Kujtime Vruzhj

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During the Cisco Networking Academy

course, administered by the undersigned instructor, the student was

able to proficiently:
Kujtime Vruzhaj
Shkolla e Mesme e Pergjitheshme Numani
Academy Name
Niko Tahiraj
Aug 3, 2013
nstructor Signature
!pgrade or replace components of a laptop based on
customer needs
Describe the features, characteristics, and operating systems
of mobile de"ices
mplement basic hardware and software security principles
Apply good communication skills and professional beha"ior
while working with customers
Perform preventive maintenance and advanced troubleshooting
Assess customer needs, analy#e possible configurations,
and pro"ide solutions or recommendations for hardware,
operating systems, networking, and security
$ %ssentials
Certificate of Course Completion
Define information technology &$' and describe the
components of a personal computer
Describe how to protect people, e(uipment, and
en"ironments from accidents, damage, and contamination
)erform a step*by*step assembly of a desktop computer
%+plain the purpose of pre"enti"e maintenance and identify
the elements of the troubleshooting process
nstall and na"igate an operating system
Configure computers to connect to an e+isting network
nstall and share a printer

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