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Colgio Estadual Drval Ferreira da Cunha

Ingls/ Ana Cludia

Aluno(a): ______________________________________________________ No. _________
Data: _____/ _______/ 2014
Valor: 5,0
Nota: _______

Avaliao Bimestral de Ingls

My family
Hi! My name is Joel and Im twelve years old. I have a big family. My mother is a nurse and my
father is an engineer. I have a little brother and two big sisters. My brother is only one and he has a
brown dog. My two big sisters are Sue and Ellen. Sue is twenty two and she is a veterinary and Ellen is
nineteen and she is studying architecture. Sue has many animals but they live on the farm. Our farm
has a new swimming pool. Its behind the house. The animals like to play with us, but my father says
the pool is not a good place for animals. Its a pity they cannot play in the pool with us!
to have (have-has):ter; many:muitos; swimming pool:piscina; to like: gostar; to play: brincar; to
say:dizer; place:lugar; its a pity: uma pena; cannot: no podem; with us: conosco; big: grande; little:
pequeno; to live: viver; farm: fazenda; behind: atrs.

1. Complete de acordo com o texto.

a) Joel is _______________________ years old.
b) Joels mother is a _________________________ and his father is an _______________________.
c) Joels brother has a______________________ dog.
2. Retire do texto.
a) Os nomes das irms de Joel; _______________________________________________________
b) A profisso de Sue: ______________________________________________________________
c) Onde vivem os animais; ___________________________________________________________
d) Onde est localizada a piscina: ______________________________________________________
3. Leia o texto e marque a opo correta.
a) Sue is ______________________________.

) twenty

) twenty-two

) nineteen

) nineteen

) engineering

b) Ellen is _____________________________.

) twenty

) twenty-two

c) Ellen is studying _________________________.


) English

) architecture

d) On their farm has _________________________ swimming pool.


) an old

) a new

) a big


a) _______________________________ a dog in front of my house>
b) _______________________________ two girls talking in the yard.
c) _______________________________ an elephant in the zoo.
d) _______________________________ one teacher in the classroom.
e) _______________________________ seven books on my desk.

5.Observe e classifique as sentenas a seguir:

1. Affirmative

2. Negative

3. Interrogative

a) Are there two dogs over there? (

b) There is not a pen on the floor. (


c) There are two cats under de table. (

d) Is there a pencil on your desk? (

e) There is a new swimming pool in Joels house. (

f) There are not rabbits under the table. (

6. Passe as sentenas abaixo para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

a) There is a yellow bird over there.
N. _______________________________________________________________________________
I. ________________________________________________________________________________

b) There are three bathrooms in my house.

N. _______________________________________________________________________________
I. ________________________________________________________________________________


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