Leadership Style

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3 things to keep in mind


How do you feel about adjusting from local to

international CFO?

You feel like these because.


(People oriented behaviors)
(Task- oriented behaviors)

Creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals

SMART goals
S = Specific (
M = Measurable ( )
A = Attainable ( )
R = Realistic (


T = Timely (

Specific A specific goal has a much greater chance of

being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific
goal you must answer the six W questions:
Who does this goal involve?
What do I want to accomplish with this goal?
Where: Where is the location or place of this goal?
When will you accomplish this goal? Set a
time frame.
Which: Which things would hold you back from
accomplishing this goal?
Why do you want to accomplish this goal?
- See more at:

Measurable Establish concrete criteria for

measuring progress toward the attainment of each
goal you set. When you measure your progress, you
stay on track, reach your target dates, and
experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs
you on to continued effort required to reach your
goal. To determine if your goal is measurable, ask
questions such asHow much? How many? How
will I know when it is accomplished?
Attainable When you identify goals that are most
important to you, you begin to figure out ways you
can make them come true. You develop the attitudes,
abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them.
You begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities
to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your

Realistic or Relevant To be realistic, a goal must

represent an objective toward which you are both
willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and
realistic; you are the only one who can decide just
how high your goal should be.
Time-Bound A goal should be grounded within a
time frame. With no time frame tied to it theres no
sense of urgency. If you want to lose 10 lbs., when
do you want to lose it by? Someday wont work. But
if you anchor it within a time frame, by May 1st,
then youve set your unconscious mind into motion to
begin working on the goal
- See more at:





Team development stages

SMART: Skills Motivation Attitude Responsibility Tenacity

None of us is as smart as All of us!


Tuckmans Team Development Model (1977)

Team development stages


Team development stages



Team development stages

Exchange of information;
identification of commonalties

Team development stages


Team development stages

Disagreement over procedures

Team development stages


(Vision) (
Mission ) (Strategy) (Action

(Participative) /


Team development stages

Growth of cohesiveness and unity;
increased "we-feeling"

Team development stages




(Management Principle)

Team development stages

Goal Achievement
Problem Solving

Team development stages



Team development stages


Eight myths about delegation:

1. I don't delegate because my team can't handle the task.
2. I don't delegate because training takes too long.
3. I don't delegate because they don't do it right.
4. I don't delegate because I don't want to be fired.
5. I don't delegate because I like to be in control.
6. I don't delegate because employees don't like
7. I don't delegate because everyone already has too much on
their plates.
8. I don't delegate because if they mess up, I'm still

Team development stages

Completing the task and breaking up the team

Coming together is a beginning.

Keeping together is progress.
Working together is success.
Henry Ford

One of the most important things to achieve your

goal is an endeavor.


1. Be a Stubborn with Goals and Targets

Thomas Edison creates and tests more than 1,000
light bulbs before we finally create the first success
light bulb.
Steve Jobs and his team works more than 20 hrs. a
day in order to create the first Macintosh in the World.

2. Accept the Truth

If you ask many Business owner about How is it going
on in your business ?. The answer youll all get is Its
going good. until they figure out that their company is
going bankrupt in the very next day. But for success
people, truth is the best friend.
Jeff Bezos, founder & CEO of Amazon, always be the
one who comes up when we talk about truth in
business world. Most of the decision he made were
based on statistic and current situation of the
company. He dares to accept the changes to be made
in his company. And many times that he has to close
some business that he built himself in order to
reorganize the system

3. Be Discipline
Bill Gates, former founder & CEO of Microsoft, is the
real bookworm. Also Warren Buffet and many
successful people in the World takes more than 2 hours
a day to read books with different genres

4. Share you Ideas and Targets

Goal Setting is one of the most important in every
business and many success people has this habit. But
the strange thing is that they always share his ideas and
thoughts to their nearby friends and family.
Many people think that you should not tell to somebody
else, to prevent them from taking it from you, but NO.
Successful people always share their thoughts to other
people so that they can get some more suggestions and
further more ideas to enhance his ideas.
They perfectly knows that the real success is not just
from ideas, its from DOING it.

5. Always Think Smart

Know what you dont know is the real knowledge
Confucius, Chinese philosopher

The Seven Habits to Practice Daily

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