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Name: Date: Block:

Strategies for Note Taking

Nobody loves taking notes. However, it is an important skill that will be used throughout your
academicand professionalcareer. Notes re!uires you to differentiate between information
that is important and information that is supplemental. "very successful student must develop a
method of note taking that makes sense to them. #ou can choose between 2 effective ways to
take notes: Outlining and Two Column Notes (aka Cornell Notes).

All kinds of notes should include:
$. Begin with title of the section of the chapter and the pages you are taking notes on
%. &opy headings and sub headings of the te't
(. )araphrase information that follows in bullets
*. +nderline and e'plain vocabulary words, usually in bold or italics
)review the material: read the section title and scan the headings
,urn the headings into !uestions to help you sort out the important information
-information you should paraphrase.. /or e'ample, if the green heading is
0&handragupta +nifies North 1ndia2 the paragraphed information below should answer
the !uestion: How did &handragupta unify North 1ndia3
+se abbreviations, arrows, phrases -not complete sentences.
Don4t forget information from maps, captions, sidebar
Be 5oldilocks
o Don4t write too little
o Don4t write too much
o 6im for 7ust right
1. ,itle of 8ection of chapter and page numbers
6. 9arge 8ection ,itle -:ed /ront.
$. 8ub Heading of 9arge 8ection ,itle -5reen font title.
a. paraphrased information
b. paraphrased information
c. paraphrased information
%. 8ub Heading of 9arge 8ection ,itle -Ne't green font title.
a. paraphrased information
b. paraphrased information
B. 9arge 8ection ,itle -Ne't :ed /ont title.
Name: Date: Block:
2 Column Notes/Cornell Notes
:ed heading
5reen heading
You can also turn the
green heading
into a question
;ocabulary word
,itle of section and page numbers
)araphrased information
)araphrased information

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