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Design Engineer
Foster Wheeler
Email: %ihir&'ha()g%ail&*o%
Mihir has 4 years of experience in Design calculation, reparation ! Re"ie# of Mechanical
Datasheet, $echnical %i& '"aluation, (en&ors) Document Re"ie# inclu&ing Design
*alculation, roce&ures li+e Hy&rotest roce&ure, ainting proce&ure, Dra#ings an& other
specifications for Static ',uipment such as ressure (essel, *olumn, Reactor, $an+ an&
Shell an& $u-e Heat 'xchanger.
Ha"e experince in *ontroling of Design Information for ',uipment 'ngineering exchange&
#ith other &isciplines, "en&or an& client.
',uipment han&le& co"ere& material of construction of *S, SS, *S/*la&, 0AS, HAS etc.
1amiliar #ith 2ational 3 International *o&es an& Stan&ar&s li+e ASM' Sec. (III Di".4 3
Di".5, Sec II art A 3 D, AI6789, AI 779, AI 774, $'MA, ASM' %47.8, %47.4:, ;R*
49:!5<:, AS*', U%*,IS=>:8, IS=4><?, '2 49594=5994, ''MUA 44?, %S 7?<< etc.
1amiliar #ith Mechanical Design Soft#are for Static ',uipments such as ('lite,
*ompress, H$RI, $A2K. Kno#le&ge of soft#ares li+e Auto*AD, MA$H*AD, Smart S+etch.
*urrently #or+ing as 'ngineer @ ',uipment 'ngineering in 1oster ;heeler In&ia, since

+resent Qualification:
'xamination Institution %oar&AUni"ersity Bear Mar+sA*CAD49E
B.Tech (M.E) National Institute
Of Foundry &
Forge Technology
RAN!I "##$%"##& $

E,-erien*e with Foster Wheeler
599<= Sasol Technology (Pty) Limited,
Water Recovery Growth Project, Secunda, South Arica!
',uipment 'ngineer6Static
,re-aration of Mechanical .atasheets (M./)0 Material Re1uisitions (MR) and
Technical Bid E2aluation of Tan3 and ,ressure 4essels.
599>6599<= "hevron South Arica (Pty) Limited,
#lare $oderni%ation Project, South Arica!
',uipment 'ngineer6Static
,re-aration of Mechanical .atasheets (M./)0 Material Re1uisitions (MR) of
,ressure 4essels.
599>6599<= Shell &' (il Products Limited, Re)rating o *essels and +eat ,-changers,
Stanlow, &'!
',uipment 'ngineer6Static
,re-aration of re%rating re-orts for ,ressure 4essels0 Air cooled !eat E5changers0
MA6, e2aluation0 T7in re-orts and ,4Elite design calculations at re%rated design
599>= .P"", .atar Petrochemical "om/le- Project, .atar!
',uipment 'ngineer6Static
Res-onsi8le for -re-aration of Mechanical .ata /heets for olu7ns0 Reactors
and 4essels for the follo9ing :nits0 Ethylene .i7erisation0 .esiso8uteni;er0
Metahesis0 Ethylene Ben;ene0 ,olystyrene0 ,oly-ro-ylene0 Na-htha !ydrotreater0
BT E5traction0 Aro7atic Fractionations0 Offsite and :tilities.
599:6599>= 0("L, Paradi/ Reinery Project, 0ndia!
',uipment 'ngineer6Static
,re-aration of E1ui-7ent datasheets for <ong <ead and Non%<ong <ead ite7s.
,reli7inary design Engineering of ,ressure 4essels0 .ru7s & olu7ns. Technical
Bid E2aluation for .ru7s & olu7ns.
599:= $ania "entral Processing #acilities ("P#)
122$3"4 and Tanaji5 ($ania)
',uipment 'ngineer6Static
,re-aration of Mechanical .atasheets (M./) and Material Re1uisitions (MR) of
Tan30 .ru7 & 4essels. Technical Bid E2aluation for Tan3s & .ru7s.
=ot the Foster 6heeler >C'M 599>? A9ard in >Assisting com/letion o data sheet with
hard wor6 and involvement?
0ther Experience
(12(1/ Jacobs Engineering , Navi Mumbai, India
Design 'ngineer61'C
Res-onsi8le for detailed design and engineering of ,ressure 4essels0 olu7ns0
Reactor0and -re-aration of Mechanical .atasheets.
(#2(1/ Reliance, Jamnagar, India
Res-onsi8le for detailed design and engineering of -ressure 2essels0 heat e5changers
and colu7ns0 -re-aration of re1uisition0 technical 8id e2aluation0 technical clarifications0
2endor dra9ings and design calculations re2ie9 and a--ro2al for construction.
("2(1/ Jamnagar Export Refinery Project
Responsi-le 'ngineer6Mechanical
6or3ed as Res-onsi8le Engineer for @a7nagar E5-ort Refinery ,roAect doing
4endorsB .ocu7ent Re2ie9 including design calculation0 -rocedures li3e
hydrotest -rocedure0 -ainting -rocedure0 dra9ings and other s-ecifications of
/tatic E1ui-7ent (,ressure 4essels0 !eat E5changers).
(#2("/ QYI- !Y" Project # RP$ Jamnagar
/uccessfully co7-leted the -roAect (By% castCs Air ,reheater integration 9ith
<inde) in !M:%) at Reliance @a7nagar refinery doing o%ordination 8et9een
<inde0 By%ast and /N% <a2lin and 4endor ,rint Re2ie9 of duct layout0
calculation0 technical s-ecification of E5-ansion 8ello9s etc.

/elf starter and strong 8elie2er of hard 9or3
E5cellent tea7 -layer and learner
<eadershi- Duality
+er%anent %&&ress'
Dtr. No.%F%)#&
.ugda oal 6ashery

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