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C!m Nang "#$n %&'o Vn ('n Word

(() nh+ng ph,n n -.'n)

A. Cc khi ni$m c b%n :
- K t!( Character ) : L m"t phm #c nh$n t% vng phm k t!( ngo&i tr% cc phm
Shift, Ctrl, Alt v Caps Lock ). B&n c'ng c(n phn bi)t r hai lo&i k t!, l : nh*ng
k t! in ra gi$y( printable characters ) v nh*ng k t! khng in ra gi$y( non printing
characters, nh*ng k t! ny th$y #c trn mn hnh )
- T%( Word) : L m"t t+p h#p g,m cc k t! #c -t gi*a hai k t!
- Cu( Sentence ) : L m"t t+p h#p g,m cc t% -t gi*a hai d$u ch$m cu
- Dng(Line ) : L m"t t+p h#p g,m cc t%, b.t (u t% l/ tri 0n l/ ph1i trn mn hnh
- o&n( Paragraph) : L m"t t+p h#p g,m cc t%, cc cu, #c -t gi*a hai d$u phn
o&n( paragraph ) . 2 ni no b&n nh$n phm Enter, ni b&n -t m"t d$u phn
- Trang( Page ) : L t+p h#p g,m cc dng, o&n, cc 3i t#ng khc. #c hi4n th5
trn m"t m-t c6a t7 gi$y in( #c khai bo trong menu File " Page Setup
+ C hai lo&i ng.t trang :
- Ng.t trang m/m( Soft Break Page ) : Do ph(n m/m quy 5nh
- Ng.t trang c8ng( Hard Break Page ) : Do ng7i s9 d:ng quy 5nh khi mu3n
qua trang s;m
- Chng(Section ) : L t+p h#p g,m cc o&n, cc trang #c -t gi*a hai d$u
ng.t chng ( End of Section )
- Ti li)u( Document ) : L t+p h#p g,m cc chng v #c lu ln <a d;i m"t t+p
B. Cc quy t&c :
- Nh+p vn b1n t% l/ tri sang l/ ph1i, khi vn b1n t;i l/ ph1i Word s= t! "ng cu"n
xu3ng hng. Khng b$m phm Enter 4 xu3ng hng trong m"t o&n vn b1n
- Bn tri d$u ng.t cu khng #c c kho1ng
- Bn ph1i d$u ng.t cu b.t bu"c c kho1ng
- Ring ba d$u : ? ! th bn tri nn c kho1ng
- Bn ph1i d$u m> ngo-c, bn tri d$u ng ngo-c khng c kho1ng
- Khi c(n a con tr? nh1y m"t kho1ng xa b$m phm Tab, tuy)t 3i khng dng thanh

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 2 -
C. Ch' ( nh)p vn b%n :
- C 2 ch0 " nh+p vn b1n
+ Ghi chn ( Insert ) : K t! nh+p s= chn vo v5 tr con tr?
+ Ghi ( Overtype ) : K t! nh+p vo s= ln k t! > bn ph1i con tr?
* Chuy4n @i ch0 " Insert v Overtype :
- B$m phm Insert
- Nh$p p vo OVR > thanh tr&ng thi
A. Khi ni$m :
- Khi lm vi)c v;i nh*ng ti li)u trong Word, b&n c th4 chAn nhi/u cch trnh by vn
b1n. C 4 cch trnh by sau y :
+ Normal View : Trnh by ti li)u lin t:c t% trn xu3ng d;i, nh*ng chB ng.t trang
#c th4 hi)n bCng 7ng ch$m ch$m
+ Web Layout View : Trnh by vn b1n theo d&ng trang Web
+ Print Layout View : Trnh by vn b1n theo t%ng trang. 2 cch trnh by ny nh*ng
g b&n th$y trn mn hnh nh th0 no th in ra gi$y nh th0 $y
+ Outline : Trnh by ti li)u theo d&ng &i cng 4 b&n dD dng xem v b3 tr l&i n"i
B. Thay *i cch trnh by :
* Cc cch :
- ChAn menu View ! ChAn cch trnh by tng 8ng
- Click chAn bi4u t#ng trnh by tng 8ng trn thanh Scroll bar

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 3 -

1.Thay /i n 01 o : Vao Tool > Genenerral > Measurement units : Chon
Centimeters> OK.

2. Thi2t l3p l4 cho 56i li7u :
- Vao File > Page Setup xut hin hp thoai
- Trn the Margins, nhp khoang cach l trang :
+ Top : L trn (Chon : 2.54 cm)
+ Bottom : L duoi (Chon : 2.54 cm)
+ Left : L trai (Chon : 3.17 cm)
+ Right : L phai(Chon : 3.17 cm)
+ Gutter : 0 cm
+ Gutter position : Left
+ Multiple pages : Nomal
+ Apply to : Whole document.
" Default .
" Chon Yes.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 4 -

3. 8&9n 5&: Paper : Trong danh sach Paper size chon kiu A
, nhp OK > Chon
Default > Chon Yes.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 5 -

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 6 -
4. ;&<m =&< thanh 5>$ng 5&<i
- Vao Tools > Options, xut hin hp thoai.

- Chon the View, anh du chon vao Status bar
- Thanh trang thai cho bit nhung thng tin v vn ban ang uoc soan thao, nh
thu tu trang hin tai, phn, dong, toa con tro,
+ 8&? @ :
-co th nhp up vao s thu tu cua trang d goi hp thoai Find and Replace
- Ngoai ra, trn thanh trang thai con co cac chuc nng REC, TRK, EXT,
OVR. bt hoc tt cac chuc nng nay, chi vic nhp up vao cac chuc
nng o, trong o :
* REC la chuc nng ghi macro, chuc nng nay thuc hin cac thao tac mt
cach tu ng
* TRK giup theo di moi hoat ng trn vn ban gc
* EXT cho phep anh du khi d chon oan vn ban bng cac phim mui
* OVR chuc nng ghi e, tuc la cac ky tu bn phai con tro s uoc thay th
bng ky tu uoc g vao.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 7 -

+ 4 b? dng ch* g&ch chn :

- B? d$u ki4m c6a Check spelling as you type v
Check grammar as you type
5. TA Bng vCi Auto Text
-Word cho phep thm tu ng mt cum tu vao vn ban thay vi phai g bng tay. su
dung tinh nng Auto Text, thuc hin cac buoc sau :
a. NhDp =&'i 06o 01 5>E bDt FG trn thanh menu 06 H&9n Auto Text

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 8 -

b. NhDp 06o biIu tJKng L6n =&Em trn thanh cng HM

c. 8&9n 5&: Auto Text , nh3p HMm tN c,n thm 06o Enter Auto Text entries here, sau
O H&9n Add

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 9 -

d. Sau khi P thm nh+ng HMm tN mCi 06o Auto Text, mQi l,n muRn H&Sn HMm tN O
06o 56i li7u H&T vi7c H&9n HMm tN c,n H&Sn, nhDp Insert

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 10 -

! Xoay hnh :
- Xoay hnh 90
: ChAn Picture c(n thao tc. ChAn bi4u t#ng Rotate Left
- Ho-c nh$p chu"t ph1i vo thanh cng c: chAn Picture v ko xu3ng gc mn hnh v nh$p
vo gc c d$u tam gic

6. ChuyIn U/i Ch+ In Sang Ch+ ThJVng W6 NgJKc X$i
- Su dung nhiu ln Shift + F3
7. 1nh Y$ng hi7u Zng
a. Dong chu nho bn duoi : Ctrl + =
b. Chi s mu : Ctrl + Shift + =
8.8<c =&Em t[t thng YMng
-Ctrl + ln chu"t : Zoom
-Ctrl + 1 : Gin dong n
-Ctrl + 2 : Gin dong i
-Ctrl + 5 : Gin dong 1,5
-Ctrl +0 : Tao thm gin dong n truoc oan
-Ctrl + L : Cn dong trai

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 11 -
-Ctrl + R : Cn dong phai
-Ctrl + E : Cn giua
-Ctrl + J : Cn dong chu dan du 2 bn, thng l
-Ctrl + N : Tao File moi (Word m;i)
-Ctrl + O : Mo File co
-Ctrl + P : In n File
-F12 : Lu tai liu voi tn khac
-F7 : Kim tra li chinh ta ting Anh
-Ctrl + Z : Bo qua lnh vua lam
-Ctrl + Y : Khi phuc lnh vua bo (Nguoc lai voi lnh Ctrl + Z)
-Ctrl +Shift + S : Tao Style (heading) > dung muc luc tu ng
-Ctrl + Shift +F : Thay i phng chu
-Ctrl + Shift + P : Thay i c chu
-Ctrl + D : Mo hp thoai inh dang Font chu
-Ctrl + M : Lui oan vn ban vao 1 tab ( mc inh 1,27 cm)
-Ctrl + Shift + M : Lui oan vn ban ra l 1 tab
-Ctrl + T : Lui nhung dong khng phai la dong u cua oan vn ban vao 1 tab
-Ctrl +Shift + T : Lui nhung dong khng phai la dong u cua oan vn ban ra l 1 tab
- Ctrl +F : Tim kim ki tu
- Ctrl + G (hoc F5) : Nhay dn trang s
-Ctrl + H : Tim kim va thay th ky tu
-Ctrl + K : Tao lin kt (link)
-Ctrl + ] : Tng c chu
-Ctrl + [ : Giam c chu
- Ctrl + W : ong File
-Ctrl + Q : Lui oan vn ban ra sat l ( Khi dung Tab)
-Ctrl + Shift +> : Tng 2 c chu
-Ctrl + Shift + < : Giam 2 c chu
-Ctrl + F2 : Xem hinh anh ni dung File truoc khi in
-Alt + Shift + S : Bt/ Tt phn chia cua s Window
-Ctrl + Atl + O : Cua s MS Word o dang Outline
-Ctrl + Atl + N : Cua s MS Word o dang Nomal
-Ctrl + Atl + P : Cua s MS Word o dang Print Layout
-Ctrl + Atl + L : anh s va ki tu ng
-Ctrl + Atl + F : anh ghi chu (Footnotes) o chn trang
-Ctrl + Atl + D : anh ghi chu o ngay duoi dong con tro o o

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 12 -
-Ctrl + Atl + M : anh chu thich (nn la mau vang) khi di chuyn chut dn moi xut hin
chu thich
- F4 : Lp lai lnh vua lam
-Ctrl + Atl + 1 : Tao heading 1
-Ctrl + Atl + 2 : Tao heading 2
-Ctrl + Atl + 3 : Tao heading 3
-Alt + F8 : Mo hp thoai Macro
-Ctrl+ Shift + + : Bt / Tt anhchi s trn
-Ctrl + + : Bt / Tt chi s anh duoi
-Ctrl + Space : Tro v inh dang Font chu mc inh
Ctrl + Shift +A : Chuyn i chu thuong thanh chu hoa (voi chu ting Vit co du thi
khng nn chuyn )
-Atl + F10 : Phong to man hinh (Zoom)
-Atl + F5 : Thu nho man hinh
-Atl + Print Screen : Chup hinh hp thoai hin thi trn man hinh
-Print Screen : Chup toan b man hinh ang hin thi.
+ Cc phm di chuy+n con tr, :
- Ctrl + E : Qua ph1i m"t t%
- Ctrl + F : Qua tri m"t t%
- Ctrl + G : Ln trn m"t o&n
- Ctrl + H : Xu3ng d;i m"t o&n
- Ctrl + Alt + PgUp : Ln (u trang mn hnh
- Ctrl + Alt + PgDn : Xu3ng cu3i trang mn hnh
- Shift + F5 : V/ v5 tr sau cng c6a i4m chn
+ Thao tc ch-n kh.i
- Ctrl + Shift + Home : chAn 0n (u vn b1n
- Ctrl + Shift + End : ChAn 0n cu3i vn b1n
+ Cc phm thay *i ki+u ch/

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 13 -
- Ctrl + Shift +D : G&ch d;i nt i
- Ctrl + Shift + K : @i ra ch* hoa nh?
- Ctrl + Shift + A : @i ra ch* hoa
- Ctrl + Shift + W : G&ch d;i mBi t%
+ Cc phm dng bin
- Ctrl + M : D7i l4 tri qua ph1i 1 Tab ( Ng#c l&i l : Ctrl + Shift + M)
- Ctrl + T : D7i cc dng d;i c6a o&n vn b1n qua ph1i 1 Tab ( Tng t! trn) - Ctrl + J :
Canh o&n vn b1n /u 2 bin
- Ctrl + Q : GI b? cc 5nh d&ng o&n, cc ki4u dng bin, cc i4m d%ng Tab.
9.%Enh 5#<n trong Word
A. S\ YMng ]<y 5Enh trong Word
-Vao View> Toolbars > Customize hoc nhp phai vao thanh Menu.

- Trong the Commands, chon Tools trong danh sach Categories, nhp Tools
Calculate va keo tha vao mt vi tri bt ky trn thanh menu .

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 14 -
- Khi tinh toan ta anh du khi toan b phep tinh, nhp Tools Calculate ri nhn
Ctrl + V d dan kt qua vao tai liu.
- VI DU : Tinh 17*2= , ta lam nh sau :
a. anh du khi 17*2
b. Nhp vao thanh Tools Calculate trn thanh cng cu
c. Dt vi tri con tro sau du = va n t hop phim Ctrl +V.
B. %Enh 5#<n trn L'ng
-Vao Table > Formula ri lua chon mt ham tinh toan. Tinh trong Word rt han ch
- VI DU : 1+2+6= 9
a. Dt con tro vao sau du =
b. Chon Table > Formula , chon ham SUM trong Paste function d tinh phep

-Nhp 1,2,6 vao trong ham SUM va OK .
-Tinh tng tu cho cac ham khac.
C. W^ &_nh trong Word
- V uong thng, hinh vung, hinh tron, uong cong gy khuc.
-Chon Drawing

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 15 -

- Trn thanh cng cu v bao gm nhiu chuc nng nh v, t mau, chon day net
v, v cac hinh khi, cac mu hinh chun ..

- Khi cn v oan thng, nhp vao biu tuong v uong thng , nhn va giu phim
Shift trong khi v, khi o con tro chut s di chuyn theo uong thng.

-Khi cn v mt uong cong phuc tap, trn thanh cng cu Drawing
vao AutoShapes > Lines > Curve

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 16 -

- Tng tu, vao AutoShapes > Lines > FreeForm d v cac uong gy khuc lin
tip nhau hoc v tu do.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 17 -

- Nu uong cong, gp khuc cha nh y mun, nhp phai vao i tuong ri chon
Edit Points

-Luc nay, cac im neo trn uong s hin ln, co th tu do iu chinh theo y mun,
co th thm im (add points), xoa bot im (delete points) d iu chinh uong net
mm mai hn

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 18 -

- Mun t mau cho i tuong oi hoi i tuong o phai uoc tao ra tu mt uong
khep kin, d lam iu nay chi vic nhp phai vao i tuong va chon Chose Patch.
Thi s tao thanh mt vong kin.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 19 -

- Mun t mau cho nguyn uong thng o thi chi cn nhp chut trai vao u
uong thng va chon Color

* C&t xn Picture
- Nh$p chu"t ph1i chAn Picture
- Click vo Crop
! %$o khung `nh
- Co th su dung AutoShape trong Word d tao ra nhung khung hinh ep theo y
mun. Mt iu cn lu y la phai phong oan kich thuoc cua anh d tao ra khung
vua voi anh.

o VI DU : Tao mt khung Oval cho hinh

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 20 -

a. V mt hinh Oval sao cho kich thuoc tao thanh mt khung anh vua vn.
b. Nhp phai vao hinh Oval va chon Format AutoShap, cut hin hp
c. Chon the Color, chon Fill Effects

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 21 -

d.Chon the Picture, nhp Select Picture

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 22 -

d. Chon anh cn tao khung, nhp Insert.
e. OK
! Note : Quan trong la chon ung c hinh
10.ChuyIn tN Text sang Table
- Khi g xong mt oan vn ban, d trinh bay ep hn ta nn a vao trong Tablel.
Word cho phep chuyn i tu ng tu Text sang Table ma khng cn phai g lai tu u.
- thun tin trong vic chuyn i, vn ban nn co nhung du cach. Nho co du
cach nay ma Word co th hiu uoc oan nao s uoc a vao cell nao. Du cach co th
la khoang trng, du tab, du phy hoc du ni,..

- chuyn tu Text sang Table, ta lam nh sau :
a. anh du khi oan Text cn chuyn i.
b. Vao Table > Convert > Text to Table, xut hin hp thoai.
- Trong hp thoai Convert Text to Table, s dong s tng ung voi s hang trong
oan Text.
c. Lua chon du cach trong phn Separate text at, nhp OK.

11. a<n =&Em t[t cho H<c biIu tJKng trong Word bI thao 5<c nhanh hn
a. Vao Insert > Symbol Nhp Shortcut Key. Gan t hop phim vao Press new shortcut
key.Nhp Assign, nhp Close.
12. Xem nhanh nBi dung vn L'n Word
- Vao File > Open > Clrt-O.Trong Open nhp vao Preview

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 23 -

13.c#6n tDt vn L'n
- tranh nguoi khac xem va thay i tai liu, ta lam nh sau :
- Vao Tools > Protect Document
-Trong Editing restrictions :
a. Tracked Changes :Cho phep theo di moi su thay i trong tai liu
b. Comments : Chi cho phep nguoi khac thm vao nhung ghi chu ( Comments)
c. Forms : Chi cho phep thay i kiu inh dang cua vn ban, ngoai ra khng cho phep
thay i bt ky iu gi khac,
- Nhp mt khu vao hp thoai password, OK
-Note :
- Mt khu nay s uoc yu cu nhp vao mi khi b&n mun mo tai liu.
- Word s bao v tai liu cho dn khi ban thuc hin Unprotect
- cdy L) ch2 B L'o v7 56i li7u :
- Vao Tools > Unprotect Document, nhp mt khu va OK.
14. %$o ]Mc eMc tA Bng
- Vao View > Outline. Chon o Body text trn thanh tiu d. Sau khi inh dang xong toan
b tai liu, vao Insert > Reference > Index and Tables, inh s cp th hin trong muc luc
bng gia tri Show levels, nhp OK.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 24 -
15. Quay Trang
- Dt con tro o im cui cung trong trang truoc trang cn quay ngang. Vao File > Page
Setup. Chon Landscape trong muc Orientrtion, va nhp chon Apply to This point forward
trong muc Preview

Tuy nhin, luc nay tt ca trang nm sau trang uoc t con tro du uoc quay ngang. Nn
cn phai quay ung lai cac trang phia sau trang cn quay ngang. Vic nay uoc thuc hin
nh sau :
- Dt con tro o im cui cung trong trang truoc trang cn quay ung. Vao File > Page
Setup. Chon Portrait trong muc Orientation, va chon Apply to This point forward trong muc

Hinh thit lp quay trang ngang

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 25 -

Hinh thit lp quay trang ung
16. %$o vi4n khung cho trang L_a
- Vao Format > Border and Shading, hp thoai xut hin, chon Page Border, chon kiu
khung vin trong danh sach Art.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 26 -

- Chon This section First page only trong danh sach Apply to. Nhp Option d
xut hin hp thoai Border and Shading Options. Trong danh sach nay chon Text
trong danh sach Measure from, nhp OK.

17.Kh[c =&Mc lQi thJVng gfp
a. () dDu -$ch chn :
- Tools > Options > Spelling and Grammar , bo du kim trong : Check spelling as you
type va Chck grammar as you type.
b.;@ tA H<ch nhau mBt F&#'ng tr[ng
- Tng tu, bo du kim Smart cut and paste.
18.KiIm tra tN vAng 06 vn =&$m
- Khi soan thao vn ban bng ting Anh , vao Spelling And Grammar > anh du chon
tt muc Hide Spelling error in this document, trong khung Grammar chon Check
grammar with spelling

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
Get yours now!
- 27 -

- Word s anh du nhung tu sai bng nhung uong gon song mau o bn duoi tu
y. hoan chinh no, Word s goi y cho ban mt s tu khac nu ban nhp chon
biu tuong Spelling and Grammar trn thanh Standard. Chp nhn tu nao trong
danh sach d nghi cua Word, chon no ri nhp Change.
- tim tu ng nghia cho mt tu trong vn ban, chon tu o, vao Tools > Language >
Thesaurus. Chon tu thich hop trong d nghi cua Word, sau o nhp Replace
- Shift + F3 ( Cac kiu)
- tao hiu ung trong khung Effects, nhp chon Outline va Small Cap. Xem kt qua hiu
ung nay trong khung Preview d co uoc kiu chu ng y.

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 28 -

- Tng Khoang Cach Giua Cac Ky Tu, Trong Hp Thoai Font, Chon Character
Spacing, Trong Khung Spacing, Chon Expanded

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 29 -

- anh du nhung oan vn ban quan trong trong tai liu, chon biu tuong
Highlight trn thanh inh dang.
- I chuyIn nh+ng HMm tN F&<c Hgng Font, thAc hi7n nh sau :
- Quet chon khi mun i Font
- Nhn giu phim Ctrl
- Quet chon cum tu ban mun chuyn thanh cung Font voi cum tu chon o trn
- Cui cung vao Edit > Repeat Font Formatting.
+ 1nh Y$ng cho #$n
- I inh dang cho oan , truoc tin ban t du nhay con tro o u oan o, goi
lnh Format > Paragraph. Hp thoai Paragraph xut hin, chon Justifed
- I tng khoang trng bn trai va phai cho oan , o khung Indentation, muc Left
va Right, nhp vao mui tn huong ln dn khi co uoc mt khoang cach thich

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 30 -


Canh chu cho bin

iu chinh l trai va phai
- thut u dong cho dong u tin trong oan , khung Indentation, muc Special,
chon First Line va thit lp khoang thut vao trong muc By
- tng khoang cach cua mt oan so voi oan truoc va sau no, o khung
Spacing, muc Before va After, nhp vao mui tn huong ln dn khi co uoc mt
khoang cach thich hop

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 31 -

- tng khoang cach giua cac dong trong oan nay ln gp rui, o khung
Spacing, muc Line spacing, chon 1.5 lines
- Trong qua trinh inh dang oan, ban co th quan sat su thay i danh trinh bay
ngay d co th iu chinh
- trinh bay vn ban dang lit k, quet chon phn vn ban o, vao Format >
Bullets and Numbering

- Chon dang trinh bay, OK
+ %$o H&? 5&Ech cho vn L'n
- tao chu thich cho vn ban, ban quet khi chon phn vn ban mun chu thich,
vao menu Insert > Comment . Trong khung comment, nhp vao ni dung chu
- xoa phn chu thich, nhp phai ln chu thich va chon Delete Comment.
+ S\ YMng mhu bI 5>_nh L6y vn L'n( !" th$ %n & trong '(y)
- tao mt tai liu moi, vao File > New. Trong khung Templates, nhp chon On
my computer.
Comment [45N1]: y la phn chu
thich cua BXM

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 32 -

- Gia su b&n mun trinh bay vn ban dang Fax thi trong hp thoai Templates,chon
the Letter and Faxes, chon mt mu vua y, OK
- VI DU : Ban chon mu Contemporary Fax. Sau o, chen vao ia chi cng ty.
Nhp vao muc Click here and type address d nhp thng tin.
- lu mu nay nh mt mu thng dung va sau nay dung lai, nhp File> Save
As. Trong khung File name, t tn cho ban Fax nay (Vi Du la &i HAc Th6y
L#i )

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 33 -

- Trong khung Save as type, chon muc Document Template. Nhp Save d lu.

- tao mt tai liu moi dua trn Template ban lu, lam nh sau :
- File > New
- Xut hin hp thoai New Document, o khung Templates, nhp chon On my
- Trn the General, nhp chon tai liu &i HAc Th6y L#i
- OK. Hoc ban co th hiu chinh lai Template nay bng cach chon muc cn thay
i nhn vao Delete va nhp vao ni dung moi.
20.Vn ('n i$ng ('ng W6 CBt
+ tao bang trong Word, Nhp Table > Insert > Table.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 34 -
- Thit lp s ct trong khung Number of colums, s hang trong khung Number of

Thit lp bang co 5 ct 2 hang.
- kt hop cac o hang u thanh mt , ban quet chon vao cac o. Vao Table
> Merge Cell va nhp vao tiu d cho bang
- Tab : Di chuyn giua cac hang trong bang.
- chen thm mt hang cho bang, t du nhay tai hang cui ri nhp Table >
Insert > Rows Below.
+ Trinh bay vn ban dang ct :
- Format > Columns

- Trong khung Columns, chon s ct thich hop cho vn ban

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 35 -

Chuyn phn vn ban uoc chon thanh dang hai ct

- khng xut hin net gach ngn bo Line Between.
- mo rng rng cho ct, trong hp thoai Columns, tng khoang cach trong
muc Spacing > OK.
- a mt phn vn ban tu ct nay sang ct k tip, ban hy t du nhay ngay
truoc vn ban o. Nhp Insert > Break.
- Trong phn Break Types, anh du chon vao muc Columuns break. OK

B tri tai liu cho cac ct

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 36 -
21.8&Sn 06 hi7u H&Tnh 'nh
- Nhp Insert > Picture > From File, chon uong dn dn th muc chua anh, nhp chon
anh cn chen vao vn ban > Insert.
- Hoc bng cach chup man hinh voi Print, Alt+Print.

+Hi7u H&Tnh 'nh trong vn L'n
- W6o Format > Picture, xut hin hp thoai Format Picture,chon Picture d hiu
chinh hoc nhp pc pc.
22. c#6n tDt vn L'n
- Ghi tn va chu d cua vn ban :
- Vao View > Header and Footer, nhp ni dung vao
- tao chn le khac nhau, chon Page Setup trn thanh cng cu,nhp chon tai
Layout, nhp chon Different odd and even.
- Trang le vao Old
- Trang chn vao Even.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 37 -
- tao cho trang u cac trang con lai voa Layout cua Page Setup nhp chon
Different first page.
- chen s thu tu vao nhp Insert Page Number hoc nhp chut trai vao thanh
cng cu trn man hinh va vao Custome > Comands> vao Insert va a ln thanh
cng cu.
- chen ngay, gio vao thi a Date and Time ln thanh cng cu .
23. ChuyIn 56i li7u Word sang trang Web
- Vao Tools > Options, chon General, chon Web Options.
- Chon Microsoft Internet 5.0 or later

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 38 -

- am bao cac phn khng uoc h tro boi trinh duyt Web khng hin thi,
nhp chon du kim o muc Disable features not supported by these browsers va
- xem tai liu duoi trinh duyt Web, vao File > Web page.
+ %$o 06 1nh Y$ng 56i li7u Web :
- Lu tai liu dang Web, chon File > Save As Web Page. Trong khung Save As
Type, chon Web Page. Nhp Save d hoan tt.
+ Trong tr0ng h1p c m(t thng i$p c%nh bo r2ng c m(t .i t1ng
khng 1c h3 tr1 b4i trnh duy$t Microsoft Internet 5.0 nh5p Continue
- 4 t&o khung trang, lm nh*ng b;c sau :
- Nh$p Format > Frames > New Frames Page

- Vo New Frame Left.
- Nh$p Close 4 t.t thanh cng c: ny
- B&n c th4 chJnh kch cI c6a Frame bCng cch ko cc 7ng vi/n c6a chng.
Sau , nh+p vo n"i dung vn b1n
- 4 lu trang ny vo File > Save. -t tn cho trang v chAn th m:c c(n lu,
- T6o lin k't (ng cho trang
- 4 t&o m"t lin k0t "ng cho vn b1n, lm nh sau :

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 39 -
a. ChAn n"i dung c(n t&o lin k0t
b. Nh$p Insert > Hyperlink
c. 4 xc 5nh File c(n lin k0t, trong khung Look in, chAn File
d. Nh$p OK 4 hon t$t. T% nay khi nh$p chAn bi4u t#ng c quan, nh$n
gi* phm Ctrl v nh$p chu"t th Hyperlink s= m> t+p tin v/ c quan cho
24. K7 thu)t nhng Font trong Word
- 4 tng tnh thKm mL cho vn b1n khi so&n th1o vn b1n. Trong m"t s3 tr7ng
h#p dng 0n Font th php. 4 ti li)u c th4 hi4n th5 ng ki4u ch* trn b$t kM
my no, b&n c th4 -t tnh nng nhng ki4u ch* nh sau :
- Vo Tools > Options
- Trn thN Save, nh d$u chAn Embed TrueType Fonts v Embed charac ters in
use only. Nh$p OK
- Lc ny, cc ki4u ch* -c bi)t s= #c nhng thOng vo ti li)u v c th4 xem
#c > b$t kM my tnh no d khng c Fonts ch*

+ Ty bi'n m(t danh sch 8u o6n nhi9u c5p trong Word

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 40 -
- Thng th7ng trong Word chJ cung c$p cc mPu danh sch (u o&n Bullets and
Numbering theo ki4u s3 th8 t! hay ti0ng Anh. Nhng n0u b&n c(n nh*ng mPu
bCng ti0ng Vi)t, v d: nh i/u 1, i/u 2, th g-p kh khn. Th6 thu+t sau
s= gip b&n gi1i quy0t v$n / ny.
- Gi1 s9 b&n c m"t vn b1n lu+t v c(n m"t danh (u o&n #c chia lm hai c$p
: IQU LURT, c th4 ti0n hnh nh sau :
a. Vo Format > Bullets and Numbering
b. Trn Outline Numbered, chAn m"t mPu b$t kM v Customize > gc d;i
bn ph1i.
c. Trong h"p tho&i Customize Outline Numbered List, chAn level 1 ( c$p
1) trong danh sch cc level. Nh+p t% kha IQU vo Number
format, > Number style, chAn 1,2,3. > Start at chAn l 1. N0u
cha th$y hi4n th5 Font ti0ng Vi)t th nh$p nt Font v 5nh d&ng
Font ti0ng Vi)t theo mnh.
d. Tng t! cho Level 2 v;i t% kha LURT ( n0u cn nh*ng c$p khc,
b&n c'ng ti0n hnh tng t! ). B&n c th4 theo di s! hi4n th5 c6a cc
c$p Bullets ny > c9a s@ Priview c&nh bn
e. Nh$p OK 2 l(n 4 tr> v/ mn hnh so&n th1o

- Note : 4 thay @i gi*a hai c$p level 1 v level 2, -t con tr? chu"t ngay (u
dng c6a m"t o&n vn b1n v nh$p chAn nh*ng nt trn thanh cng
+ nh s. th: t; t; (ng cho t<ng dng trong Word

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 41 -
- T8c l nh t% s3 1, 2,3 cho mBi l(n xu3ng hng
a. M> vn b1n c(n nh s3
b. Vo File > Page Setup
c. Vo Layout, nh$p Line Number
d. nh d$u Add line numbering
e. OK
f. Note : Cch nh s3 ny hon ton khng gi3ng nh Bullets and
Numbering trong menu Format.
+ T6o ch thch cho ti li$u
- Vo Insert > Reference > Footnote.
- Footnote : Ch thch t&o thnh s= nCm ngay > cu3i trang.
- Endnote : Ch thch t&o thnh s= nCm ngay > pha d;i dng cu3i cng c6a o&n
cu3i cng trong trang
- M:c Number Format l cch quy 5nh nh s3 th8 t! cho cc ch thch t&o
thnh. N0u khng thch nh s3 th8 t!, B&n c th4 chAn m"t k t! -c bi)t bCng
cch nh$p nt Symbol. Sau , OK.
- Tr? chu"t s= t! "ng nh1y xu3ng v5 tr tng 8ng v;i th8 t! ghi ch m b&n
chAn, lc ny b&n chJ c(n nh+p vo ph(n n"i dung c6a ghi ch . Th!c hi)n
tng t! cho cc ghi ch ti0p theo.
- Ni thm : Trong h"p tho&i Footnote and Endnote, nh$p nt Options 4 i/u
chJnh m"t s3 thu"c tnh cho hai lo&i ch thch Footnotes and Endnotes nh : V5
tr -t ch thch ( Place at) Number Format (5nh d&ng ki4u nh th8 t! cho ch
- B&n c'ng c(n ch cc d&ng nh s3 cho ch thch > m:c Nembering nh :
- Continuous : nh d$u th8 t! lin t:c trong su3t ti li)u
- Restart each section : nh d$u b.t (u l&i s3 th8 t! sau mBi phn o&n
- Restart each page : nh d$u b.t (u l&i s3 th8 t! sau mBi trang.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 42 -

25. T)n d=ng cc Funtion Key (phm ch:c nng) : T< F1..F12
- F1 : B+t nhanh menu Help
- F2 : Di chuy4n nhanh vn b1n hay 3i t#ng , hAa #c chAn nh d$u 0n
v5 tr m;i ( khi b&n chAn m"t 3i t#ng v nh$n F2 > thanh tr&ng thi pha d;i
mn hnh c6a Word, s= xu$t hi)n cu h?i Move to where ? B&n di chuy4n tr?
chu"t t;i v5 tr m;i, sau Enter
- Ctrl + F2 : B+t nhanh ch0 " Print Preview
- Ctrl + F5 ( Alt +F5) : thu nh? kch th;c c9a s@ vn b1n ang m>
- Ctrl + F10 ( Alt +F10) : Phng to kch th;c c9a s@ vn b1n ang m>
26. In xen F^ trang ngang vCi trang Zng
- Nhp du liu vao trang ung cho toi hang cui cung cua trang
- Vao Insert > Break
- anh du chon Next Page , OK
- Du nhay cua con tro chut s nhay sang trang sau. Vao File > Page Setup
- Trn the Margins ( hoc Paper size) chon kh giy Landscape va OK
- Luc nay trang giy s chuyn qua inh dang nm ngang ma k anh huong gi toi
inh dang cua trang truoc o. Ban tin hanh nhp du liu cho trang nm ngang
binh thuong Sang trang k tip, nu mun kh giy quay tro lai dang ung thi cung
tin hanh tng tu
27. S\ YMng =&Em Insert bI Y<n d+ li7u 06 &_nh 'nh
- Vao Tools > Options. Trn the Edit, anh du chon Use the Ins key for paste .

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 43 -
- Luc nay ta thay nut Paste ( Ctrl +V) bng Insert

28. M(t s. th> thu)t c8n bi't khi in 5n
+ Lm v<a kht ti li$u ln m(t trang in trong Word
- B&n v%a bin so&n xong m"t ti li)u g,m 2 trang, trong > trang th8 2 chJ c
hai ho-c ba dng k t!. N0u in ra th ph v ti li)u ny b&n ph1i in r$t nhi/u b1n,
trong Word c m"t cng c: 4 gi1i quy0t vi)c ny.
- M> ti li)u c(n 5nh d&ng
- Vo File > Printer Preview
- Nh$p Shrink to Fit b&n s= th$y nh*ng dng Text d > trang 2 s= #c d,n h0t v/
trang 1
+ In m(t hay vi dng ty trong vn b%n
- Khi l;t Web n0u th$y c m"t n"i dung no c(n in ra th b&n c th4 t en, nh$p
l)nh in trong trnh duy)t l xong. Trong Word, thao tc c'ng nh v+y tuy nhin
ph8c t&p hn.
- M> ti li)u c(n in. T en ph(n n"i dung
- Vo File > Print
- ChAn Selection trong m:c Page range Nh$p OK ,ng in.

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 44 -

+ In t; do khng theo phng th:c no
B&n c(n in n"i dung c6a ti li)u trn c1 2 m-t c6a trang gi$y 4 ti0t ki)m hay n
gi1n chJ l mu3n in m"t s3 trang b$t k no trong ti li)u, dng phng php sau
! In trn 2 m?t gi5y
- Cho gi$y vo my in. Vo File > Print
- Ty vo ti li)u c bao nhiu trang m b&n nh+p vo m:c Pages > khung Page
range t$t c1 s3 trang lN 1,3,5,7 . . .
- Nh$p Ok 4 b.t (u in cc trang ny

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 45 -

- Note : Sau khi in cc trang lN xong, b&n b.t (u l+t m-t c6a cc trang gi$y
ln cho vo my v ti0p t:c ti0n hnh tng t! 4 in cc trang chSn. B&n nn ch
v/ v5 tr (u cu3i c6a 2 trang chSn lN khi xoay m-t gi$y n0u khng s= b5 ng#c
(u khi in ra. T3t nh$t nn lm th9 v;i hai trang 1 v 2 r,i ti0n hnh ,ng lo&t
cho cc trang in cn l&i
+ In b5t k@ m(t hay m(t s. trang no
- Thng th7ng khi in m"t ti li)u, b&n th7ng in m"t lc h0t t$t c1, tuy nhin in
m"t s3 trang hay m"t trang c'ng l m"t cng vi)c h0t s8c 7i th7ng. Khi
b&n c'ng ti0n hnh tng t:, ch l khi trang no th nh+p vo s3 trang
- N0u in m"t kho1ng tng 3i di lin ti0p th b&n c th4 dng d$u g&ch n3i gi*a
cc trang 4 ti0t ki)m th7i gian nh+p vo s3 trang v d: nh 1,5-12 ( ngh<a
c6a l)nh ny l in trang s3 1 r,i ti0p t:c in cc trang t% trang 5 cho 0n trang 12,
b? qua cc trang khc

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 46 -

29. Ba th> thu)t c8n bi't khi lm vi$c vAi vn b%n di
* Th> thu)t 1 : Gi1 s9 l(n tr;c b&n ang xem t;i trang 50, l(n ny khi xem ti0p
thay v ph1i Ky thang cu"n qua 49 trang, b&n th!c hi)n nh sau :
- Vo menu > Edit > Go to ( ho-c Ctrl + G)
- ChAn Page trong khung Go to what, nh+p vo s3 trang c(n t;i l 50 vo Enter
page number, nh$p Go to

* Th> thu)t 2 : Dng ch thch Bookmark
- -t tr? chu"t ngay v5 tr (u c(n nh
- Vo menu Insert > Bookmark
- Nh+p vo m"t t% hay nhm t% &i di)n 4 nh d$u

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 47 -
- Nh$p nt Add
- Nh$p Save 4 lu l&i ti li)u

+ Note : 4 m> ng chB nh d$u > l(n ti0p theo, lm nh sau :
- Vo Edit > Go to
- ChAn Bookmark trong khung Go to what
- ChAn tn Bookmark -t trong m:c Enter Bookmart Name. Nh$p Go to
* Dng tnh nng Find
- T&i v5 tr c(n nh d$u, b&n nh+p ty m"t nhm k t! &i di)n. V d:
nh abcd . Sau , nh$p Save 4 lu vn b1n.
- Note : 4 m> ng chB nh d$u > l(n xem ti0p theo, th!c hi)n nh
sau :
- Vo menu Edit > Find
- Nh+p t% kha abcd vo khung Find what. Nh$p nt Find Next

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 48 -
- Note : Khi dng phng php ny, t% kha -t lm d$u ph1i th+t l& v khng nn
trng v;i b$t k t% no trong vn b1n. V n0u c th tnh nng Find Next c th4
tm 0n m3c nh d$u khng chnh xc.
! Dn b2ng khung Office Clippboard
- Khng nh thao tc dn bnh th7ng l chJ dn #c n"i dung Cut l(n cu3i cng.
Cn > phng php ny b&n dn #c nhi/u n"i dung hn (24 n"i dung )
- ChAn menu Edit > Office Clipboard > Xu$t hi)n khung Office Clipboard > bn
ph1i c9a s@ so&n th1o.
- MBi l(n copy ho-c Cut, n"i dung vn b1n s= #c a vo Clipboard.
- Click mouse vo n"i dung c(n Paste (hoawcjClick mouse vo ^ c6a nh; > ChAn
l)nh Paste.

! Paste Special
- Di chuy4n con tr? 0n v5 tr c(n thao tc. ChAn menu Edit > Paste Special
- Mu3n Font ch> v/ m-c 5nh : Nh$p Ctrl + Spacebar

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 49 -
! T6o phm nng cho symbol :
- Vo Customize Keyboard
- Vo Press new shortcut key
- H6y phm nng vo Remove.
! Lm lBch trong Word
- T; lm.
30. Copy ti li$u t< trang Web vo Word
Khi vn b1n #c copy t% Web r,i Paste vo Word th nh*ng 5nh d&ng c6a Web s= theo
vo chung v;i vn b1n lun, m nh*ng 5nh d&ng trn Web l&i hon ton chOng tng thch
g v;iWord nn s= lm cho vn b1n m$t mL quan v sai l)ch. B&n c th4 kh.c ph:c tnh
tr&ng ny bCng cch chJ chp n"i dung vn b1n m khng chp 5nhd&ng nh sau: b&n c8
thao tc sao chp t% Web nh bnh th7ng, nhng tr;c khi paste vao. Word th ph1i vo
menu Edit - Paste Special - trong khung As chAn Unformatted Text ho-c
Unformatted Unicode Text n0u vn b1n khng ph1i ti0ng Anh - nh$n OK 4 chp n"i dung
khng 5nh d&ng vo trang vn b1n.
31. Chn nh6c trong vn b%n Word
C bao gi7 khi b&n m> ti li)u Word ra th m nh&c c'ng tr@i ln ? V;i Word XP, b&n c
th4 v%a sAan th1o vn b1n, v%a th>ng th8c m nh&c ngay trong chng trnh . Cch th!c
hi)n nh sau B$m chu"t ph1i ln thanh cng c: v chAn m:c Web Tools . Khi thanh cng
c: Web Tools xu$t hi)n , b&n b$m vo nt Sound (bi4u t#ng hnh ci loa) .
Trong h"p thAai Background Sound, b&n b$m nt Browse 4 a vo 7ng dKn 0n t+p tin
m thanh (*.mid) trn my . T&i m:c Loop , b&n nh+p s3 l(n mu3n chi l-p l&i t+p tin nh&c
ny . N0u mu3n chi lin t:c b&n chAn Infinite . Cu3i cng b$m nt OK .
32. Xem vn b%n Word trn my tnh khc
Khi so&n th1o vn b1n , b&n lm nh sau :
Trong Microsoft Word , b&n nh$p vo menu Tools chAn Options chAn ti0p thN Save nh
d$u vochAn vo m:c Embed TrueTypeFonts sau cng v nh$n OK .
33. Chuy+n nhanh n(i dung vn b%n Word sang PowerPoint
Ban dung tinh nng ny v vi)c so&n ni dung vn b1n trong PowerPoint khng tin bng
soan trong Word va nht la khi ban c vn b1n uoc soan trong Word nay mun trinh
din bng Power Point.Tr;c tin, ban m> vn b1n trong trong Word, vao menu File - Send
to - Microsoft Power Point -PowerPoint s= ch&y v cho ra cc slide ch8a n"i dung vn b1n
. Nhng ... khng phai luc nao c'ng n gian nh vy, i khi ban s= th$y ni dung cac
slide rt ln xn vi PowerPoint nhn ly toan b ni dung theo inh dang th (Outline) cua
vn ban. Mun c inh dang d muc, trong Word ph1i p d:ng cc Style Heading. Cu th l
Slide 1 c6a PowerPoint s= l vng nh+p li)u (text box) u tin chua oan vn b1n
(paragraph) nhng trong Word lai l Heading 1, vung nhp liu duoi chua oan co Heading
2, qua Slide 2 tip tuc nh th...

Vi du trn c t% (tip theo) ta vPn cho l Heading 1 vi mun phn K hoach thi hanh
qua mt slide moi do phn Chin luoc cu th di , chim ht Slide 2. Lm nh vy khi qua

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PowerPoint khoi phai sua nua. Trong Word, mun p d:ng style Heading 1 cho mt oan
thi ban d con tr? vn b1n > Aan bm vao nut Style va chon Heading 1, hoc chi cn g
Ctrl+Alt+1. V;i style Heading 2 c'ng vy, phim tt l Ctrl+Alt+2. Tr7ng h#p b&n th$y
ch* ti0ng Vi)t (do style Heading 1 va 2 c phng chun c6a Windows, nu ban dng
Unicode thi khng phai gp rc ri) ban ph1i vo menu Format - Style hay menu Format -
Style and Formatting - chon hai Style nay va Modify - Format d lua ung phng ting Vit
ma ban dung. rCng moi oan khc khng c style Heading 1 hay Heading 2 du khng
uoc g>i qua PowerPoint.
34. T6o macro sCa l3i th<a kho%ng tr&ng trong Word
(u tin, b&n c(n n.m qua quy t.c g d$u trong vn b1n: cc d$u ch$m (.) hay d$u phKy (,)
ph1i lun lun nCm li/n sau k t! (khng c kho1ng pha tr;c) v ti0p theo l m"t
kho1ng r,i m;i t;i k t! k0 ti0p. N0u b&n khng mu3n tm v xa cc kho1ng
th%a m"t cch th6 cng, v%a t3n th7i gian, i khi l&i cn thi0u st... b&n c th4 t&o m"t
macro 4 Word t! "ng th!c hi)n cng vi)c gip b&n.
Kh>i "ng Word, vo menu Tools\ Macro\ Record New Macro. Lc ny h"p tho&i Record
Macro hi)n ra, b&n g tudongkiemtra vo Macro name, cc tuM chAn khc 4 m-c 5nh.
Sau nh$p OK.
Trn mn hnh Word xu$t hi)n thm thanh cng c: Stop Recording ph:c v: cho vi)c thu
Macro. Con tr? chu"t c6a b&n s= km theo m"t cu"n bng. B&n nh$p chu"t vo menu Edit\
Replace. Trong h"p tho&i Find and Replace b&n g cc k t! tm ki0m vo Find what v
k t! thay th0 vo Replace with. V d: > y ti g vo Find what l kho1ng v
d$u ch$m ( .), Replace with l d$u ch$m (.).
Sau nh$p Replace All 4 tm v thay th0 trong ton b" vn b1n. Th!c hi)n tng t! cho
cc d$u cn l&i nh d$u kho1ng v d$u phKy ( ,) s= thay bCng d$u phKy (,), d$u kho1ng v d$u ch$m than ( !) s= thay bCng d$u ch$m than (!)...Nh$p Stop Recording trn
thanh cng c:. Vo menu Tools\ Customize. H"p tho&i Customize xu$t hi)n, b&n nh$p ti0p
vo Keyboard. Trong khung Categories b&n chAn Macros, > khung Macros bn c&nh b&n
chAn m:c tudongkiemtra. 2 m:c Press new shortcut key, b&n g phm nng dD nh; vo
ny, v d: nh Ctrl+Alt+B. Sau b&n nh$p Assign.T% nay tr> v/ sau mBi khi c(n xa i
cc kho1ng tr3ng th%a trong vn b1n, b&n chJ c(n g phm nng Ctrl+Alt+B l xong, th+t
nhanh chng.
35. T6o t)p tranh t mu b2ng Word
Tr chi t mu c th4 t+p cho trN tnh kho lo v m"t tr t>ng t#ng phong ph. Clip Art
l m"t kho hnh 1nh v cng phong ph c6a Word, n0u k0t h#p thm m"t s3 kL thu+t khc,
b&n c th4 t! ch0 bi0n m"t t+p 1nh t mu cho trN theo thch c6a mnh.
- (u tin, b&n vo menu Insert Picture - Clip Art 4 chn m"t hnh 1nh t% Clip Art. Sau
b$m chu"t ph1i vo hnh, chAn Format Picture. T&i thN Layout, chAn Wrapping style l
- By gi7, m:c tiu c6a chng ta l lm cho hnh 1nh v%a chn tr> nn khng mu (chJ c
mu c6a 7ng vi/n). 4 tKy mu, b&n lm nh sau:

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Nh$p chu"t ph1i vo hnh v chAn Grouping - Ungroup. Nh$p Yes khi b1ng thng bo hi)n
ra. ChAn Format - AutoShape. 2 thN Colors and Lines, b&n chAn Fill Color (mu n/n) l No
Fill, v Line Color (mu c6a 7ng vi/n) ty .
- V m"t s3 hnh c nt v= r7m r, nn b&n c th4 design l&i hnh bCng cch chAn nh*ng
ph(n khng thch h#p v nh$n Delete 4 xo i.
- Cu3i cng, b&n nh$p chu"t ph1i vo hnh m"t l(n n*a, chAn Grouping > Regroup 4 k0t
dnh cc 3i t#ng c6a hnh t&o thnh m"t kh3i duy nh$t.
- B&n c th4 k0t h#p nhi/u hnh 1nh khc nhau 4 c m"t b8c tranh sinh "ng. Vi)c cu3i
cng c6a b&n l in ra v ng thnh m"t t+p tranh t mu.
36. T&t v m4 Screentip trong Word
Khi b&n a chu"t di chuy4n trn cc nt c6a thanh cng c:, ngay bn c&nh con tr? chu"t s=
xu$t hi)n cho m"t khung mu vng c ch* th4 hi)n cho tn c6a nt ho-c l ch8c nng
c6a nt l)nh gAi l ScreenTip.
4 mu3n t.t ho-c m> Screentip, b&n b$m chu"t ph1i vo thanh cng c: chAn Customize,
chAn tab Options. N0u m> ch0 " hi4n th5, b&n chAn m:c Show Screentipson Toolbars v
n0u mun hi4n th5 lun phm t.t 4 s9 d:ng ch8c nng c6a nt l)nh trn thanh cng c: th
chAn m:c Show Shortcut keys in Screentips. T.t ch0 " hi4n th5 Screentip th b&n gI b? d$u
chAn cho cc m:c trn.
37. Phm t&t chn ngy v gi0 trong Word
4 chn ngy hi)n hnh vo n"i dung vn b1n, b&n nh$n Alt - Shift - D v chn gi7 hi)n
hnh vo n"i dung vn b1n b&n nh$n Alt -Shift - T.
38. T6o ch thch cho t< trong MS Word
4 t&o ch thch cho t% > cu3i trang , b&n dng chu"t chAn t% c(n ch thch r,i vo menu
Insert - Reference Footnote .H"p thAai Footnote and Endnote xu$t hi)n . C cc v5 tr 4
-t ch thch nh sau :
- Footnotes : ChAn m:c Bottom of page trong danh sch n0u mu3n -t ch thch > cu3i mBi
trang . N0u b&n chAn m:c Below Text th ch thch s= #c chn ngay d;i dng cu3i cng
c6a m@i trang .
- Endnotes : ChAn m:c End of document 4 -t ch thch > cu3i ti li)u . N0u chAn End of
session th Word s= b+t ch thch > cu3i mBi session trang . K0 ti0p , b&n chAn ki4u 4 nh
d$u t% c(n ch thch l s3 > m:c Number format hay k t! -c bi)t no > m:c Custom
mask . Nh+p s3 b.t (u cho dy s3 th8 t! t&o ch thch > Start at . ChAn ki4u t&o s3 th8 t!
cho ch thch trong m:c Numbering l Continuous 4 nh s3 lin t:c trong ti li)u ; chAn
Restart each session 4 b.t (u l&i s3 th8 t! sau mBi session ho-c chAn Restat each page 4
b.t (u l&i s3 th8 t! sau mBi trang . B$m Apply v b$m Insert 4 nh+p ch thch .
39. Di chuy+n nhanh trong Word
Khi b&n lm vi)c v;i vn b1n qu di , vi)c di chuy4n t;i cc vng c(n tm th+t l kh khn
. Ph(n m/m Word cung c$p sSn cho chng ta l)nh Go To v;i cc tham s3 SxPyLz , v;i x
l s3 th8 t! c6a vng (Section) c(n nhy 0n , y l s3 th8 t! c6a trang (Page) c(n nhy 0n
v z l s3 th8 t! c6a dng (Line) c(n nhy 0n .B&n gAi l)nh Go To bCng phm F5 ho-c b$m

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Ctrl - G . V d: b&n nh+p vo s1p5112 r,i b$m Enter, chng trnh s= di chuy4n t;i vng 1
trang 5 dng 12 .
40. Chuy+n t)p tin Power Point sang Word
Tr;c tin m> t+p tin Power Point mu3n chuy4n , vo menu File - Send to chAn Microsoft
Word xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i g,m cc ty chAn 5nh d&ng trang , s.p x0p slide c cc m:c chAn
- Notes next to slides : Cc trang Word #c chia lm ba c"t (th! t! slide , slide v ghi ch
- Blank lines next to slides : Nh*ng dng kN tr3ng > c"t th8 3
- Notes below slide : Cc slide #c -t gi*a trang v cch nhau m"t khong tr3ng
- Blank lines below slides : Khang tr3ng gi*a cc slide #c thay th0 bCng cc dng kN
- Out lines only : ChJ xu$t hi)n n"i dung c6a slide trn cc trang ch8 khng xu$t hi)n hnh
c6a slide Vi)c l!a chAn cc ty chAn chuy4n @i #c th!c hi)n ty theo m:c ch , 5nh
d&ng trang m b&n mu3n chuy4n @i .
41. T* h1p shortcut mAi trong Word
4 bi en m"t o&n vn b1n trong Microsoft Word, b&n s9 d:ng t@ h#p phm Shift + m'i
tn sang ph1i v tri. "t nhin, format c6a o&n vn bi0n @i! l v b&n tay ln
phm Alt. B$m vi l(n t@ h#p Alt+Shift+m'i tn sang ph1i v tri, b&n s= th$y font ch* c'ng
nh 5nh d&ng c6a o&n vn b1n #c chAn thay @i theo ki4u vng trn.
T@ h#p phm ny chJ c tc d:ng v;i o&n vn. Khi th9 v;i cc m'i tn i ln v xu3ng,
b&n c'ng s= th$y #c i/u th v5: o&n vn s= di chuy4n theo chi/u m'i tn.
42. T6o 0ng lin k't t6i m(t b%ng tnh Excel trong m(t vn b%n Word
4 chn m"t b1ng hay m"t vng no trong b1ng tnh Excel vo vn b1n Word, sao cho
khi b1ng tnh bn file Excel #c hi)u chJnh n"i dung th bn Word c'ng thay @i theo:
- B&n hy chAn vng hay b1ng tnh mu3n chp a sang file Word, th!c hi)n thao tc Copy
bCng cch nh$n nt ph1i chu"t hay nh$n Ctrl-C.
- Sau , sang vn b1n Word, b&n chAn menu Edit - Paste Special. Trong h"p tho&i Paste
Special, b&n chAn Microsoft Excel Object - OK.
- B1ng tnh b&n chAn s= #c dn vo vn b1n hi)n t&i.
- Khi hi)u chJnh d* li)u bn Excel, b&n nh; Save l&i s! thay @i ny. Sau b&n vo vn
b1n Word chAn b1ng tnh, click chu"t ph1i, chAn Update.
43. G k hi$u ton, l, ha trong Word
V;i chng trnh tch h#p sSn nho nh? Equation Editor do Microsoft trang b5 > b" Office
XP, b&n d s8c g mAi k t! ton hAc m kh?i c(n ph1i ci cc ph(n m/m hB tr# khc.
ChJ c(n nh$p vo nt Start trn thanh task bar r,i vo Run g 7ng dPn sau C:\Program
Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Equation\EQNEDT32.EXE xong r,i Enter.
Lu @ C l ni ci b" Office, n0u b&n m> khng #c th vo Search r,i g t% kha
EQNEDT32.EXE, s= tm 7ng dPn chnh xc 0n thanh cng c: ny.
Sau khi hon t$t cc b;c trn c9a s@ chng trnh Equation Editor xu$t hi)n. B&n g cc
k hi)u t&i khung so&n th1o bCng cch click vo cc k hi)u trnh by sSn, n0u khng
th$y k hi)u ny b&n nh$p vo View r,i chAn Toolbar.

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4 vi)c nh+p cc k t! #c trn tru, b&n nn qui 5nh font, kch th;c, kho1ng cch dng,
ch* v s3 bCng cch l(n l#t nh$p chAn Style - Define, Size - Define, Format - Spacing.
Khi so&n xong m"t php tnh nh trn hnh, b&n nh d$u kh3i chAn php tnh hay nh$n
Ctrl + A, r,i vo Edit > Copy hay nh$n Ctrl + C. T&i v5 tr con tr? c6a mn hnh so&n th1o
Word, b&n nh$n Ctrl + V 4 chp php tnh t% c9a s@ Equation Editor vo.
44. Nh/ng ti$n ch ti9m Dn trong MS Word
Trong cc menu c6a MS Word bnh th7ng khng c sSn m"t s3 cng c: ti)n ch nh: cho
php hi4n th5 hai trang ti li)u khi Ac, nh+p hnh 1nh t% my ch:p 1nh kL thu+t s3 v my
scan, chn cc cng th8c v , th5 vo trong vn b1n, Ac ti li)u, thay @i ngn ng*...
N0u b&n l ng7i th7ng xuyn ph1i dng MS Word trong cng vi)c hCng ngy th vi)c t+n
d:ng nh*ng ti)n ch ti/m Kn ni trn c th4 s= gip b&n gi1i quy0t cng vi)c c6a mnh
nhanh hn. V khng c sSn trong cc menu nn mu3n s9 d:ng chng, b&n ph1i a thm
vo. Cch th!c hi)n nh sau (3i v;i MS Word 2003, cc phin b1n khc c'ng th!c hi)n
tng t!, tuy c th4 thi0u m"t s3 ch8c nng):
- Vo menu Tools - Customize, b$m tab Commands - Rearrange Commands (cc phin b1n
tr;c khng c ph(n Rearange Commands).
- ChAn m:c Menu Bar, chAn menu c(n a thm cc cng c: ti)n ch m;i vo.
- B$m Add, chAn nh*ng cng c: nCm trong khung bn ph1i m b&n mu3n thm vo menu
> OK > Close. B&n c th4 lm n gi1n hn (khng c(n vo t%ng menu): sau khi chAn
m:c Menu Bar, chAn c cng c: trong danh sch, ko thanh cu"n xu3ng v chAn ph(n All
Commands > khung bn tri. T$t c1 cc cng c: s= hi)n ra > khung bn ph1i, b&n chJ vi)c
chAn 4 a vo menu l xong. B&n c th4 xy d!ng v s.p x0p cho mnh nh*ng menu ho-c
cc thanh toolbar m;i 4 thu+n ti)n cho vi)c s9 d:ng bCng cch chAn cc ph(n Built-in
Menus v New Menu.
45. T6o "m)t th" vAi Word
(u tin, cc b&n dng Word g o&n m+t th r,i nh$n phm Print Screen 4 ch:p ton
b" o&n vn, sau dn (Ctrl+V) vo MS Paint ho-c cc chng trnh , hAa khc 4 chJnh
s9a v c.t cho gAn l&i (H1). B&n lu b8c 1nh ny l&i r,i chn vo Word (Insert > Picture).
Ti0p 0n chn vo m"t b8c 1nh khc 4 lm ng:y trang v chJnh s9a sao cho kch cI c6a
t$m 1nh ng:y trang to hn t$m 1nh m+t th.
-t thu"c tnh Wrapping style cho 1nh nh sau (b$m chu"t ph1i chAn Format Picture > thN
- M+t th: Behind text.
- Ng:y trang: In front of text.
Sau gi* Ctrl v nh$p chAn c1 hai t$m 1nh, nh$p chu"t ph1i chAn Grouping > Group.
Nh$p chu"t ph1i l(n n*a vo 1nh, chAn Grouping > Ungroup. Di chuy4n t$m 1nh ng:y
trang nCm ch,ng ln t$m 1nh m+t th (H2) cho 0n lc ta chJ cn nhn th$y t$m 1nh
ng:y trang. Sau nh$p chu"t ph1i ln 1nh ng:y trang, chAn Grouping > Regroup.
Th0 l xong. Vi)c cn l&i chJ l di chuy4n t$m 1nh 0n ni h#p l nh$t 4 trnh b5 pht hi)n.

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Khi c(n xem l&i m+t th, b&n chJ vi)c r nhm cc 3i t#ng bCng cch b$m chu"t ph1i
vo 1nh, chAn Grouping > Ungroup. Ta cn c th4 p d:ng m"t s3 cch sau tr;c khi Group
(nhm) hai t$m 1nh l&i:
- Trong Word, ta c th4 thu nh? 1nh ch8a ch* nhng khng lm cho ch* b4 khi phng to
bCng cch b$m chu"t ph1i vo 1nh, chAn Format Picture. Trong thN Size > Scale > chJnh
Height v Width l 1%, by gi7 t$m 1nh c6a b&n chJ l m"t d$u ch$m nh?, m7 m7.
- Sau khi thu nh? xong, mu3n n bi0n m$t lun th b$m chu"t ph1i vo 1nh m+t th chAn
Format Picture. Trong thN Picture, ta chJnh 2 thng s3 Brightness v Contrast l 100%.
V;i nh*ng cch trn b&n c th4 t! sng t&o cho mnh nh*ng ki4u m+t th th+t th v5.
46. Chuy+n K t; s. sang ch/
3i v;i nh*ng ng7i m;i hAc ti0ng Anh , vi)c Ac cc s3 bCng ti0ng Anh c th4 g-p kh
khn , nh$t l cc con s3 l;n , ln 0n hng ngn , hng ch:c ngn , .... ChJ v;i m"t th6
thu+t n gi1n trong Word b&n c th4 hAc #c cch Ac cc con s3 bCng ti0ng Anh th+t d4
dng .
- Tr;c tin b&n hy t&o m"t ti li)u m;i (Ctrl-N)
- G vo con s3 mu3n hAc cch Ac , v d: nh 5678 (lu , con s3 nh+p vo ph1i l;n hn
0 v nh? hn 32767)
- 4 con nhy t&i dng v%a g s3 , vo menu Format chAn Bullets and Numbering
- Trong h"p tho&i Bullets and Numbering chAn thN Number chAn ti0p m"t ki4u nh s3 no
(khng chAn None) b$m nt Customize
-H"p tho&i Customize Numbered List xu$t hi)n . T&i m:c Start at , b&n g vo con s3
nh+p trong vn b1n khi ny (5678) . T&i m:c Number style b&n chAn ki4u l One , Two ,
Three . Xong b$m nt OK 4 ng h"p thAai l&i .
- Lc ny con s3 5678 #c Word chuy4n t% s3 sang ch* l Five thousand six hundred
seventy-eight . By gi7 b&n a con nhy xu3ng cu3i dng 5678 v nh$n Enter . L+p t8c
xu$t hi)n dng Five thousand six hundred seventy-nine . chnh l cch A s3 ti0p theo :
5679 , b&n hy g 5679 vo bn c&nh v b$m Enter . C8 th0 ti0p t:c 4 bi0t #c cch Ac
cc con s3 k0 ti0p .
47. Ch thch b2ng ti'ng ni trong vn b%n
Thay v ghi ch bCng ch* trong vn b1n , b&n c th4 ch thch bCng chnh ti0ng ni c6a
mnh cho thm sinh "ng . Cch ch thch ny khng c sOn , do b&n ph1i a n vo
menu Insert nh sau :
Vo menu Tools - Customize chAn tab Commands , ti0p theo nh$n vo nt Rearrange
Commands chAn m:c Menu bar , Nh$n Add . ChAn ph(n Insert trong khung bn tri , ko
thanh cu"n trong khung bn ph1i xu3ng v nh$p chAn m:c Insert Voice . Nh$n OK . Nh$n
Close hai l(n . By gi7 th5 b&n c th4 ch thch m thanh cho vn b1n Word #c r,i . 4
ch thch > u th b&n nh$p chu"t vo ch@ , ti0p theo vo Insert chAn Insert Voice . Khi
n s= hi)n ln m"t c9a s@ , b&n nh$n vo nt Rec mu ? 4 ghi m t$t c1 (t$t nhin b&n
ph1i c micro v card sound) . Khi ghi m l7i ni c6a b&n xong th nh$n nt Stop . By gi7 ,
n s= dn vo ch@ b&n

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nh$p chu"t trong vn b1n m"t bi4u t#ng hnh ci loa . Khi mu3n nghe th chJ vi)c nh$p
p vo
bi4u t#ng ci loa l ti0ng ni c6a b&n s= vang ln t% loa hay headphone .

BTNG BIUU (Office 2003)
1. Gi;i thi)u menu Table
2. Gi;i thi)u menu khi bi en v kch chu"t ph1i vo b1ng.
3. T&o b1ng
4. Thm c"t & dng
5. Xa , dng, c"t, b1ng
6. L!a chAn (bi en) b1ng
7. Nh+p
8. Chia
9. 5nh d&ng b1ng theo ki4u c s.n
10. -t ch0 " t! "ng co gin b1ng
11. Chuy4n @i d* li)u t% b1ng thnh vn b1n
12. Chuy4n @i d* li)u t% d&ng vn b1n vo b1ng
13. S.p x0p d* li)u trong b1ng
14. M"t s3 hm p d:ng tnh trong b1ng c6a MS Word
15. Xem cc thu"c tnh 5nh d&ng b1ng
1- GiAi thi$u menu Table (Menu b%ng)

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- 56 -
- Draw table: V= b1ng
- Insert: Chn b1ng
- Delete: Xa
- Select: L!a chAn (bi en)
- Merge Cells: Nh+p
- Split Cells: Chia
- Split Table: Chia b1ng
- Table AutoFormat: 5nh d&ng b1ng theo ki4u c sSn
- AutoFit: T! "ng co gin h1ng
- Heading Rows Repeat: -t dng (u trong b1ng lm tiu / b1ng cho nh*ng
trang sau.
- Convert: Chuy4n @i
- Sort: S.p x0p
- Formula: Cng th8c tnh ton trong b1ng
- Hide Gridlines: Vn/hi)n 7ng vi/n b1ng
- Table Properties: Xem thu"c tnh b1ng.
2- GiAi thi$u menu khi bi en v kch chu(t ph%i vo b%ng:
- Cut: C.t
- Copy: Sao chp
- Paste: Dn
- Merge Cells: Nh+p
- Distribute Rows Evenly: Phn ph3i /u theo dng
- Distribute Columns Evenly: Phn ph3i /u theo c"t
- Draw Table: V= b1ng
- Border and Shading: T&o 7ng vi/n v mu b1ng
- Table AutoFormat: 5nh d&ng b1ng theo ki4u c sSn
- Cell Alignment: Cn l/ vn b1n trong b1ng
- AutoFit: T! "ng co gin h1ng
- Caption: -t tiu / b1ng
- Table Properties: Xem thu"c tnh b1ng.
3- T6o b%ng

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 57 -
Cch 1:
1. ChAn bi4u t#ng thanh Standart v r chu"t l!a chAn s3 c"t v s3 dng:

Trn hnh v= l t&o b1ng g,m 3 dng x 4 c"t.
2. Sau khi kch v nh1 chu"t, b&n s= #c 1 b1ng m;i. Tuy nhin, cng cch ny th b&n chJ t&o #c b1ng t3i a l
Cch 2:
1. Vo Table / Insert / Table

2. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Insert Table:

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 58 -

Table size: Kch cI b1ng
Number of Columns: Nh+p s3 c"t
Number of rows: Nh+p s3 dng
AutoFit behavior: T! "ng co gin
Fixed column width: -t kch th;c c"t c3 5nh
AutoFit to contents: T! "ng co gin theo n"i dung
AutoFit to window: T! "ng co gin theo mn hnh window.
AutoFormat: ChAn ki4u 5nh d&ng c sSn c6a b1ng.
Remember dimensions for new tables: Ghi nh; kch cI cho nh*ng b1ng m;i.
3. ChAn nt OK
4- Thm c(t & dng
Cch 1: Dng bt v=
1. Vo Table / Draw Table (Ho-c kch vo bi4u t#ng trn thanh Standard)

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 59 -

2. Di chuy4n bt v= 0n b1ng v ko thOng 7ng trong b1ng vo v5 tr mu3n chn thm c"t (dng).
Cch 2:
1. -t con tr? vo trong b1ng
2. Vo Table / Insert/

- Columns to the left: Thm c"t bn tri
- Columns to the right: Thm c"t bn ph1i
- Rows Above: Thm dng trn
- Rows Below: Thm dng d;i
- Cells / Insert entire column: Chn thm c"t cho c1 b1ng
- Cells / Insert entire row: Chn thm dng cho c1 b1ng.
5- Xa , dng, c(t, b%ng
1. Vo Table / Delete /

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 60 -

- Tabe: Xa b1ng
- Columns: Xa c"t
- Rows: Xa dng
- Cells: Xa theo l!a chAn
Shift cells left: Xa bn tri
Shift cells up: Xa > d;i
Delete entire row: Xa c1 dng
Delete entire column: Xa c1 c"t.
6- L;a ch-n (bi en) trong b%ng
B&n c th4 s9 d:ng k0t h#p gi*a phm Shift v cc phm m'i tn, Page Up, Page Down, Home, End 4 bi en trong b1ng. Ngo
ra cn c th4 s! d:ng theo cch:
1. Vo Table / Select /

- Table: Bi en b1ng (Ho-c dng t@ h#p phm t.t Alt + phm s3 5 v;i n Num Lock t.t)
- Column: C"t
- Row: Dng
- Cell:

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 61 -
7- Nh)p
1. Bi en nh*ng mu3n nh+p theo chi/u ngang ho-c dAc.
2. Vo Table / Merge Cells

8- Chia
1. Vo Table / Split Cells

2. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Split Cells

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 62 -
- Number of columns: Nh+p s3 c"t c(n chia
- Number of rows: Nh+p s3 dng c(n chia
Merge cells before split: Nh+p tr;c khi chia.#
3. ChAn nt OK ,ng chia .
9- Bnh d6ng b%ng theo ki+u c sEn
1. Vo Table / Table AutoFormat

2. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Table AutoFormat

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 63 -

- Category: ChAn l All table styles
- Table styles: L!a chAn cc ki4u 5nh d&ng b1ng c sSn c6a MS Word
- Apply special formats to: p d:ng ki4u 5nh d&ng -c bi)t cho:
Heading rows: Dng tiu tiu / c6a b1ng
First column: C"t (u tin c6a b1ng
Last row: Dng cu3i cng c6a b1ng
Last column: C"t cu3i cng c6a b1ng
- Nt New: T&o ra ki4u 5nh d&ng b1ng m;i c6a ring b&n.

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 64 -

Name: Tn ki4u 5nh d&ng
Style base on: Ki4u 5nh d&ng c b1n
Apply formatting to: p d:ng nh*ng 5nh d&ng d;i y cho:
o Whole table: Ton b1ng
o Header row: Dng tiu /
o Last row: Dng cu3i cng
o Left column: C"t tri
o Right column: C"t ph1i
o Odd row stripes: Vi/n cho dng lN
o Even row stripes: Vi/n cho dng chSn
o Odd column stripes: Vi/n cho c"t lN
o Even column stripes: Vi/n cho c"t chSn
W Add to template: Thm thnh m"t mPu m;i
ChAn nt OK 4 hon thnh thm m;i m"t ki4u 5nh d&ng.
- Nt Modify S9a 5nh d&ng ki4u chAn. Cc tnh nng s9 d:ng gi3ng ph(n thm m;i ki4u 5nh d&ng b1ng

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 65 -

- Nt Delete: Xa ki4u 5nh d&ng b1ng

Mn hnh xu$t hi)n thng bo: B&n c mu3n xa ki4u 5nh d&ng Table Style1 khng? 4 b&n ch.c ch.n l&i l
- Nt Default: Thi0t l+p ki4u 5nh d&ng m-c 5nh cho cc b1ng sau:

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
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- 66 -
This document only: ChJ p d:ng cho file hi)n t&i
All documents based on the template? Dng cho t$t c1 nh*ng file khc c d&ng
3. ChAn nt Apply / Close
10- ?t ch' ( t; (ng co gin b%ng
1. Vo Table / AutoFit/

- AutoFit to Contents: T! "ng co gin theo n"i dung
- AutoFit to Window: T! "ng co gin theo mn hnh Window
- Fixed Column Width: -t c3 5nh chi/u r"ng c6a c"t. Tr7ng h#p ny b&n chJ c(n dng chu"t ko 7ng dAc c"t theo " cn
chJnh c6a mnh.
- Distribute Rows Evenly: Chia " cao c6a cc dng bCng nhau
- Distribute Columns Evenly: Chia " r"ng c6a cc c"t bCng nhau
11- Chuy+n *i d/ li$u t< b%ng thnh vn b%n (B, b%ng nhng vFn gi/ > n(i dung trong b%ng)
1. Vo Table / Convert / Table to Text

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 67 -

2. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Convert Table To Text

Separate text with: ChAn lo&i ngn cch gi*a cc o&n vn b1n l:
Paragraph marks: Theo d&ng o&n
Tabs: Theo kho1ng cch l 1tab = 1.27cm
Commas: D$u phKy
Other: K t! khc
3. ChAn nt OK 4 hon thnh.
12- Chuy+n *i d/ li$u t< d6ng vn b%n vo b%ng
1. L!a chAn (bi en) cc o&n vn b1n mu3n a vo b1ng
2. Vo Table / Convert / Text to Table

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 68 -

3. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Convert Text To Table

- Number of columns: Nh+p s3 c"t
- Number of rows: Ph(n nh+p s3 dng ny khng ph1i nh+p m do MS Word t! i/u chJnh theo s3 c"t b&n nh+p > tr
- AutoFit behavior: T! "ng co gin
Fixed column width: -t kch th;c c"t c3 5nh
AutoFit to contents: T! "ng co gin theo n"i dung
AutoFit to window: T! "ng co gin theo mn hnh window.
- Separate text with: ChAn lo&i ngn cch gi*a cc o&n vn b1n l:

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 69 -
Paragraph marks: Theo d&ng o&n
Tabs: Theo kho1ng cch l 1tab = 1.27cm
Commas: D$u phKy
Other: K t! khc
4. ChAn nt OK 4 hon thnh.
13- S&p x'p d/ li$u trong b%ng
1. Bi en ton b" b1ng. 2 y b&n nn bi en ton b" b1ng v sau khi s.p x0p theo 1 ho-c nhi/u c"t th gi tr
c'ng #c s.p x0p theo. N0u b&n chJ bi en 1 c"t th d* li)u s.p x0p chJ theo c"t , nh v+y d* li)u c6a b&n trong c1 b1ng s= b5
sai l)ch.
2. Vo Table / Sort

3. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Sort

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 70 -

- Sort by:
B&n hy chAn tn c"t (u tin mu3n s.p x0p (Trn 1nh l c"t Thng)
Type: Ki4u 5nh d&ng c6a c"t (tr7ng) s.p x0p (Text, Number, Date)
Ascending: S.p x0p tng d(n
Descending: S.p x0p gi1m d(n
- Cc ph(n Then by: S.p x0p theo cc c"t ti0p theo (cc tnh nng vPn gi3ng ph(n Sort by)
- My list has:
Header row: Lo&i tr9 dng tiu /
No header row: Vi)c s.p x0p khng l&i tr% dng tiu /.
4. ChAn nt OK 4 hon thnh s.p x0p.
14- M(t s. hm p d=ng tnh trong b%ng c>a MS Word
1. 4 v5 tr con tr? vo mu3n tnh (V d! nh tnh t"ng c#a c$t th % & dng cu'i cng c#a c$t)
2. Vo Table / Formula

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 71 -

3. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Formula

- Formula: Hi4n th5 hm, cng th8c tnh ton. B.t (u mBi hm hay cng th8c /u ph1i b.t (u t% d$u = (SUM(ABOVE): TJnh
t@ng cc gi tr5 > trn). B&n ph1i i/n ng cng th8c c6a mBi hm.
- Number format: Cc 5nh d&ng ki4u s3
- Paste Function: Cc hm c b1n:
ABS: Tr5 tuy)t 3i
AND: Hm v
AVERAGE: Tnh trung bnh
IF: Hm i/u ki)n
INT: Hm chia l$y ph(n nguyn
MAX: Hm l;n nh$t

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 72 -
MIN: Hm nh? nh$t
MOD: Hm chia l$y ph(n d
NOT: Hm ph6 5nh
OR: Hm ho-c
ROUND: Hm lm trn
SUM: Tnh t@ng
4. ChAn nt OK 4 hon thnh tnh ton. N0u cng th8c sai, k0t qu1 s= hi4n th5 dng l)nh !Syntax Error
K0t qu1 Hm tnh t@ng c6a b1ng tnh trn l:

15- Xem cc thu(c tnh Bnh d6ng b%ng
1. Vo Table / Properties:

2. Xu$t hi)n h"p tho&i Table Properties:
- ThN Table: Cc thng tin v/ b1ng

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 73 -

- ThN Row: Cc thng tin v/ dng

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Produce quality PDF files in seconds and preserve the integrity of your original documents. Compatible across
nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 74 -
- ThN Column: Cc thng tin v/ c"t

- ThN Cell: Cc thng tin v/

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 75 -

Is a pdf writer that produces quality PDF files with ease!
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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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- 76 -

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nearly all Windows platforms, if you can print from a windows application you can use pdfMachine.
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