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Van Horne Elementary

Preschool Schedule
4 year olds: Monday-Thursday
3 year olds: Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday
AM class: 8:15-11:15
PM class: 12:15-3:15

8:15-8:30 Arrival & Table Activities 12:15-12:30
*Students sign in, select a drink for snack, and find an available activity.

8:35-8:55 RIA/Large Group 12:35-12:55
*The class meets at the carpet & we read a story or do Read It Again. We also
discuss what we will be doing for the day.

8:55-10:00 Centers 12:55-2:00
*Students select which center they would like to play at. They have the
opportunity to visit many centers a day. Each center has a different objective
that expands their learning.

10:05:1020 Small Groups or Large Group 2:05-2:20
*Students are placed in a group based on their individual needs. They will
practice a specific skill at their group. At large group, we will do an activity that
involves the whole class.

10:20-10:45 Snack 2:20-2:45
10:45-10:50 Music & Movement 2:45-2:50
*Students are introduced to different songs and movement activities.

10:50-11:15 Recess/Large Motor Play 2:50-3:15
*Weather permitting, students will be outside participating in different activities
that encourage large motor development.

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