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Part A: - Australian Designers

Select one Australian Chef or Cook Book Author and answer the
following questions:
1. Name the designer.
Donna Hay is the Australian Chef I am researching.
2. Write a profile about the designer providing personal details,
education, work history etc.
Donna Hay was born in Sydney, Australia. Donna Hay has two
children named Angus Wilson and Tom Wilson.
Donna Hay, at the age of eight went inside the kitchen and never
looked back. Donna Hay is Australias leading food editor and
bestselling cookbook author. Donnas career kick started when
she was 19. Donna Hay has launched cook books, magazines and
has had television appearances. Donna Hay is known for her
amazing food. Donna Hay has been very successful over many
Donna Hay has been nominated for many awards for example;
James Beard Award for photography and James Beard Award for
General Cooking.
3. Identify and discuss any career highlights.
Donna Hay received an ASTRA award, she completed a cooking
series on television Fast, Fresh, Simples and has also been an
author of many cook books and magazines. Donna Hay launched
a magazine called the Donna Hay magazine it had subscribers in
82 countries and was the highest in the app store in Australia.
4. Outline how the design process has been used by the
designer. How to they go about creating a new product
The design process has helped the chef Donna Hay in her career
because she has planned her thoughts in detail and followed the
steps to achieve her personal goals she also put in the effort and
worked really hard. The design process also helped Donna Hay
with her cooking as she researched from many sources and
developed her ideas by asking others what they would like.

5. Describe how the designers work has impacted on or
improved our lifestyle.
Donna Hay has impacted or improved our lifestyle because she
cooks simple but nutritious food. Donna Hay has given us a variety
of foods we can try this ranges from Entre, Main or Dessert.

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