Joinery. A A: Chat. 675

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will stand much better than wlien they are vertical. A is the plan of the base inverted,
and B is the elevation.
2203. The formation of a modern Ionic capital is given in
Jig. 798., wherein A is the
plan inverted, showing the method of placing the blocks ; and li is the elevation.
2204. Fig. 799. is the method of glueing up for the leaves of the Corinthian capital, A i.
tlie plan inverted, and B is the elevation. The abacus is glued up in the same mannei
as in the preceding example.
2205. Fig. 800. exhibits the mode of forming a cylindrical surface without veneers, by
means of equidistant parallel grooves, A is the elevation, and B the plan.
2206. Fig. 801. exhibits the method of covering a conic body. It is, in fact, no more
than covering the frustum of a cone, and is accomplished by two concentric arcs terminated
at the ends by the radii. Tlie radius of the one arc
is the whole slant side of the cone, that of the other
is the slant side of tlie part cut off. In this case,
the grooves are directed to the centre, and filled in
with slips of wood glued as before. The plan is
shown by the circle ABC. The arc HI must be
equal to the circumference ABC.
2207. Fig. 802. shows the same thing for a
smaller segment.
2208. Fig. SO.S. shows the manner of glueing up
a globe or sphere by the same method. A is the
face of the piece ; B the edge showing the depth
of the grooves; C shows the mould for forming
the piece to the true curvature ; and D the faces
of two pieces put together.
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