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Hello Families,

We are entering our third week of school and

things are really starting to come together. I will
begin assessing the students this week and will share
those results with you if I am concerned. The
assessments help me in knowing what type of
instruction the students need to be successful this
year. They also help me identify students who may
need extra support. If you do not hear from me next
week, then we will talk about your childs assessment
at conferences.
ur class was lucky to recei!e "lexis
Hegstrom as our teacher aide. #he will be in our room
e!ery day for about an hour to help us with !arious
This week your child will begin to bring home
paper books. If your child reads their book to you,
please sign or initial it and send it back to school.
$our child will get a sticker for e!ery person they
read to that signs their book. Then please % &T
throw them away ' please keep them in a box and
then read and re(read them with your child) $our child
may need help reading the books that say *#trategy Focus+
on the front. This means it may be a more difficult book
for the children to read. If it does not say *strategy focus+
on the front then they should be able to read it on their
own to you because those books will only ha!e words that
we ha!e learned in class. "lthough our reading series does
not ha!e formal daily homework like our math series, it
does not mean the children do not need to practice their
pre(reading skills. ,lease ha!e your child read their papers
and books to you e!ery night.
Today your child also has their first -ath
Homework. They will ha!e math homework almost e!ery
-onday and Wednesday night. ,lease help them complete
their homework, make sure they ha!e their name on it, and
remind them to turn it into the mailbox. If you are not able
to complete it right away that is ok, .ust send it back when
you can get it completed. I will keep track and when your
child has turned in /0 homework sheets, s1he will get to
pick out of the treasure chest.
The book fair will be at our school #eptember 23
ctober /
. We need volunteers to help work the book
fair. The proceeds go to the elementary students for field
trips. If you, a family member or a friend are able to work
from 4(/2 or /2(5650 on any of those days, please let us
know. There is going to be a Family Fun Night on
-onday, #eptember 23
and the book fair will also be
open that e!ening.
Thank $ou, -rs. 7iuliani
#eptember /8, 20/9
Child of the Day
Tues. Vienna
Wed. Cole
Thurs. Nadia
Fri. Eli
Mon. - Anna
n Thursday your child attended an assembly explaining
the ,T Fundraiser. We hope you are ha!ing success
finding supporti!e people in our community to sell to.
The children were !ery excited to sell after seeing the neat
things that they could earn for selling. Those order forms
will be due on Thursday, #eptember /4
, so you ha!e two
weeks to try to sell and help support the ,T. The ,T
helps us by purchasing classroom supplies, paying for
assemblies, paying for field trips, and putting on the ,T
carni!al in "pril.
On September 24 the entire school will be going
on a field trip to the woods. This year we have
the excellent opportunity to follow the wood for
the NCAA tournaments from the forest to the
court. On the 24
we will watch the wood be cut
and loaded and learn about the places it will go
to be turned into the basetball court. Connor
A!A is partnering with "# to create this ama$ing
experience. %e will be having a grill out for
lunch in the woods on that day also. %e
encourage all students to eat school lunch that
day so we don&t have to worry about carrying
around their lunch boxes. Throughout the year
we will get updates on where the wood is and
learn about the economics of the process'
,lease !isit our
classroom website at
to find information and
see more pictures)

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