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Chapter 10
Sound Medical Advice
Questions and answers:
1. Who attended the wedding of Lucie and Charles?
-Only Dr. Manette, Mr. Lorry, and Miss Pros attended the wedding.
2. Why did Dr. Manette have a private meeting with Charles on
the morning of the wedding?
Because Charles would tell him his real name and family.
3. What happened to Dr. Manette after the private meeting with
He became worried and a deadly fear covered his face at the
4. What happened to Dr. Manette after the wedding was over?
He has gone to making shoes and couldnt remember anyone
5. How long had Dr. Manette been on this state this time?
He had been on this state for nine days.
6. Why had Mr. Lorry taken some time off from Tellsons Bank
for the first time in his life?
To help Miss Pros care for the doctor, to talk to him, and try to
bring his mind back.

7. Why did Mr. Lorry pretend to ask Dr. Manette for some medical
advice when he found the doctors mind came back to him?
He asked him for some medical advice to give a reason for
visiting the doctor so early in the day.
8. For whom was the medical advice that Mr. Lorry asked Dr.
Manette for?
He asked him for a medical advice for Dr. Manette himself
pretending he was asking for someone else.
9. What caused the relapse of the shock for Dr. Manette after
the wedding?
This relapse was because of the private meeting with Charles
that morning. Charles told him about his real name and family and
this reminded him of the torture that he had at prison.
10. Why had Dr. Manette keep the shoe making tools at home?
He kept these tools in case he begins thinking again about the
painful period. Doing shoe making keeps him from thinking about
his years of suffering.
11. What was the sound medical advice the Doctor gave for Mr.
Lorrys friend?
He advised him to get rid of the gorge and the tools in order not
to make him remind his terrible past again. He also advised him
not to take these things away when he was at home.

12. What did Mr. Lorry and Miss Pros do to the shoe making
tools and bench?
They chopped the shoe making bench into little pieces and threw
them into the fire place. Then they buried the tools, shoes and
leather in the garden.
13. Who was the newlyweds first visitor?
Their first visitor was Sydney Carton.
14. Why did Sydney Carton go to visit Lucie and Charles?
He went to apologize to Charles for being rude to him after the
trial. Then he asked a permission to be their friend and visit the
family occasionally.
15. Who was the favourite with Sydney Carton?
-Little Lucie was the favourite of Sidney Carton. He often visited
the family bringing presents for her and plying with her for hours.
16. What great event happened in France when Little Lucie was six?
-The revolution broke out in France.
Comment on the following quotations:
1. All is lost! He doesnt know who I am, and hes gone back to
making shoes!


2. My dear Dr. Manette, would you kindly give me some medical
advice about the case of a good friend of mine who has been
acting strangely?

3. The forge and the tools, however, are like old friends.

4. In her name, then, let it be done! But be sure not to take the
things away when he is at home?

5. His heart is bleeding, and we must be kind to him. He is capable
of gentle things, good things, and even great things!

a bride
a groom
deadly fear
mental shock
trail off
break out

Chapter 11
The Revolution Erupts
1. How were the people of Saint Antoine armed for the revolution?
-They carried loaded muskets, iron and wooden bars, knives, and
axes, and even lifted paving stones from walls and streets.
2. What caused the French revolution to break out?
It was the poverty and hunger that the people suffered. It was
also because of the injustice that they suffered from the king and
the noblemen.
3. What was Defarge role in the French revolution?
-He was the leader of the Jacques group. His wine shop was the
center of the raging boil. His wife also acted as a leader for women
in the revolution.
4. What was the first thing the French revolutionaries attacked?
-They attacked the Bastille with twenty thousand Jacques armed
with different tools.
5. Why did the revolutionaries attack the Bastille?
-They attacked the Bastille to free the prisoners and seize the
records and to find the secret cells and to destroy the instruments
of torture.
6. How did Defarge find 105 North Tower?

- It was a small dirty room with a stool, a table and a straw bed.
The walls were black with soot and a pile of ashes lay on the
hearth. There was a single tiny window with a heavy iron bar
across it.
7. What did Defarge find out on the wall of 105 North Tower?
-He found the letters A.M. They were the initials of Alexander
Manette and the words a poor physician.
8. What did the Defarge do to 105 North Tower?
-He smashed the table and stool to pieces. Then he broke down
the iron grates across the window. Next he cut the bed apart with
his knife and searched through the straw.
9. What did Defarge find in 105 North Tower?
He found a packet of papers in the fire place.
10. How were the streets where the wine cask spilled became red
twice differently?
-The first time they were red because the broken cask of wine
which showed the poverty and hunger of the people. The second
time they were red with blood. After the mob had attacked the
Bastille, they shot and knifed soldiers and guards and chopped off
their heads until the blood covered the streets.
11. What did the revolutionaries attack during the revolution and
what did they do?

12. They attacked prisons and palaces throughout France and
burned them. They attacked the castle of the Marquis and burnt it
until the flames lit the darkness of the village.
Comment on the following quotations:
1. I will lead the women! We can kill as well as men can!

2. Show me 105 North Tower! Quick!



loaded muskets
paving stones
raging boil
issue order
a pistol
scaling stone
canon fire
iron gate
string up


Chapter 12
Dangerous Journey
1. Why was Tellsons Bank in London a favourite gathering
place for the French noblemen?
-Because many people sent their money and jewels to banks
London office for safekeeping as the revolution had neared.
2. Why did Mr. Lorry have to journey to Paris three years after
the revolution?
-He had to go there to see that the banks papers and records
were protected or hidden as Paris was a city of Chaos.
3. Why did Charles offer to go to Paris instead of Mr. Lorry?
-Because he thought that the journey would be difficult and unsafe
for Mr. Lorry. He also hoped to persuade the revolutionaries to be
less violent.
4. Why did Mr. Lorry refuse to let Charles travel to Paris instead
of him?
Because he believed that Charles would be in great danger as he
was a French man by birth and a nobleman too and he left the
country and lived in England.
5. From whom was the letter came from France?
-It was from Gabelle, Charles servant.

6. Why did Gabelle send Charles a letter and what did he ask
him to do?
Gabelle sent the letter because he had been seized and brought
to the prison. He would be sentenced to die. He was caught
because he had been servant of the Marquis St.Evermond. He
asked Charles to come to France to save him and tell that he was
trying to help the villagers as Charles told him by not collecting the
rent and returning the taxes to him.
7. Why did Charles make a decision to return to France?
He wanted to save his servant, Gabelle. He also wanted to
restore his good name.
8. How was Charles journey to Paris difficult?
-At every village Chares met citizen-patriots armed with muskets
as they demanded identification papers and checked names
against their own lists. By paying for the protection of armed
patriots, he finally reached the gates of Paris.
9. Why was Charles caught and sentenced to the prison of La
-He was caught because he was an emigrant. Emigration was a
new crime according to the new laws.
10. What favor did Charles ask Defarge to do for him?
He asked him to tell Mr. Lorry that he had been thrown into La

Comment on the following quotations:
1. I will lead the women. We can kill as well as men can.

2. Show me 105 North Tower! Quick!

3. Stop! Look here, Jacques! The letters A.M!

fled to
in chaos
rampaging mobs
sentence to die
loyal servant
identification papers
rot unjustly


Chapter 13
1. What gave Dr. Manette the power to help Charles in prison?
-The years of suffering in the Bastille gave him the power. People
welcomed him back in the city of Paris.
2. What was the sight that Mr. Lorry showed to Dr. Manette from
the window of Tellsons Bank in Paris?
-He showed him a huge grindstone being turned by the two
savage-looking men. Many men were fighting to get close to
sharpen their hatchets, knives and swords.
3. What was the meaning of the sight of the grindstone?
-This sight meant they were going to murder the prisoners at La
4. What did Mr. Lorry ask Dr. Manette to do to save Charles?
-He asked him to go out among the blood thirsty people and tell
them who he was and ask help for Charles.
5. What did the mob behave towards Dr. Manette after he
showed him his character?
-They greeted him and offered to help him with his kin. Then they
all went to the prison of La Force with Dr. Manette at the front.
6. Who handed the message of Dr. Manette to Mr. Lorry?
-It was Defarge who handed him the message.
7. What did Dr. Manette tell Mr. Lorry in his message?

-He told him that Charles was safe and that he cant leave the
prison so far.
8. Why did Mr. Lorry take Defarge to Lucie?
-Because he had a message for Lucie from Charles.
9. What terrified Lucie at the visit of the Defarges?
-The cold glare she got from Madame Defarge frightened her.
10. What was the decision of the self-appointed peoples court
after the defense of Dr. Manette?
-Their decision was made to spare Charless life but for his own
safety, he would have to remain in jail.
11. What happened to the French king after the revolution?
-He was tried and found guilty of crimes against the people. His
sentence was beheading by the guillotine.
12. How did the guillotine work in the French revolution?
-This terrible instrument was created by the revolution. Its victims
were wheeled through the streets in wooden carts among the
mobs. The guillotine provided great excitement for the blood
13. What was the new job of the road fixer after the revolution?
-His new job was to saw wood to build guillotines.


Comment on the following quotations:
1. I do not believe anyone in this city would harm methat suffering
will give me the power to help Charles.

2. Long live the Bastille prisoner! Long live his kin! Save Evremonde
from La Force!

3. Be brave, darling. I am well, and your father is helping me. Kiss
our child for me.

4. My business is sawing wood to build guillotine!

5. I thought that Perhaps I might be able to be less violent

6. I know the fellow. I will deliver the letter.


sheer terror
drag on suspicion
back up


Chapter 14
A spy is unmasked
1. Who were the witnesses of Charless trial?
-They were Dr. Manette and Theophile Gabelle.
2. Why was Charles arrested again after he was freed?
Because he was denounced by Defarge and his wife and by one
other person.
3. What surprise did Miss Pros have while shopping with Jerry
She met her brother Solomon in Paris.
4. Why was Miss Pros ashamed of her brother?
Because he was a prison official in a foreign country.
5. What was Solomons role in Charles Draneys trial in London?
Solomon was the same John Barsad who witnessed against
Charles in London.
6. What was Solomons job in Paris?
-He acted as a prison official in Paris.
7. Who was Solomon?
He was Miss Pros brother who stole her money and escaped. He
worked as a spy for both the English and the French government.

He also worked as a prison spy in Paris. He also worked as a spy
against the people of Saint Antoine.
8. What power did Sydney have upon Solomon that could force
him to do anything?
-He can tell the French revolution that Solomon was once in the
service of the English government and now he lives with another
name in France. This means he was an English Spy.
9. Who was the other spy with Solomon?
He was Roger Cly who witnessed in Charles trial in London.
10. Why did John Barsad hide the identity of Roger Cly?
-He pretended that Roger Cly died to be able to escape from
11. What arrangements did Sydney Cartoons have with John
-He arranged that if it goes badly with Charles during the trial, he
will be able to see him once more in his cell.
12. What was Sydneys plan in saving Charles Draneys life?
-He planned to go into his cell. He would use the likeness between
them he would ask John Barsad to take him out of prison. He
would be put on the guillotine instead of him.


Comment on the following quotations:
1. He has been denounced by the citizen and citizeness Defarge
and one other person.

2. Dont call me Solomon! Do you want me to be killed?

3. You didnt use the name Solomon Pross when you were in Paris.

4. So, now you can also be accused in Saint Antoine of having links
with another spy working for the English government.

5. Only that if it goes badly with Charles, I will be able to see him
one last time.



Chapter 15
1. What was Charles accused of and by whom?
How was accused of being an enemy of the Republic. He was
denounced by Ernest Defarge, his wife and Dr. Manette.
2. What was the most important evidence against Charles
-It was the note that Defarge found in 105 North Tower. In this note
Dr. Manette accused the family of the Marquis of being Tyrants and
lived off the blood of the people. In this note, Dr. Manette
denounced the Marquise and their heirs.
3. What was the content of the letter that was found in Dr.
Manettes cell?
It was a note written on the tenth year of Dr. Manettes
imprisonment. In this note he told of how the Marquise family killed
a woman, her brother and father and how they lived off the blood of
the people. They were also responsible of sending him to prison for
18 years.
4. What was the story of the family that suffered because of the
Evermonde family?
This family consists of a father a brother and two sisters. They
were tenants. The Evermonde Family taxed them and took their

crops for their animals and barely fed them enough to keep them
The worst thing the Evermonde family did was that they took one of
the sisters from her husband for their pleasure. When her husband
refused, they torched him until he died in his wifes arms. Then they
took the young woman for their pleasure. When her father knew
that, it broke his heart. So the brother took the other sister to a
place beyond the reach. One night he climbed in the window to kill
that man and save his sister but he was stabbed. He and his sister
were dead.
5. What did Dr. Manette decide to do to unreveal the secret of the
poor family used by the Evermonde?
He decided to write to the minister at the kings court explaining
what had happened to that poor family.
6. Who visited Dr. Manette one day after the death of the woman
and her brother?
The wife of the Marquise and her child, Charles.
7. Why did the wife of the Marquise visit Dr. Manette?
She wanted to express her sorrow for the actions the Marquise
family did. She wanted to find the other sister and help her. She
wanted to turn the anger of Heaven away from the Evermonde
family. She feared that little Charles may have to pay for his fathers
crime one day.
8. Why was Dr. Manette caught and put in prison for 18 years?

He was caught because he wrote to the minister about the crimes
of the Evermonde Family.
9. How was Dr. Manette caught and put in prison?
One December 31, a man came to the doctors house and told
him that there was a medical emergency. When the doctor went out
with him, he was tied and forced onto a coach. Then he was
brought to the Bastille.
Comment on the following quotations:
1. In a hole in the chimney of the cell, behind a stone, I found this
paper in Dr. Manettes handwriting.

2. One December 22, 1757, I was walking near my house when a
carriage drew up behind me and a voice called out my name.

3. My husband, my father, my brother.

4. These noblemen rob us, beat us, and kill us.


5. For I fear if I do not, one day Charles may have to pay for his
fathers crimes.

1. For this I denounce them and their heirs, to the last of their race.



Chapter 16
A fateful Meeting
1. Why did Sidney Carton go to the wine shop before going to
save Charles life?
He wanted the people of Saint Antoine to see him and know that
there was an English man who looked like Charles Darney.
2. How did Defarge and his wife disagree about Dr. Manettes
Madame Defarge wanted to denounce Lucie and her child. She
wanted to get rid of the race of the Evermonde family. While
Defarge felt sorry for Dr. Manette and Lucie. He wanted to forgive
for his sake.
3. Why did Madame Defarge feel great hatred towards Charles
She felt hatred towards Charles because he was one of the
Marquise who killed her sister and brother. They also broke her
fathers heart.
4. Why did Sydney ask Mr. Lorry to take the doctor, Lucie and her
child out of France as quickly as possible?
Because Sidney overheard Madame Defarge and he knew that
she was going to denounce Lucie and her child as well.
5. What was Sidneys plane to save Lucie with her child and

Sydney gave Mr. Lorry his travel papers and the travel papers of
the doctor and Lucie. He asked Mr. Lorry to get a coach ready at
two oclock before the time of the guillotine and have a seat ready
for him to catch up with them.
6. What was the content of Charles last letter to Lucie in prison?
He reassured Lucie of his love for her. He begged her to be
strong. He asked Dr. Manette to take care of Lucie and the child.
He asked Mr. Lorry to look after his business affairs.
7. What did Sidney do to Charles when he visited him in prison?
He asked Charles to exchange clothes with him. He asked him to
change his hair style like his. Then he put a piece of clothes soaked
with the chemists liquid and made him unconscious. He asked the
guard to take him to the coach waiting outside the prison.
Comment on the following quotations:
1. Why are you so bitter against the wife and child, Madame?

2. That peasant family described in it was my family.

3. I heard Madame Defarge make plans to denounce them.


4. There is no time to explain. Just take off your jacket and tie and
boots, and put on mine.

5. Carry him to his coach and take him immediately to Mr. Lorry at
the place of our plans. Keep your end of the deal, Barsad, and my
lips will be sealed forever.

Chapter 17
Fleeing the Revolution
1. Who were travelling on the coach from France to England?
-They were Mr. Lorry, Dr. Manette, Lucie and her child and Charles
Darney. Charles was unconscious and travelled with the papers of
Sydney Carton.


Chapter 18
Outwitting the Guillotine
1. How did Defarge and his wife disagree about Dr. Manettes
-Madam Defarge wanted to denounce them all and get rid of them
while Earnest Defarge felt sorry for the family of Dr. Manette for
the sake of Dr. Manette.
2. Why did Madam Defarge ask the help of the wood cutter?
-She wanted the wood cutter to testify with her against Lucie
Manette. Madame Defarge wanted to denounce Lucie and her
3. Why did Madam Defarge have great hatred against Charles,
Lucie and their child?
Madame Defarge was the fleeing sister of the dead woman who
was killed and her brother by the twins Evermonde. She knew this
after she read the message of Dr. Manette.
4. What evidence did Madame Defarge prepared against Lucie?
She wanted to woodcutter to testify that she saw her making
signs to the prisoners from the road. Then she wanted to let Lucie
witness her husbands death sentence. This will make her full of
anger against the Republic. She will surely speak of her anger
against the Revolution. This will serve as an evidence against her.

5. What was the reason of the fight between Miss Pross and
Madame Defarge? How did this fight end?
-Madame Defarge went to the house of Lucie but she did not find
her. Only Miss Pros was there. She asked about Lucie. Miss Pross
wanted to delay her until Lucie left the city of Paris. Miss Pros
pretended that Lucie was in one of the rooms and she blocked the
way to it. When Madame Defarge insisted in entering the room, a
fight happened between the two women. Madame Defarge
reached the pistol on her side but Miss Pros was quicker. The
pistol fired at Madame Defarge and she fell on the floor dead.
6. How did Sidney Carton keep his promise for Lucie?
He promised her that he would lay down his life for her
happiness. He was so honest that he saved her husband from
death and he was killed instead of him.
Comment on the following sentences:
1. Because while my husband is a good Republican and a brave
man, he feels sorry for the doctor.

2. You are a hard woman but I am harder. I know of your evil
plans, but you wont succeed.

3. I see my dear friends for whom I am giving my life living
peaceful, useful, happy lives.

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