Lesson Plan Detail: Ex 1-Write The First Answer On The Board and Ask Ss To Tell

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Lesson planning
Lesson Plan Detail
Time /
Procedure Tutors Comments
2 min
Whole class
4 min
2 min
Whole class
As! ss i" the# remem$er %hat the# learnt last %ee! %ith
Tell ss %e are going to learn another t#pe o" (uestions'
Ex 1) Write the *rst ans%er on the $oard and as! ss to tell
me %hat the (uestion is'
Tell ss the#re going to read the ans%ers and then
complete the (uestions individuall#' Teacher monitors and
helps ss %here needed'

Chec! in pairs
Chec! as class and stic! (uestions on the $oard as the#
sa# the ans%ers'
+ min
Whole class
Feedback on Ex 1)
Loo! at $oard, %hat !ind o" %ord is this- A (uestion %ord'
.sho% ver$s/ And these-
And %hat is in $et%een the HOW and the ver$- What t#pe
o" %ords are the#-
Ad0ectives, Adver$s' 1uch and 1an# .%hen do %e use
MUCH and %hen MANY/
Lesson planning
And in $et%een W2AT and the ver$-
3oun' 4ind o"/ sort o"/ t#pe o" 5 noun E67 What !ind o"
pi88a do #ou li!e-
We can com$ine HOW and WHAT %ith other %ords to $egin
Drill (uestions to sho% them %here the stress goes and
an# contractions'
2 min
Whole class
2 min
Whole class
Tell the ss to as! me the (uestions in E6 :'
Tell them to %or! in pairs and as! and ans%er (uestions
"rom E6 :' Teacher monitors and helps ss %hen needed'
As! students to tell the class %hat their partner ans%ered'
2 min
Whole class
2 min
2 min
Whole class
Write do%n on the $oard the prompts "rom Ex 3.
What (uestions can %e as! %ith these'
Imagine #ou have a ne% neigh$our' Individuall#, %rite 4
(uestions #ou %ould li!e to as! #our ne% neigh$our' ;se
these prompts to help #ou'
Are #ou going to %or! in pairs- Are #ou going to %rite-
2o% man# (uestions-
Chec! in pairs' And decide %hich is the most interesting
Lesson planning
Chec! as a class'
2 min
Whole class
Teacher ma!es a list o" < "amous Argentines' As! ss to put
in order "rom $est to %orst neigh$our'
Tell ss to ma!e a list o" < "amous Argentines and put them
in order'
Whole class
4 min
=roups o"
: min
Whole lass
E6plain %h# I thin! one o" the people on m# list %ould $e
good or $ad neigh$ours' As! ss to thin! o" reasons %h# the
rest %ould $e good or $ad'
Tell ss to %or! in groups o" and tal! o" the people in their
list and %h# the# %ould $e good or $ad neigh$ours'
Whole class "eed$ac!

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