DK Running Club News Letter Sept 2014

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DK Running Club News Letter

September 2014
Hi to you all, hope you all had a fabulous
summer and are fit and raring to go for
the new running season ahead. Thank
you to all of you for getting your
membership renewals in and a very warm
welcome to anybody new who has joined
us, I hope you are enjoying being a
member of the DK family. If you have any
questions please ask anyone on the
committee who will be pleased to help
As always there is up to date information
on the club web site, our club
facebook page and the DK Twitter feed,
@dkrunningclub. If you want anything
putting on the web page please send the
details to our new webmaster Mark Judge
This is your club newsletter so if there is
anything you want including send it to the
address below. Funny or inspiring stories,
race reports or photos, recipes or hints
and tips, all very welcome!
Club News
We have a full new committee elected
ready and willing to try and help keep the
running club going and organise the odd
social and event or two! However this is
your club and we want your feedback to
make being a member as enjoyable and
rewarding as possible. Dave Garbutt has
taken up the challenge of being the new
club chairman and we would like to wish
him every success in the role. Full details
of the whole committee can be found on
the website.
Chairman Dave Garbutt
Secretary Gary Bonner
Membership Sally McConville
Webmaster Mark Judge
Male Rep/Beginners Coach John Glover
Female Rep/Beginners Coach Ingrid Cain
Female XC Mng Alison Whitehouse
Male XC Mng Richard Sanwald
Communications Sarah Kennard
Male Reps Lee Avery, Graham Wildgoose
Female Reps Sarah Cox, Sue Payton, Helen
There have been some great
performances, pbs and first time races
through 2013-14 across the club members
together with some successful club events
including the more recent Thunder Run
and Magic Mile. Well done everyone!
If there is anyone out there who is willing
to take over from Mark Judge and
organising the Thunder Run for 2015 then
please let us know.
Dates for your diaries for the main club
races this season as follows:
DK New Yrs Handicap 1
Jan 2015
DK10k May 6
Blymhill 10k June 20
2015 (evening
We will be looking for a committee to
come together soon to start the process
of organising the next DK10k so please
think about signing up. It takes a lot of
work behind the scenes in the months
leading up to the race as well as on race
night so all help is gratefully received.
The 2013/14 Club Grand Prix is hotting up
and there appears to be a race to the
finish! There is still the opportunity to get
some end of season points and get your
jokers in; please can you ensure Dave
Norman has all your details by the end of
October. We are also looking for
nominations for the most improved male
and female runner and the best male and
female performance of the year. Please
can you send nominations to Dave
Norman at
Club Presentation Eve - The club
presentation evening will be held on
Friday 21
November in the club house.
Cost will be 1 on the door and there will
be buffet, presentation and raffle
together with the chance to socialise with
all members of the club. Last year was a
great success so we hope to see you all
there again this year.
Runners Feedback - At last weeks
committee meeting we agreed that we
would speak to members to gather your
ideas for developing the club. We want to
hear your views and ideas about a range
of things including:
How we organise ourselves for club runs
on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Sunday.
How do we help our beginners to
improve their confidence, pace and
distances once they join the main group?
How do we help our established runners
to push on and improve further if they
want to?
Are there any beliefs about running on a
Monday and Wednesday with DK which
prevent people from doing this?
What stops members from entering
races or joining the DK Cross Country
Would you like to do more on the social
scene and are you willing to help
What categories (both fun and serious)
would you like to see in the annual club
awards night?
Which communications do you use in
the main, email, website, Facebook,
If there are any more areas, ideas,
suggestions not covered by the above
lets hear them as well.
The committee are genuinely keen to hear
your ideas and suggestions please. The
Reps are happy to talk to you about them
when running or you can message Helen
Davies, Graham Wildgoose or Lee Avery
with your thoughts.
We will collate your views over the next
couple of weeks and feed them into the
committee at the next meeting in early
Christmas Dance - Anyone who has
booked a place at this years Christmas
Dance on Friday 19
December, the
remaining monies are now due. Please
can you ensure you give the outstanding
balance of 15 per ticket to John Glover
by the end of the month.
Hot Food Available - there will now be
hot food available for runners on a
Thursday night provided in the rugby club
house. Prices range from 1-3.
Speed Sessions Dave Norman organises
speed training sessions on a Thursday
night at 6.30pm at the club. If you fancy
something different everybody is
welcome to attend see facebook for
details each week.
Rugby Club Prize Draw
The weekly Rugby Club cash prize draw
has started again. Every Thursday evening
between 9.30-10pm there is a prize draw
and all club members are eligible for the
cash prize. You need to be at the club at
the time of the draw to win the prize
otherwise there is a roll over to the
following week. If you can, come along,
have a drink and meet more members of
the club.
Coaching Courses
There are running coaching and
leadership courses available for those that
wish to take them up. Gary has all the
details and will be circulating information
soon. The club is happy to fund these
courses on the understanding that
members provide at least 10 coached
sessions or take on a leadership role on
club running nights. Anyone interested in
taking a course please let us know.
New Beginners Course
John and Ingrid led another very
successful Beginners Course this year and
were very pleased and grateful for all the
support from a number of existing
members. Its great to see so many new
peopke not only completing the course
but also joining the club in full and taking
their running to a new level.
DK Club Kit
DK Club Kit is available to order directly
from The Sports Shop in Kingswinford.
You can order any item you like from the
shop which can be viewed on line at
http://www.thesportsshopkingswinford.c These can then
have the DK logo printed or embroidered
on as you wish together with
names/phrases. (Additional charges may
apply for names etc)
Standard kit in club colours is available as
per the list attached. Samples of the kit
will be available to view/try on at the club
presentation night and Sarah Kennard will
also be taking orders. Payment will be
due on the night, cheques will be
Official DK Club running vests are
available from Gary Bonner and John
Club Cross Country
The Cross Country season will soon be
starting and Alison and Richard will be
recruiting members to join the team.
Anyone can join the Cross Country team
so as long as you can run 4 miles for the
ladies and 6 miles for the men, dont mind
a bit of mud and are up for some fun! Let
them know if youd like more information
and join the team. You dont have to be
able to race at all events and anyone
running would help contribute to the
teams overall performance even if you are
not in a scoring position.
Dates and venues for this seasons events
will be sent round and added to the web
site. The first two fixtures are the 8
and the 7
Good Luck to the x2 ladies and x2 mens
teams we have running at the Sutton Park
Road Relays on the 20
Contacts for XC as follows;
Alison -
Race Diary
There are a number of great local races
coming up all of which are usually
frequented by lots of hoops so good luck
to those who are entered and if you are
looking for something to try there is a full
race diary on the web site.

Fancy a Hike with Paul, Preston &
Keep looking on the facebook page/web
site and emails for the latest walks
planned by Paul & Preston. These are
arranged every few months and are
another way to socialise with other club
members and try some new walks/hikes.
Family and friends welcome to come too.
Our Man Abroad
Brian keeps sending through updates of
his running adventures in Tenerife. Hope
the injury gets better soon Brian and
youre back to racing round that volcano!
Now the nights are drawing in and its
getting dark earlier can we please request
that you ensure you are wearing hi viz
clothing for both yours and your fellow
runners safety.
It is also particularly important that
everyone ensures that the last runner at
the back of whatever group you are
running with is looked after. Please can
groups ensure that all runners are
accounted for and aware of the planned
route at each re grouping point so no-one
is left behind.

Happy Running

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