to work for LINK (Liberty
in North Korea) a non-profit.

For this experience Theresa Aguilar has been personally recognized by Southern
Utah Universitys President Scott Wyatt. On May 2nd, 2014 during his
commencement address.

Contact Information:
Theresa Aguilar

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