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World War II Webquest

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Question Answer

1. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I
in the year 1919. How was Germany
punished as a result of losing the war?

- Pay money for reconstruction
- 132 billion gold marks ($33 billion)
- Give up some land
- Army limited 100,000 soldiers
- Accept blame for starting the war

2. How and when did World War II begin in

September 3, 1939, when Germany invaded

3. Which two countries were the first to
declare war on Germany?

Britain and France

4. Which countries were considered the Allied

Russia (Soviet Union), Mexico, Britain, United
States, France, China, Brazil, Cuba

5. Which countries were considered the Axis

Japan, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary,

6. When did the United States become
involved in WWII and why?

Bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7,

7. Who led Germany, England, and the
United States during most of the war?

Germany - Adolf Hitler
England (Britain) - Winston Churchill
United States - Franklin D. Roosevelt

8. What countries did Germany conquer?
Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg,
France, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Greece,

9. What were some of Germanys main goals
during the war?

Trying to become one of the most powerful
countries, to exterminate the Jews.

10. How and when did the war end?

Ended when the Allies invaded Germany in
1945. They surrendered on May 8.

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