Presentation To Catholic Charities 2-17-12

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Partnership with Loyola University Chicago:

Building Capacity and

Program Development

February 17, 2012

Travis Proffitt,
Community Partnerships Coordinator
Patrick M. Green,
Director, Center for Experiential Learning
Loyola University Chicago

My Context:
Loyola University Center for Experiential Learning
Experiential Learning at
Loyola University Chicago
Center for Experiential Learning
Academic Internships
Student Employment
Undergraduate Research

Service-Learning Courses
2,200 Loyola students
provided over 76,000
hours of service to the
Chicago community
84 faculty
65 courses
300 community partner
Academic Internships
1898 students
participated in
offered in 22
disciplines across
6 schools

Student Employment Program
Over 400 students working in
over 70 organizations; Over
1,500 students working on
Students working in internship-
quality experiences
28% increase in community
partner sites for Community-
based FWS program
26% increase in students
employed in Community-based
FWS program
Undergraduate Research Program
144 Students
engaged in funded
research with a
faculty mentor
160 students
presented their
research at the
spring symposium

Capacity Development
Can working with students as young
professionals in training help you
do your work better?
Program Development

Can interns and volunteers help you focus
on service-delivery and improve your
program services?
Mentoring and Co-educating
As a professional in your area, did you know that
you can mentor or coach a young professional-
in-training to learn about your field, program,
services, and the issues surrounding it all?
Values Proposition
Interns and volunteers serve as young, energetic
professionals-in-training, who are able to accomplish tasks
and projects while learning more about the field, professional
environment, and the expectations in the world of work.
They can add to your program delivery of services, as well as
accomplish tasks and projects that are needed.
They can build your capacity and your program.
What is an Internship?
Defined Start- & End-Dates
Relate to Academic / Career Pursuits
Part-Time or Full-Time
Unpaid (Academic) & Paid
Not Alternatives for Administrative Support
As an Employer
Would you benefit from a confident, hopeful and goal / achievement-oriented
Do you have projects and infrastructure improvement opportunities that often go
untouched due to efforts to keep the doors open?
Would you benefit from a try before you buy approach to developing your
Do you have a network of contacts that includes customers, suppliers, business
partners with a diverse set of experiences and industry expertise?
Are you facing a climate of instability such that you need access to flexible
workforce options where commitments to 10-12 week assignments are ideal?
Are you very focused on expenses right now and resources available for a lesser
rate than what experienced employees would demand is of great interest?
Why Consider Internships?
Opportunity to gain early access to highly qualified talent
Get work done today; Build your talent pipeline for the future
Advance your business
Address the projects and infrastructure improvement opportunities that are often put on
the back burner in lieu of more pressing day-to-day business needs, especially now!
You have a lot to offer!
Breadth and depth of experience; expansive network of contacts
Agile and flexible workforce
Most Interns are seeking 10-12 week assignments
Low cost
If you can pay you should; while Interns still consider unpaid opportunities, their wage
is still likely to be less than if you went to the street to make a hire
Altruistic reasons / Greater good
Career exploration for a young person
Young talent staying in the Region
Making Internships Work
Simpler than you think
Meaningful / challenging assignments
Pre-defined projects, tasks and responsibilities
Compensation and beyond
Supervisor / Mentor
Include in regular meetings / events
WIFM (from the Intern perspective)
Win Win
Millennial Fast Facts
Born 1980-2000
Approximately 76 million
Tech savvy
Looking for a challenge
Feedback / recognition are key
Looking to do well and do good
Motivated by work / life balance
Attraction to job tied largely to community
Managing Millennial Expectations
Set clear expectations; be up-front and honest
Ensure challenging & meaningful tasks / project
Provide time for coaching / mentoring
Be sure to share the unwritten rules
Provide regular feedback
Recognize a job well done
Recognize they have a life outside of work
Include in regular meetings

Things You Should Know
Pay if You Can
College Student Realities
Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 6-Point Test
Compliance w/ Employment / Labor Laws
Questions to frame intern opportunities
What are all the $10-$15 per hour tasks that you find
yourself doingfor any of the following reasons:
Only person that knows how to complete the task
No one else has the capacity (e.g. time) to complete
the tasks
Youve always done it
The person in the job before you did it and youve
never made a change
Questions to frame intern opportunities
In your opinion, what systems / processes are lacking and/or
inefficient? To assist a bit with the definition of inefficient,
consider the following:
Which tasks / processes are difficult to transfer responsibility
for because the process is not documented, standardized and/or
automated to some degree?
Which tasks / processes are performed differently depending
upon who is asked to complete the task?
Which tasks / processes have outcomes that often vary? With
varied outcomes, please consider the following: quality of
outcomes &/or time required to complete tasks vary
Questions to frame intern opportunities
What annual projects / events requiring 12+
weeks of planning and execution are
completed / conducted by your team and
often require resources / effort beyond that of
the full capacity of your team?

Questions to frame intern opportunities
Where could you benefit from change and/or
innovation as it relates to your team? Where do you
see opportunity and often think to yourself "I just
know that we can do this better"? Where have you
made attempts in the past to make change, but the
change failed to take hold and become sustained for
what whatever reason?
Organizational Readiness
Fully define intern roles & responsibilities
Make ready the workplace
Spread the word
Prep the supporting cast
Get excited!
What (if any) risks need to be managed?
Roles Deserving of Interns
Intern work plan; figure it out up-front
Minimize menial tasks
Appropriate mix of short and long-term projects
Emphasis on Experiential Learning
Work is OK
Balance individual and collaborative assignments
Challenging, meaningful and value-added
Allow for soft-skill development

Mapping the Experience
Ultimate Goal: Create a Calendar
Week 1
Key deliverables & milestones
Feedback & review (e.g. weekly touch-points, formal reviews, etc.)
Meetings (e.g. internal, vendors, suppliers, clients, etc.)
Personal / Professional development opportunities
Company outings
Community connection opportunities
Intern inputs
Effective On-Boarding & Orientation
Emphasis on week #1
Leverage existing programs
Internal overview
Introductions (internal & external)
Tour of facilities
Social component (team lunch or afternoon coffee break)
Review calendar
Review goals, expectations and overall intern work plan
Ask the internWhat are you hoping to achieve during this
You are the Supervisor!
Performance Management
Its all about them!
Leverage existing practices when possible
Regular feedback / Millennial expectations
Be Objective
Support with data / examples
Incorporate Multiple Perspectives
Includes self & 360
Staying Engaged
Its all about them!
Stick to the plan
Programmed engagement - If its on the
calendar, it will happen
Share the wealth
Staying engaged requires staying connected
Mix it up; be spontaneous
Focus on Development
Its all about them!
Internships are opportunities for career
Emphasize Technical Skills / Behaviors
Broker / facilitate their experiences
Integrate into the performance management/
feedback process
Internal & external opportunities / leverage
Focus on Capacity
YOU all have a many skills and the ability to
train others in your work!

Interns/volunteers can add to your

Win-Win opportunities

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