Permission Slip

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Field Trip Permission to Trenton Library

On Wednesday September 17, 2014 Business Management students will travel

to the renton !ubli" #ibrary by $oot to assist with a "lass reading pro%e"t&
'lass ()pe"tations*
Students will leave +S at ,*-0 and return by 10*00& We will wal. rain or shine,
so students should be prepared with umbrellas should the weather re/uire
them& Students will be e)pe"ted to "ondu"t themselves as pro$essionals&
Finally, students need to have an active Trenton Library card prior to
the trip. Minors will need to be accompanied by adults to the library
to acquire the card before the trip (not on the feld trip.
here are no "osts $or trip, but students will be e)pe"ted to abide by the terms
o$ he renton !ubli" #ibrary $or the "are and timely return o$ any boo.s they
"he". out&
!lease email me with any /uestions at "rews"0trentons"hools&"om
'hris 'rews
Mar.eting ea"her
renton +igh S"hool
2 give my permission $or 3333333333333333333333333 to wal. to he renton !ubli"
#ibrary at 2740 West5eld 1d renton, M2 4,1,6 on Wednesday September 10
$or a "lass trip&
TRENTON HIGH SCHOOL / Michael K. Doyle, Ed.D., Principal
Ronald Diroff, Assistant Principal James Trush, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
!"# $harlton Road, Trenton, Michi%an &'#'(/Ph. )(&.!*.&+(" ,- )(&.!*.&!#+
TRENTON HIGH SCHOOL / Michael K. Doyle, Ed.D., Principal
Ronald Diroff, Assistant Principal James Trush, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
!"# $harlton Road, Trenton, Michi%an &'#'(/Ph. )(&.!*.&+(" ,- )(&.!*.&!#+

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