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To share information about international drug trafficking organizations and their illicit
trafficking activities and to establish the mechanism for regional cooperation to tackle drug
2. Background
Since April 1989, the Supreme Prosecutors' Office has organized quarterly meetings of drug-
related officials of several embassies in Seoul with the purpose of strengthening international
cooperation and facilitating exchange of information on international drug crimes.
The first Director of Narcotics Division Supreme Public Prosecutors' Office shaped and
forwarded the idea of this Meeting, entitled ADLOMICO, a beautiful name which stands for
Anti-Drug Liaison Officials' Meeting for International Cooperaion.
In observance of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (June 26), the
June ADLOMICO meeting was extended for 3 days to include not only members of the
ADLOMICO in Seoul but also executive drug enforcement officials from their own respective
countries as well as working-level senior officials of the agencies concerned in Korea and some

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