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Choose a real-world application where parallel computers are used for complex computation.

a) Describe the real-world application in detail.

Medical Image Processing.

b) Write about the need for parallel computers in this domain?
1.1 1.2 1.3
c) What is the downside of doing the computation in a single processor computer?

d) Mention the architecture model (processors, memory units, inter-networking model,

e) Write about the different parallel computer models/brands that are available in market.

f) Mention the cost, space requirement, etc. for the parallel computer.
You are free to add anything else that relates parallel computers with the chosen application.

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Assignment Document
o First Page: Write down your Name, ID Number, Assignment Number.
o Last Page: References
o Number of pages: Less than 10 pages
o Filename: IDNo#.AssignmentNo#.pdf
If you ID Number is 2012A7PS100H then the file name would be 2012A7PS100H.1.pdf
Individual submission (No team work should be involved)
To be submitted on or before 24
August, 2014 (Midnight 11:55 PM)
Submission status No attempt
Grading status Not graded
Due date Wednesday, 27 August 2014, 11:55 PM
Time remaining 4 days 13 hours

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