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Motion by Directors Pam O'Connor and Ara Najarian

Construction Committee
September 18, 2014
Renaming of East LA Civic Center Station
I n 1991, after her el ection to the Los Angel es County Board of Supervisors, Director
G l oria Mol ina joined Metro's predecessor agency, the Los Angel es County
T ransportation Commission;
Director Mol ina has represented Eastside communities for over 30 years as a State
Assembl ywoman, a Los Angel es City Council woman, and a Los Angel es County
Supervisor; she has demonstrated ex traordinary l eadership in a mul titude of publ ic
pol icy areas incl uding urban parks and the environment, financial management,
homel essness and social services, the arts, l and use and transportation;
As a member of the MT A Board of Directors, Director Mol ina has been an unwavering
champion and advocate of our publ ic transportation system and spearheaded such
projects as the Pasadena and East Los Angel es G ol d Lines and the Regional
Connector; she al so spearheaded countl ess initiatives to improve the avail abil ity, q ual ity
and access to publ ic transportation incl uding investments in bicycl e and pedestrian
improvements, ex pansion of the rapid bus, and the creation of a County bus pass
subsidy program for l ow income residents;
Director Mol ina is concl uding her service with the Board of Supervisors and the MT A
Board of Directors, therefore, to recognize her publ ic transportation accompl ishments
and her rol e to improve mobil ity in the City and County of Los Angel es, it is fitting that
the East LA Civic Center Station on the G ol d Line Eastside Ex tension be renamed the
East LA Civic Center/ G l oria Mol ina Station.
I , T HEREFORE MOVE that the CEO be directed:
1) T o prepare a pl an to change the name of the East LA Civic Center Station to the
East LA Civic Center/ G l oria Mol ina Station;
2) Report back to the Ex ecutive Management Committee in January, 2015 with an
update and final impl ementation pl an.

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